Plane Universe

Chapter 524: Earth exposed

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The man of Qiang Wu Kingdom is a character that Cheng Buyun appreciates very much, because he has been very good to Luo Feng from beginning to end. It can be said that he has no spare power. Since Luo Feng began to play a bit in the genius war, he has always given the Luo family convenience. And took care of Luo Hai personally.

So ... Cheng Buyun is a house of love and black, that is, he has no treasures now, otherwise he will definitely give him a few, so that he does not need such an embarrassment.

Really, in recent years, dry witches have n’t really mixed up. They owe several friends a debt. Some friends do n’t say that, but dry witches are still sad, because he knows that those friends do n’t want to force him.

"Sit." Lord Gan Wu smiled and pointed his finger to the seat. "We haven't seen a talented elite genius like you in a long time, especially if I don't even have Qiangan universe, even Luo Fengna. There has never been such a talented person. It is the luck of our humanity and the luck of my cosmic kingdom, yes, very good! "

Lord Gan Wu looked at Cheng Buyun admiringly, and there was a scorching heat in the deep golden eyes.

For Cheng Buyun, he loved it more and more.

Cheng Buyun, his mind and his talents are first-class, and he has the conditions for all strong men. He dare not guess at random about his future achievements.

Especially Cheng Buyun has only practiced for hundreds of years, and the breath of his body fluctuates, which is too strong.

Of course, the breath in Cheng Buyun's body is naturally inferior to that of the witch lord. The master of dry witches is compared with other genius elites by Cheng Buyun. Compared with other genius elites, other genius elites differ by several levels. Judging by the master of witches is very big.

"Fair praise." Cheng Buyun smiled.

"I'm telling the truth." The Lord Wu Wu smiled. "People should know themselves clearly, but if they are too modest, it's hypocrisy, and it also despise themselves."

The Lord of the Witching Kingdom waved his hand and continued, "I think I have practiced for so many years, and my eyesight is still a bit. Your achievements are at least at my level. As far as the highest step is concerned, I dare not arbitrarily evaluate."

Seeing Cheng Buyun say this before himself, his face did not change much, and his mood remained calm. I couldn't help but sighed again in the bottom of my heart. I really wanted it.

"If you need it in the future, you can talk about it. I can't help with the treasures and money now. I'm still a little bit useful under my command." The Lord Gan Wu promised with a smile.

"Okay, if necessary, I won't be polite to the Lord of the Witchcraft Kingdom." Cheng Buyun smiled, and the Witchcraft was always nestled in the mysterious realm of the Witchcraft Universe. Of course, his pockets were clanging poorly, except for a little points money. , Zhibaodianzhongbao point, what is estimated to be a zero egg state.

But he didn't dare to go out and take risks, he was afraid of falling again, and then he was resurrected by the Lord of the universe in the group, and he owed a large sum of money again, and he could not really turn over.

The esteem of the human race itself has fallen, and even if it owes a large amount of contribution to the race, the Lord of the universe will also resurrect him, which is the welfare that human beings should have. This is not the case with the alien venerable. Once dead and resurrected, you need to spend a large amount of contribution points. Without the contribution points, the universe masters in the human race will not resurrect you unless your friend replaces you. Contribute points.

Therefore, many Venerables are dead.

Or maybe the Lord of the Universe was in a good mood that day, suddenly whim, to resurrect this fallen Venerable.

So, this is the sorrow of the weak ethnic group.

Then, Lord Wu Wu began to point out the experience of Cheng Buyun's cultivation, but with the conversation between the two, Lord Wu Wu was very surprised. He didn't expect that Cheng Buyun's achievements in the law of space origin were so high that he was so high Surprised, and finally changed color.

Then there is shock and horror!

"Unexpectedly, your achievements in the law of the origin of space are so profound. Originally, I still wanted to keep your mind in mind, and finally it became an exchange." The Lord Gan Wu sighed, this is evil! ! !

It's just perverted evil.

There is no evil in the universe.

Referred to as "eternal evil".

"I also have a better talent for the law of space, so I have practiced for hundreds of years to have this achievement today." Cheng Buyun calmly said that his physique is already the body of the law of space under the training of time and space.

"This is not a rule of space. Talent can erase your efforts. Without a good understanding, without a deep state of mind cultivation, no matter how good the talent is, you can't become a strong man." , The shock in my heart can't be remedied, and the expression on my face hasn't been put away now. "You are only one step away from the Venerable. Try harder to the origin of the rule of gold and break through as soon as possible. As long as you Breaking into immortality will immediately add an immortal-grade king invincible to my humanity, and in the near future, will become a new respecter of our human race. "

"I'm already working hard." Cheng Buyun nodded.

"That's good, I don't have a way to guide you in the law of the origin of space, because you and I are actually the same. The only thing missing is the secret law." Lord Gan Wu laughed and said: "I still have some insight into the law of the origin of the event. Today we will discuss it. The law of the origin of the event, see how much you have mastered, and then pass on several secret methods. "

"Thank you very much." Cheng Buyun stood up and bowed, and the Lord of the Witching Kingdom began to spend money to get it, ready to teach himself the secret recipe he created.

The original area of ​​the virtual universe Yuxiang Mountain.

Luo Feng flew from his manor and flew towards the space-time manor.

"His Royal Highness."

As soon as Luo Feng entered the space-time manor, the servants shouted respectfully.

Luo Feng nodded gently, and walked in the study room with a diameter. The pace was a little anxious. When he came out of the study room, he raised his hand and knocked a few times and shouted, "Brother Buyun ..."

"Brother Bu Yun." Luo Feng shouted again and again after hearing no response.

"Come in." Cheng Buyun's voice immediately rang.

Since Cheng Buyun logs into the virtual universe only a little soul consciousness, the action will be very limited, which is equivalent to a puppet, and sometimes there will be unresponsive situations.

Cheng Buyun suddenly opened his eyes and stood up in the study. This is the reality that Cheng Buyun's soul strength began to bless, and he said to Luo Feng who came in: "Sit."

"Brother Yun ... I have a trouble today." Luo Feng said as soon as he sat down, frowning.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Buyun was strange.

"This is the case. Just now, the" Undead Sovereign "belonging to the giant axe fighting field passed a message through my teacher Zhenyan Wang and said that he wanted to contact me." Luo Feng frowned: "I was also very ignorant at that time, just now, The Undead Sovereign contacted me and wanted my Milky Way as soon as I spoke. Later I said yes, the Milky Way can be given to the Undead Sovereign, I only keep the earth. But the Undead Sovereign immediately threatened me and said that I would kill me, and finally I still insist that the earth does not sell, and then he appreciates my courage, only let me send him an island on the earth to him ... "

"So, in the end I agreed, I think, a small island doesn't matter, it's just ..." Luo Feng looked very puzzled. He couldn't figure out how big people like Undead Sovereign could see such remote places as the earth, so he Come and ask Cheng Buyun, what secrets are hidden on the earth, so that the undead Venerables have lowered their faces and want to **** the earth.

"Earth exposed?" Cheng Buyun stared at the eyes, thinking in his heart, fast enough, it is estimated that 'Big Brother Hong' has already left Chaos City, this guy, out of Chaos City does not contact himself and others, silently Without interest, go to the sea of ​​fantasy.

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