Plane Universe

Chapter 537: Venerable Nine Swords is stupid

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Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

Venerable Nine Swords, Venerable Lanyu, Venerable Demon, etc. mobilized such a huge immortal army, and gathered at the ninth teleportation point in the original secret realm, of course, almost all the senior executives of the virtual universe company Knowing that, what happened on the earth can not be concealed, causing many Venerables to ask.

This earth event has aroused the attention of many powerful beings.

After all, the three sacred fire lords, the lord of the witch lord, and the sacred person Lan Yu were all present.

Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

"Haha, I and my friends on the side of the Giant Axe Fighting Field were not only venerable, but also the Lord of the Undead. There are actually many Cosmic Venerables on the side of the Giant Axe Fighting Field. The earth, but Venerable Fire Defender is the first to start. "

"However, he failed to succeed and was forced to retreat by our gang witch and Lan Yu, which is very popular."

"Yes, if the earth is truly a treasure, it should be my virtual universe company. The lord of the earth, a little guy named Luo Feng, is a genius trained by our virtual universe company."

"Even if it's a treasure land, don't forget, there are still two geniuses on the earth. Among them, Cheng Buyun is very optimistic for many people. Even if he wants to contribute, it will be very troublesome."

"What's the trouble? Is he a little guy who can still fight against so many of us?"

"Okay, now the earth is a treasure land and two people say, what are you doing so anxiously."

Nine Sword Venerable shook his head, even if it was a treasure land, he did not want to be too embarrassed to become Bu Yun. After all, Cheng Buyun was a genius he valued, and as time passed, he found that more and more powerful people value Cheng Buyun In particular, the current member of the management team, the person who respected Yulan Lan was more attentive.

And this earth incident, there were six management members who helped the earth, and the woman in Lan Yu personally went out of her way to fight the Venerable Fire Lord. Is Venerable Fire Evil? Lan Yu, the woman who does no good, will do it? There must be something he did not understand.

It is likely that during this time, Cheng Buyun estimated what was exposed, which made this woman very valued.

After all, Lan Yuyu had a man who served as a guard in Cheng Buyun.

"Nine Swords, this earth is a very ordinary life planet. If there is something special, it would have been discovered a long time ago. What is the reason for the large number of cosmic Venerables in the giant axe fighting field to send their hands to the earth.

"What's so special about the earth, nine swords, you talk about it!"

"I really don't know at all."

Thunder Island, Palace of the Nine Swords Sovereigns, those powerful cosmic Sovereigns and the Lords of the Universe come, but leave one by one. Venerable.

In the other two palaces of Thunder Island, there was nothing to be spared. A Venerable Lord asked the Venerable Lan Yu and the Lord of Witchcraft.

The two of them are on the scene and the situation should be clearer.

"Although I'm present, I protect Luo Feng. What is special about the earth? I don't know. You can't believe me. There's no way for you to believe me."

She also wondered, what is special about the earth?


The people who were taken away and returned by the Nightmare King quickly returned home, and everything calmed down as before.

The destroyed garden of Time and Space Company has also been repaired. Cheng Buyun, Luo Feng, Zhen Yan Wang, Tong Nan Wang, Bloodthirsty King, Aoya, Dylan, Shangguan Yun, etc. are sitting, even Wang Ya and other women Are all present.

"I just heard the news that this time it was not only the horses under the sacred fire lord, but also many sages in the giant axe fighting martial arts sent people to come. Only when I knew that the lord of the dry witch kingdom and the venerable Lan Yu, Many of the men and women under His Holiness retreated back halfway. ”Tong Nan Wang said with a puzzled expression on his face:“ Luo Feng, Bu Yun, what is so special about your earth, that it has caused so many big people to patronize? ” "

"I don't hide from you. The earth is a little bit special, but it can't be said now, it will be clear in the future." Cheng Buyun snatched the words, with a hint of mystery on his face, "Now I just want to see, high-level How exactly does this matter deal with the earth. "


King Zhen Yan was shocked and even asked: "If there is something special, it is likely that the earth will not be able to keep it."

"It's really my worry." Tong Nan Wang nodded, "If it's just a little special, it's okay, but today's scene, even Venerable Huo Hu, who played in person, may be very precious."

Luo Feng listened quietly, his expression calm, but he was very helpless.

The earth was transformed by alien powers, and now exposed, the consequences are unpredictable.

"Don't think about it now, no matter how special it is, this earth is also ours, so you can practice with peace of mind." Cheng Buyun smiled and said that he didn't worry too much about the fate of the earth.

"Yes, do n’t think too much, you do n’t have the strength, you ca n’t fight for something, you ca n’t do it now. Now you can diligently dive in, and step into the main level early. The main level is the most important stage of cultivation, and it is also a stage that determines fate. "" Zhen Yan Wang smiled.

Luo Feng focused on his head.

Cheng Buyun smiled. Zhenyan Wang was very sincere in treating his disciples. When he learned that the earth was threatened by irresistible force, he didn't even think about it, and immediately went out to support his disciples himself.

Suddenly, Luo Feng looked stunned, and looked at Cheng Buyun. When he saw the latter, he blinked and stood up with a smile and respectfully said: "Teacher, Senior King Tong Nan, Venerable Nine Swords, I will go and lie down first. . "

"Oh, go quickly, don't let His Holiness wait for a long time." Zhen Yan Wang slightly startled, and nodded immediately.

Cheng Buyun and Luo Feng both nodded and immediately enhanced their awareness of the virtual universe network.

Yuxiang Mountain, primitive area, space-time manor.

The two figures stood in the manor for a while, and a stream of light flew from the sky, and they immediately arrived in front of the manor. It was King Longyu.

"Because you haven't reached the immortal god, you can't go to Thunder Island." Long Jade King arrived, without any politeness, said immediately: "This time you go to see the Venerable, it is the exclusive plane space for the Venerable."

"it is good!"

Cheng Buyun and Luo Feng nodded in agreement and followed behind Long Yu.

The three first arrived at a teleportation point in Yuxiang Mountain, and then teleported directly to the plane space of Nine Sword Venerable.

Exclusive space, only the venerable powerhouses within the five forces can apply at the virtual universe company,


The three of them instantly reached the space of Nine Sword Venerable.

Standing at the foot of a mountain, looking up at the nine majestic sword mountains that seemed to break through the sky, Cheng Buyun and Luo Feng couldn't help but marvel. The nine sword-shaped peaks are all hundreds of thousands of kilometers high. With their eyesight, they can only vaguely see the outline of profiteers, especially the highest sword mountain in the center.

"The Venerable is in the Temple of Nine Swords." Long Yuwang looked at the expressions of the two and smiled slightly. When she saw the nine sword mountains, she was so amazed. She took the two of them directly into the palace complex in the Central Canyon surrounded by nine sword mountains. The continuous palaces are beautiful, and the temple of nine swords is the most majestic.

As Long Jade King entered the Nine Sword Temple, the immortal gods who guarded the temple were not blocked.

Entering the temple, there is a figure sitting on the throne high on the mountain.

"Sir." The three immediately saluted respectfully.

"Longyu, you go first." Qinglang's voice sounded.

"Yes." Long Jade King disappeared out of thin air.

Rumble ~~

The gate of the temple was suddenly closed, and there were only three people left in the hall-Luo Feng, Cheng Buyun, and Venerable Nine Swords.

After the gate of the temple was closed, the man with the purple and purple scales sitting on the throne above the main hall, the Nine Sword Sovereign, stood up and walked off the throne and came to the two.

Suddenly, a set of tables and chairs appeared in the hall. Venerable Jiujian smiled and said, "Luo Feng, don't be nervous, I won't eat you again."

Luo Feng laughed, can't you be nervous, you are a respecter, and I am not Bu Yun.

"Sit down." Cheng Buyun smiled and took Luo Feng to sit down together.

Nine Swordsman looked at the two kindly and smiled: "What can you tell me about these things happening on the earth?"

Luo Feng was stunned. Didn't the virtual universe company know the special nature of the earth?

"As far as I know, the Giant Axe Fighting Field is not only the Undead Sovereign, the Fire Sovereign Sovereign, but also more Cosmic Sovereigns who have sent their hands to the earth, but because they are too far away, they have not arrived . And this meeting, many cosmic Venerables already knew that Lord Gan Wu and Venerable Lan Yu were on Earth, so these people retreated back. So many Cosmic Venerables are concerned about the Earth, and you two as the strongest of the earth should know The reason. "Venerable Nine Swords looked at them with a smile.

"Okay!" Cheng Buyun nodded and said, "Today's words are in your ears, and I will ask you not to say it later. After all, I don't want to cause too many people to pay attention."

"No problem." Venerable Nine Sword nodded.

"Actually, the earth is very special. It is a life planet transformed by aliens." Cheng Buyun laughed.

"What?" Sovereign Jiu Jian's face was shocked, his eyes were rounded, and he asked a little in disbelief: "How powerful is it?"

"It should be on par with our human guardian." Cheng Buyun said with a straight face.

"Are you sure?" Venerable Nine Swords didn't ask Cheng Buyun if he knew who the strongest human race is. Since the name of the guardian of the human race can be mentioned, who else is the founder of the giant axe? ?

"I'm pretty sure." Cheng Buyun smiled and said these secrets, but also had his own consideration. Anyway, after some time, anyway, this secret can't be kept. It's better to say it by yourself, let the nine swordsmen Venerable guess.

"Then ... you are ..." Venerable Nine Swordsman with a shocked look carefully asked.

"Not to say!" Cheng Buyun pretended to be pretending.

Is this a big flag?

"No wonder!" Venerable Jiujian's face changed wildly. No wonder Cheng Buyun's surprise came as he knew a lot of things. It turned out to be a disciple of aliens.

"Please also ask Venerable Nine Swords to protect my secrets." Cheng Buyun sincerely said.

"Of course." Venerable Nine Sword nodded, and he did not want to lose his friendship with a disciple of alien talents.

As for whether it is true or false, Nine Sword Venerable can distinguish it, and he does not believe that there is no such a powerful person behind Cheng Buyun, why do he seem to know many things? Just like himself, when he was a little guy at that time, it was unclear what level the universe master was, let alone the strongest?

Even some immortal gods, if you ask him what is the Lord of the universe and what is the strongest, he may not be able to make it clear what level it is.

It's that simple!

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