Plane Universe

Chapter 550: Second negotiation

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The masters of the universe who are sitting in a row and not arguing are all people with a family behind them, or there is a group of disciples and grandchildren.

Their idea is very simple, get half of the ownership of the earth, when enough strong people are born on the earth, he will have more say.

"I still oppose giving the ownership of the earth to the earth's veins." The indifferent voice sounded, and it was finalized.

"I agree with the Lord of the Void Gold, the earth must have half of the ownership in our human race, and the management power belongs to our five major forces to jointly manage." Cold voice nodded in approval.

The Lord of Chaos shook his head secretly, but he could not say anything.

Because everyone is fighting at the moment, it is for the forces behind them.

"Everyone, we are battling here and there, no results, it is better to listen to the giant axe, how to deal with it, okay!" A burly figure sitting on the edge of the main chaos city, with a long dragon tail and binocular The man who implied the entire universe said.


The barbarian giant nodded and looked at the side of the dragon's head, that is, the body of his massive heavy scale armor, his forehead has two fiery red horns, a strange mysterious pattern on the face, and a few small scales Man, whispered: "Chaos, so you haven't heard anything yet, you talk about it."

"Well, that's the case, then I will say a few words." Chaos City Lord's voice is gentle. In fact, in his heart, he does not want his future disciples and those who are sitting to make trouble. He glanced at everyone calmly and said with a smile: "According to my understanding of the little guy, it is still desirable in terms of heart and nature, and he will not break away from the ethnic group for this matter. But ... if this resolution does not put the earth in its veins , It is likely to be awkward, and resentment is certain. Based on my guess ... this little guy is not simple, it is probably related to the inheritance of the alien powerhouse, and he has long felt that there is this day. arrival."

"Chaos, are you sure?" The Savage Giant's head twitched slightly, looking at the Chaotic City Lord, with an interrogative look in his eyes.

The Lord of Chaos smiled and shook his head slightly: "I'm just guessing. I have been inquiring about his background problems, but I haven't entered the country for so many years. Everyone sitting here knows that the aristocrat is good at training Disciple, refiner. If the little guy inherits each other's mantle in the future, it is estimated that everyone will be very uncomfortable. "

"Chaos, you are just guessing ... The preciousness of the earth is not something that can be compared."

"So ... I have nothing to say." The Lord of Chaos shook his head and shut up.

"In this case, vote!" The Savage Giant nodded. "Agree to give the earth's ownership to the earth, please raise your hands."

In addition to the savages and giants, many people, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Qingdong, and several Lords of the Universe Company raised their hands, but most of them did not move.

"There are only 8 votes in favor." Savage giant man said: "So ... Now discuss the treatment of the earth, so that the little guy does not resent the ethnic group, be more cautious, okay?"

"for sure."

"Since you have spoken about the giant axe, naturally this time will not let the earth suffer."

The Lord of the universe who won in this resolution smiled with a smile on his face and nodded.

"Chaos ..." The Savage Giant looked at the Lord of Chaos. "Before you had an agreement with the little guy, I won't start robbing anymore, and ... appease the little guy, don't let him have resentment against the ethnic group , As long as he later makes great contributions to the ethnic group, when he becomes the master of the universe, I promise to return the earth to them. "

"I will." The Lord of Chaos nodded, then smiled: "Jux, you still want to start grabbing my disciples, to know that he is a member of our virtual universe company, and more than a hundred years ago, I wanted to take him It ’s just the little guy who is so proud that he does n’t stand up to him. ”

"Indeed, he could be recognized by the three laws of origin, and he was sufficiently qualified to be a disciple, so you asked too much for chaos." The burly dragon master laughed, and he also wanted to succeed Yun, the little guy, accepted as a disciple, but the chaos city master started slightly faster, and he didn't move, giving up his mind, "However, the qualification is now enough, chaos, if you don't want it, I will start. "

"Go ..." The Lord of Chaos laughed and scolded, and said, "How many disciples have you received these years?"

"Haha ..." The Lord of Dragons said with a big smile: "Who doesn't like a talented disciple! It is a pity that at that time, I started a slower step for Aoya and let her worship an ordinary cosmic venerable teacher. "

"It's not too late now!" The Lord of Chaos laughed.

"That's ..." The master of the line nodded. "Aoya's talent is not low. Later, when she resigns as the leader of the guard of the little guy, I will accept her as a registered disciple."

In the joke about the existence of the Supreme People, we soon negotiated the disposal of the earth. Some people who are sitting are asking for all the management of the earth including the living space. As for the compensation for the material funds and the like, it is impossible for the people sitting to look at of.

What if you compensate 100 billion points? In other words, a master of the universe went to a higher secret realm, trivial things!



Cheng Buyun didn't know that the highest level had done a small meeting for the earth at this moment. Although he didn't know, he could imagine that he had such a great potential this time, and the highest level must have negotiated. of.

"Boy, it's my honor to be a witch, haha ​​... congratulations!" Witch saw Cheng Buyun opened his eyes and immediately laughed and congratulated him.

Cheng Buyun smiled and thanked, Lord Wu Wu estimated to have come to this garden for a long time.

At this moment, Venerable Lan Yu is also in this garden.

Obviously, to protect himself, Cheng Buyun is very clear.

"Brother Bu Yun, you are so powerful, the 21st floor of Tongtianqiao!" Luo Feng sighed, his face full of excitement.

"This is nothing, as long as you work hard enough, you will have such a day." Cheng Buyun smiled.

Zhen Yan Wang smiled, watching Cheng Buyun really looked more and more like it! What is even more rare is that the little guy has a good relationship with his disciples. With his help in the future, Luo Feng's future is much better than himself.

"Oh, my brother, the Lord of Chaos has ordered me to let you handle your affairs as soon as possible, and then let me and Lan Yu **** you to the initial universe." Gan Wu Kingdom smiled and said: "You are now our precious precious human race Wealth cannot continue to be exposed to the eyes of aliens, which is a bit dangerous! "

"Indeed, Buyun, you have exposed such talents now. You must be careful to protect them. The aliens may have a chance. Even the Venerable Universe will send them to assassinate you." Zhen Yan nodded.

"The death of the aliens is my human heart, and Buyun is now showing such a powerful talent that the earth is already unsafe." Tong Nan Wang said: "Decide as soon as possible, be careful to ignore the aliens and forcefully send out a very strong presence in the universe. The attack will be a disaster for the earth by then. "

"Well, I know all this. I didn't want to stay in the earth anymore." Cheng Buyun nodded and said, "When the ownership of the earth is handled, I will immediately set off for the initial cosmic practice. A Feng ... "

"Brother Bu Yun, don't care about me, take your safety as the priority. When I finish the task of high points, I will soon go to the initial universe and meet you." Luo Feng saw Cheng Buyun looking at himself and smiled immediately. .

"Sovereign Luo Bi has sent me an email, and the Earth Negotiation Center has begun." His Holiness Lan Yu said: "Go, log in to the virtual universe network, or in your manor."

"Go!" The Lord Gan Wu laughed.

Cheng Buyun and Luo Feng glanced at each other and logged into the virtual universe network.

Yuxiang Mountain, primitive area, space-time manor.

The six people sat on the negotiating table again and continued to start negotiations.

The Bibi woman took out a newly written contract and handed it to Cheng Buyun, with a smile on her face: "This is the final contract, you see."

Cheng Buyun took over the contract, and after looking at it, he was angry, and his mentality exploded.

Unexpectedly, such a potential burst out. Those high-ranking universe masters were so disdainful that they did not put themselves in the eye.

Yes, genius is not equal to the strong.


I remember you.


Cheng Buyun threw the paper contract in his hand **** the table and shouted: "I remember, I hope they didn't ask me the day, hum!"

Luo Feng was shocked when he saw that Bu Yun had such a big temper. Will this contract be the same as before? He picked it up and looked at it, but at a glance, his eyes jumped. The content of this contract was much better than the previous one.

But this is for him, for Bu Yun brother, it is a bit despised. Because this is due to the strong potential of Bu Yun brother broke out, and this contract did not meet Bu Yun brother's expectations.

In Bu Yun's heart, the earth is priceless.

In his heart, who would sell his mother?

Only, there is no way.

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