Plane Universe

Chapter 552: Chaos City Lord's Shock

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Therefore, before returning to Cheng Buyun, the one who has been united has already made an abacus and made good friends with Cheng Buyun.

Cheng Buyun was originally a domain-level little guy, and it is not worth it for the deity to lay down his body for friendship, but before the Chaos City Master said privately, Cheng Buyun's future achievements are limitless and most fortunate Even worse, it can also be an invincible overlord.

Invincible overlord!

What is an invincible overlord?

There are no enemies under the Lord of the universe.

The existence of the same level, in the case of his time and space field, no one can beat him.

Cheng Buyun understands the thoughts of the one who is one, so he smiled and said: "Second Brother."

"Well. Come with me." The one-to-one person said with a smile as he walked. "The teacher has three avatars. The leader of the Chaos City is the mastermind, so you must be respectful, and you should not make the teacher unhappy."

"Yes." Cheng Buyun nodded in response.

The Lord of Chaos has three avatars, and staying in Chaos City to preside over it is the mastermind, Cheng Buyun knows. Hundreds of millions of people in the universe also know the skill of the Chaos City Lord. After all, the reputation of the Chaos City Lord also kills the endless alien strongman, so that the aliens remember the hatred, and this shocks the universe. At the same time, the power of avatars is still rare in the universe, and many of the masters of the universe are rare, and are relatively rare.

At least Cheng Buyun now does not have such means.

Moreover, the three avatars of the Lord of Chaos are all the same powerful. In addition to this one, two avatars are exploring in the "Cosmic Sea". For the future of humanity, they are always taking risks.

"Chaotic Ruins." As the one who walked along the way, Cheng Buyun saw a secluded courtyard in front of him, and there was a stone stele outside the courtyard. The word "Chaotic Ruins" on the stone stele knew the place where the chaotic city master retreat.

"Teacher is inside." The one who said to him, said he entered with Cheng Buyun.

Cheng Buyun stepped into it with the Oneness One.

Bang ~~~

Time and space reversed, and it was still in the main palace before, but Cheng Buyun stepped into the courtyard one step after another and felt that the battle had shifted towards the stars and came to a vast world.

At a glance at the endless earth, there are corpses everywhere. Some corpses are as large as planets, and some are smaller than humans, but that corpse contains a terrible breath of palpitation. Chaos City Lord countless hundreds of millions of years of killing alien strong, a landscape, is also a means of killing hundreds of millions of ethnic groups of Chaos City Lord.

Cheng Buyun and the One-Wayed Lord walked on this ruined earth that could not be seen at the end.

"Teacher." The honored one shouted respectfully to the figure in front of Wei An.

Looking up, Cheng Buyun looked at the invincible figure, his soul shook slightly, where was the invincible figure standing, a tall and burly man about three meters tall, wearing a bibi complex and simple dark red armor, feet Stepping on the combat boots, a scaled tail extended from the skirt.

When Cheng Buyun's eyes fell on this invincible figure, he felt that the soul was trembling. At first, he only saw a figure, and then he seemed to see the endless universe laws ... The magnificent and vast universe laws continue to circulate. With a killing breath, Cheng Buyun was instantly shocked.

The Lord of Chaos is indeed well-known.

Not as famous as seeing.

Just looking at the figure of the chaotic city master, Cheng Buyun almost immersed in to enlighten the endless laws of origin radiating from the opponent.


"Buyun ..." A slightly intimate voice rang out, all the illusions had disappeared before, the endless starry source laws of the other party had dissipated, and Cheng Buyun could see the invincible figure again with his naked eyes.

Wearing a dark red battle armor, a man with scaled tail turned his head to look into Cheng Buyun. He had two flaming red foreheads on his forehead, and also had strange mysterious patterns on his face. It looked very fierce, but his eyes But it is plain like a vast ocean, like an endless starry sky, let people calm down involuntarily.

However, Cheng Buyun saw a slight smile in the slightly ugly face of the Lord of Chaos, and his eyes resembled the stars with a hint of satisfaction.

"Meet the teacher." Cheng Buyun kneeled down respectfully.

This time, kneeling down, Cheng Buyun did not have any burdens in his heart, and he also sincerely worshipped the teacher. If there is no chaos city **** to **** him, he will not be able to live so noisy in these days. What's more, there is a big tree behind him as a backer, which can also make it easier. After all, among the human race, there is no strong teacher.

Just this earth negotiation, do n’t think about the treasure of compensation.

"It's easy for you to kneel." The Lord of Chaos smiled and looked at the kneeling little guy, and said, "This time I performed very well, and the chances were amazing."

Cheng Buyun listened quietly.

Your own experience?

Speaking out scares you, being able to meet ‘time and space’ is really shocking.

As for the encounters mentioned by the Lord of Chaos, he estimated that the opponent guessed that he had something to do with the "mountain rider".

"I watched the video of you traversing the sky bridge, and it only takes one step to understand the origin of the whole space, which is very good." The chaotic city host smiled and said with a gentle voice: "From now on, stop the enlightenment of the origin of the space to prevent the insight The origin of the entire space, when it breaks through the immortal gods, directly rushed to the universe Venerable level. "

"We human beings can't compare with some bizarre life, so in the basic period, we must lay down the life genetic level of the body." Chaos City Lord reminded that with his ability, an immortal **** wants to enhance the life of the body At the genetic level, he cannot help too much, only the lower the level, the easier it is.

Cheng Buyun's talent is so powerful, of course, he can't let him break through into the immortal spirit level with ordinary physical qualities. Such an immortal spirit has a life gene level that is too low to be invincible at all. He hoped that his disciple could be forced into the siege of countless Venerable Universes, and he could crush everything invincible.

"Yes, teacher." Cheng Buyun didn't ask much, and what the chaotic city master said, naturally had his reasons.

"Very well, today I will accept you as a personal disciple. From this moment, you are the 32nd personal disciple of my subordinates." The Lord of Chaos solemnly said.

The Lord of Chaos is the person who stands at the pinnacle of mankind. Although genius is important, he is very clear ... Some people may realize the slow speed, but they can continue to break through and advance, and they can still become the venerable universe, so unless it is a million years Out of the peerless genius, otherwise he would not care.

Even the peerless genius who came out of the tens of thousands of eras, the chaos city lord must also observe, and only after confirming whether to be accepted as a proselytized disciple.

The owner of Chaos City originally wanted to harvest Buyun as a named disciple, which also has this meaning. He wanted to observe whether Cheng Buyun's character is a true genius, so he bet early to avoid being robbed.

After this period of observation, the Lord of Chaos is very satisfied, and he is very talented! If such disciples are not accepted, can they still be accepted?

"Thank you teacher for your approval, see you!" Cheng Buyun knelt down and gave three heads respectfully.

The Lord of Chaos is very satisfied, he also knows that this is the ancient gift of the earth, and the teacher should kowtow, "Get up."

"Teacher Xie." Cheng Buyun stood up respectfully. He was very respectful of the Lord of Chaos. This existence was dedicated to the protection of the ethnic group, and for a promise, the winged human race has been counted for hundreds of millions of years.

"The direction of cultivation for the teacher is also the flow of the universe, and you are also practicing the flow of the universe, so ... today, for the teacher, I will teach you the two most secret secrets of the" life "of the teacher." The Master of Chaos solemnly said: "The two The secret code was created for the teachers after hundreds of millions of years, I hope you will not insult them. "

"The first part is the Chaos Secret Code, which is created mainly by space and time, and it is created by integrating all the lower-level rules." The main chaos city is proud and smiles: "Of course, this mystery is divided into two parts, and the upper part is space. The creation of the two fundamental laws of time is the most suitable for your current state. The lower part, as I just said, was created by integrating all the principles of the law. When you can practice all the secret laws recorded by the teacher in the secret code You are also at the same height in the universe as the teacher. "

"Teacher Xie." Cheng Buyun respectfully said, this is the mantle of inheriting the chaotic city master!

"Another mystery, that is, the amplitude secret created for the division, the chaos of warfare." Said the chaos master: "The stronger the body foundation, the higher the explosion, you should know that the universe has a physical explosion limit, the highest is 100 Times. To teach this chaotic war tactic is naturally not exceptional, and if you want the body to be powerful, you can only work **** the genes of the body. We humans can't compare with some aliens. "

"There are some extremely powerful beasts in the universe, such as the blood Luo world you have been to, where a very strong beast once appeared. The genetic life of the body is 9860 times, almost tens of thousands of times, so powerful "Even if you are a teacher, you can't suppress it with one hand." Chaotic City Lord solemnly said: "Of course, our ordinary human body has a limit in the universe, which is 100 times the same as the body amplitude secret."

"Our origins cannot be chosen, so we are here to remind you to lay a solid foundation, and do not seek to break through the immortal gods at the fastest speed, but the genetic life level of the body should be as high as possible." Chaotic City Lord said: "It is best to pile up to 100 times the limit of the universe."

Cheng Buyun's lips moved, and he deliberately expressed the level of his body's life genes, but he could not interrupt the words of the Lord of Chaos impolitely, and he had to listen obediently.

"So, the teacher has raised your authority to the level of the venerable universe. Remember, there are treasures you need in the treasure trove, then in exchange for improving yourself, initially use the blood Luojing to improve, and then use the beast **** Blood, when neither of these can be used, then you have to find a way yourself. "Chaotic City Lord said.

In terms of resources, of course, the chaotic city master cannot prepare everything for his disciples. How is it different from the flowers in the greenhouse?

Strong! Strong!

What is a strong man?

That's just fighting, fighting for yourself, fighting for ethnic groups.

To hone, to take risks, this is the strong existence that the ethnic group needs, not everything is provided by the ethnic group, and enjoy its success.

"Teacher!" Cheng Buyun and other chaotic city masters finished speaking, and then cried out carefully. The Lord of Chaos looked at the little guy and nodded: "Say something, don't be stern with the teacher, where is your previous pride!"

Hearing the joke component in the language of the chaotic city master, Cheng Buyun laughed a little and said with a smile: "The teacher is the person I respect the most, plus it is the first time to see the teacher, so I can't let go."

I was slightly envious, and the first time Cheng Buyun saw the teacher for the first time, he could let the teacher treat it like this.

The chaotic lord smiled.

"Teacher ..." After thinking about it, Cheng Buyun felt that there was nothing to hide. When he reached the point where he was today, he showed no less ability, and he was also glorifying himself, and also let the teacher have face in front of other universe masters. So respectfully said: "Teacher, in fact, the disciple's physical life genetic level is very strong!"

"How strong is it?" The Lord of Chaos smiled. A little guy, no matter how strong the life gene level is, how strong is it?

Cheng Buyunlang laughed, and suddenly the breath on his body climbed wildly, and the strong breath exploded wildly around him.

"Guru ..." The one who was next to him looked at Cheng Buyun's breath. The staring boss almost burst out of his eyes. What did he see?

Cheng Buyun's breath at this moment is stronger than that of a normal ninth-ranked powerhouse, which is three times stronger and nearly four times stronger than the original force. Is this from humans?

He calculated it secretly in his mind. If he did not use the amplitude of his body, then Cheng Buyun's life gene hierarchy would be at least several thousand times.

"Mom!" The venerable one shouted involuntarily and was almost scared to pee.

"Buyun, do you ... have you used the secret method of body amplitude?" Chaos City Lord was shocked with great surprise on his face, and his heart was a little trembling, and both hands were trembling slightly. In front of Cheng Buyun, he looked at him very seriously.

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