Plane Universe

Chapter 644: Crazy advanced

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"Okay, now that I'm back, let's start!" Cheng Buyun smiled, melodiously picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Xiao Qing, Yan brother can give him a sip of tea every five kilometers."

"It's young master." Xiao Qing responded, covering her mouth and turning her hand ... A jade-colored teapot with a big fist was already in his hand. It was Yunwu tea that Cheng Buyun was drinking at the moment.

Smelling the fragrance of tea, Xiao Yan licked his lips and said with his face: "Brother Yun, such a fragrant tea, give me a sip first."

But Cheng Buyun ignored him.

Xiao Yan had to turn around, carrying a stone lock and starting to run in the yard.

Heavy footsteps began to reverberate throughout the courtyard.

"Go, run outside, it's too noisy here." Cheng Buyun laughed and scolded.

Bai Suzhen covered his lips and smiled softly, "Master Xiao Yan, next time you can stop acting to show the master. If you have anything, just say it directly. Master is your elder brother. What can't you say?"


The panting Xiao Yan turned his head, nodded and responded, carrying the stone lock, he couldn't say much, tired! At the same time ... he also knew that he was wrong and should not deliberately act, since he is a brother, what can't be said!

Carrying a big stone lock, Xiao Yan rushed out of his yard and began to run along the road of Xiaojia Manor.

Actually, as long as Xiao Yan came back with the 50 kg stone lock, several guards in the yard were dumbfounded. I did n’t quite understand that Xiao Yan, the young master, made this out again, but they were guards. Not much to say.

Xiao Yan ran around the Xiao family with a big stone lock. Many people knew it. Some people stood on the side of the road deliberately, waiting for Xiao Yan to come over and mocked: "Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, although he was just unmarried. , But it does n’t need to be so violent and self-abandoned ... to punish yourself in a disabling way, running with a big white stone lock on a white kilogram, what do you think you are? Super strong? Really laughing dead, waste is waste ... … "

"Squeezing his own potential like this is simply a conscious way forward, waste IQ, we don't understand ..."

"Naturally, waste, there is always the idea of ​​waste! Innocent ..."

"Three young masters, work hard, you should run faster and carry a larger and heavier stone lock, which is suitable for your identity ..."

Several young masters of the Xiao family standing on the roadside sneered into Xiao Yan's ears with a sneer and ridicule.

Xiao Yan froze his face and carried Dashi lock silently without saying a word, or staying there. When the group of bored people was air, his eyes did not shift.

Suffering from suffering, only to become a man.

Practice your mind!


Has not affected him at all, not even a little!

"Master Xiao Yan, your state of mind is a step further." Xiao Qing, who was behind him, didn't feel the fluctuations in Xiao Yan's heart and said with a smile of appreciation.

Xiao Yan, who was running the lead, grinned. The teaching in the morning was not in vain. There was no progress, that is to say, he was not as good as "mud". It also means that Brother Yun looked away, and he did n’t have such a source of happiness. Not at the peak!

"What does it smell like?"

Xiaoqing ran over carrying the teapot, and a strong scent radiated in the air. Several Xiao family geniuses standing on the side of the road shook their noses and sniffed gently, then fixed their eyes on the jade Xiaoqing was carrying. Color teapot.

"The scent came from the teapot carried by the woman behind Xiao Yan. What kind of tea is this so fragrant? Even when I smelled a few words, my spirit was shocked and the whole person's heart was green. Less, great treasure! "

"Are we going to grab it or not?" One man asked solemnly.

"Grab your head, do you really think that the Xiao family has nothing to do? Go, go back and discuss." The Xiao family genius, who was clearly the leader, slapped him on the head and turned to take the lead.


Xiao Qing, who was behind Xiao Yan, turned his head and smiled at them, sneering again and again.

Really a group of things that don't know life and death, master's things, do you dare to grab it?

Xiao Yan ran for a while, and did not know how long it had passed, nor did he know whether there was a distance of 5 kilometers. Anyway, Xiao Qing did not remind that it was not yet 5 kilometers.

"Master Xiao Yan, look up and open your mouth!" Xiao Qing shouted suddenly.

When Xiao Yan heard Xiao Qing's voice, he already knew that he ran 5 kilometers, quickly raised his head, and slowed down a bit. In an instant, a few drops of tea fell into his mouth, and a few drops of tea with an extremely clear fragrance were swallowed. Then, he gasped a little and said, "Sister Xiaoqing, why are there just a few drops of tea? This is too little."

However, his words fell, the tea swallowed into his stomach has turned into energy, scattered into the bones of his limbs, a force from the depths of the body, so that he was tired after running 5 kilometers, he felt the body's The bursts of soothing feeling seemed as if he had just started carrying a stone lock and running.

"Feel it!" Xiao Qing said with a smile behind him: "This cloud tea is not a garbage, it is a very precious thing, even for the characters of the fighting king level, it has an excellent effect. And The energy of this tea is very strong. If you drink too much, your body will be unbearable and burst! If you are not exercising, a cup of tea will have to be mastered to help you refine it! "

Xiao Yan was shocked!

This tea, called Yunwu Tea, even has the effect of the strong level of Douwang, and the powerful effect can be seen in general.

"Master Xiao Yan, do you still think there are few drops of tea?" Xiao Qing asked funny, teasing Xiao Yan deliberately.

Xiao Yan running ahead, shook his head quickly, he didn't want to die.

Xiao Yan was exercising, and ran for more than two hours before carrying the big stone lock back to the yard, which made some people watching the Xiao family dumbfounded.

Even if the guards of Jiu Duan Dou Qi carried such a large stone lock of nearly 200 pounds, it took at most half an hour, but Xiao Yan ran for 2 hours, which was a shock. His eyes were trembling and unable to speak.

Back in the yard, I replaced the wet suit and took another shower. I sat at the table refreshingly and Xiao Yan smiled with a smile on his face: "Brother Yun, this is all right!"

"Ma Ma Hu Hu, continue to run for another two hours tomorrow." Cheng Buyun then turned his eyes away from the book in his hand and nodded.

That look was so shocking that Xiao Yan almost didn't jump up and said, "Want to carry?"

A bitter look!

Although there are a lot of benefits, he was too tired, but for strength, he did not continue to speak.

"Activate the activity first, and wait for you in two days. I will teach you a boxing technique for you to exercise." Cheng Buyun looked at Xiao Yan's face that I was afraid of, and chuckled softly. heart.

The two discussed the customs of the mainland for a while.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun said: "Uncle Xiao is here."


Xiao Yan responded lightly and waited for a while. A guard's greeting came from outside the courtyard: "Patriarch!"

A burst of footsteps came, and Xiao Yan heard the footsteps of Xiao Zhan's walking. He watched him walk into the courtyard and smiled: "Father."

"Yan'er." Xiao Zhan nodded, then smiled at Cheng Buyun and said, "Bu Yunxian's nephew."

"Uncle Xiao!" Cheng Buyun nodded and looked at him slightly.

"Master Xiao." Bai Suzhen and Miss Bai also bent slightly to salute.

"Good, good!"

Xiao Zhan nodded, and Longxing Hubu came to the stone table in the courtyard and smiled: "Don't stand, just sit."

After everyone sat down, Xiao Yan's eyes were fixed on the jade-colored teapot on the stone table. He smelled the clear fragrance in the sky and laughed: "This should be everyone talking about smelling very fragrant, which can make people Is the tea with a tremendous shock? Sure enough, it is a veritable name. I just smelled a few bites. Today's fatigue has been relieved a lot. It really is good tea! "

Cheng Buyun smiled, and naturally knew that the tea would attract the attention of the Xiao family, but he didn't care, just poured a cup for Xiao Zhan and said, "Uncle Xiao, please."

Looking at the rising mist on the jade tea cup, after the mist rose, it spread out. A strong and fresh fragrance was shocking. Xiao Zhan quickly picked up the tea cup and said, "I'm welcome Now. "

Xiao Zhan, who smelled the fragrance of tea, could not help but drool.

This tea is too fragrant!

After smelling a few bites, Xiao Zhan began to sing praises again and again, saying good words again and again, almost praised this cloud tea to the point where there is nothing in the sky but nothing in the ground.

But it is true that Yunwu tea is of great value.

Not everyone can afford it.

In devouring the starry sky, one or two cloud teas need 100 universe coins, which is equivalent to one or two more than 300 million black dragon coins. Chengbuyun, a specially made cloud tea, is even more valuable. There is no place to buy if you have money. The real value is about one or two ten thousand universe coins.

Such expensive value, no status, who can afford it?

After drinking Yunwu tea and sleeping, the Yunwu tea immediately exploded in Xiao Zhan's body, and the measured energy surged, washing the meridians and bones in Xiao Zhan's body.

In this situation, Xiao Zhan didn't even know it at first. He didn't even hurry to speak. He immediately attacked the cloud and began to mobilize this powerful energy, running crazy.

The Xiao family's mad lion anger was running, and Xiao Zhantou also showed a ghost image of a lion.

The grudge on his body exploded. If it was not Cheng Buyun's shot, Xiao Yan would have to be injured by the shock and there was danger to his life.


"Nima!" Xiao Yan grumbled, and his old man advanced.


"My grass." Xiao Yan was dumbfounded, didn't he just a cup of tea?

At this moment, Xiao Yan was really cold and sweating, remembering that Xiao Qing had just given him a few drops of tea just now. If you drink like this in a cup, it would be strange not to explode.


Xiao Yan lost his temper, and he immediately entered Tier 3, which is now the place for Master 8th, and the energy surging from his father's upper body did not consume much at all.


Basically, every minute, Xiao Zhan's breath increased by one point, as if he had advanced indefinitely, Xiao Yan was dumbfounded, and his mouth was trembling, but he was speechless. , So shocking.

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