Plane Universe

Chapter 799: Dragon Blood Secret

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The father's crazy laughter, and the tears that made Lin Lei stunned. He had never seen such a father, even Xiao Wharton's small hands tightly grasped his brother's clothes, face She looked at him with a little fear.

"Father." Lei seemed to be afraid of disturbing his father, and yelled softly, but Hogg's blank case was crazy like this case, ignoring lei at all.

"Brother Hog." Cheng Buyun immediately whispered into Hogg's soul, waking up Hogg, who was still mad, and hurried to appease Little Wharton, sideways, touching his little head repeatedly, saying : "Not afraid, not afraid!"

Lei also reacted, looking at his brother's little scared face, and comforted again and again.

The little shadow rat was awakened by Hogg's mad laughter in Lin Lei's arms, pulling back Lei Lei's shirt and screaming with his head stretched out.

"Warcraft?" Hilly was startled.

"Grandpa Xili, Babe has already signed a contract with me. It's my contract Warcraft, don't panic!" Lei was comforted again.

There was a slight disturbance in the scene, and Hogg, who had reacted, knew that he was a little crazy, but the excitement in his face did not fade away. He smiled at everyone: "Due, rude, Hogg is rude! Hearing this shocking news, Huo Grid is a little crazy, and please forgive the guests. "

Hogger repeatedly pays off to Lent and Yun Godston, and neglects.

The Lyons family, which is a big family in the Kingdom of Finlay, is not the same as the current Baruch. Although the territory of Wushan Town is a little deserted, it is not far from the center of the Kingdom of Finlay. Wait, he is still very familiar.

The Wushan town has been in the hands of the Baruch family for thousands of years, because the Baruch family's ancestors have made brilliant achievements, so that the greedy nobles have not started to grab this small site.

After all, Wushan Town is the ancestral land of the Baruch family. Starting to grab it will cause some strong people on the Magnolia mainland to be dissatisfied, and it is likely that the shot will not necessarily be shot.

This is an unwritten rule that almost all nobles must abide by!

"Where, where, Master lei and other excellent talents, some gaffes, we can understand." Lent and Yun Geston waved again and again, not caring.

The Baruch family has been silent for a long time, and finally a genius, or a very talented genius, is insane. It is inevitable that if you change your own family, it will be even more crazy than Hogg!

The title of the two made Hogg's heart move. Lei's talent is likely to be very good, which makes the Lyons family value it, and he is very excited to think of it here.

He smiled slightly at the two, or took a deep breath, watching lei and hillman and said: "tell me about the test."

Lei and hillman glanced at each other, the latter understood, stood up and said: "Master Hog, this magic test, lei master excelled very well ..."

Hillman spoke out the situation of this lei magic test in a hurry.

"Brother, give it to me, so cute big mouse, I want to hug." Little Wharton looked at the little cat-sized little mouse, and he looked a little excited. He touched the little mouse hidden in his brother's clothes again and again. The expression is very unhappy, and even a bit rebellious.

"Babe, this is my younger brother Wharton. Will you play with him?" Lei communicated with the little mouse and made a lot of promises to make him barely agree. Wharton was very happy to hold the ratio The little mouse with his big head, the excited little face was red, and the intimate rubbed the little mouse "bebe" body with his face again and again.

Little Shadow Mouse looked helpless, but thinking of the countless delicious barbecues in the following days, he endured the restlessness in his heart.

Hoag heard that lei tested a terrifying magic talent ... a dozen enrolling colleges of magic schools scrambled to **** it. Xu conditionally, the excited face turned red, his body trembling, turning over the paper Ernst School of Magic The letter of admission notice read the contents again.

Seeing that the content written in the letter was generally the same as what Hillman said, Hogg almost fell into a frenzy, and finally calmed down, but then Hillman said that the Lyons family valued lei and was excited. Insane.

This time the butler was prepared, and he drank again and again before calming Hogg.

What happened today is so exciting and exciting!

The excitement on his face never stopped. He smiled like a chrysanthemum in full bloom, his face twitching a little. However, there are a few more such happy things, even if the face is convulsed and paralyzed, Hogg does not care, as long as the Baruch family reproduces the glory of their predecessors, even if he is let him die immediately, he will!

From the moment he took over the family, he was thinking about how to reproduce the glory of the family all the time, and this opportunity came soon. As long as his son Lin Lei grew up, the desires of these years could be realized ...

Happy! I am so happy!

"Uncle Shiri." Hogg looked at the Shili steward. "I'm going to have a big banquet tonight. Quickly and well prepared to receive the guests. At the same time, I'm celebrating Lin Lei's admission to Ernst School of Magic! , With such an excellent son, I am worthy of the predecessors of the Baruch family, "

Hogg was so happy that he didn't follow the foreword, but the meaning was still clear.

That night!

The ancestral land of the Baruch family ... The entire Wushan town territory is very lively. In addition to the fifteen table banquets set in the mansion, the entire main street outside is full of running water seats, and all Wushan towns can participate.

The leaders learned that Master lei was accepted by Ernst School of Witchcraft and Wizards and were happy to talk about it.

Magic crystal lamps hung everywhere in the mansion, under the dazzling light, just like in the daytime, bursts of lively cheers and laughter passed from time to time.

The members of the guards stood up and toasted lei again and again.

Of course, lei is still small and copes with juice.

"It's delicious." Little Wharton eats this for a while, and eats that for a while. I don't forget the little mouse that sits next to him with food. There is a chair empty between lei and little wharton. Xiaoying The rat was attacking the food in the fat man. The sharp teeth gnawed away, and the barbecue was very reduced. After eating, he squeaked a few times. Lei and little wharton added meat to the fat man from time to time.

During the dinner, lei was the protagonist.

Everyone can imagine that with lei's horrible magic talent, he entered the Ernst School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is a smooth road ahead, and it will definitely be a strong man in a few years.

"Sir, thank you and respect you." Hogg raised his glass, his face full of gratitude.

Although talent is destined early, but the acquired teaching is indispensable, and lei has such achievements today, Cheng Buyun definitely has a huge credit. At noon Hillman said nothing, and the remarks Cheng Buyun made in the Lyons family touched him a lot.

Good talent does not necessarily make you a strong man. You have to have a good mentor. Cheng Buyun is just such a candidate.


Late at night, the Baruch family clan hall, only lei and hog.

The door of Zong Tang was closed, and a row of candles was lit throughout the entire Zong Tang. Under the candlelight, people could clearly see the row of spirit positions in front of Zong Tang. Hogg said in a low voice: "Lin Lei, since the birth of the fifth Dragon Blood Warrior, my Baruch family has died down for generations, and even the treasure of my Baruch family's heritage has been sold ... Every time I think about this, I feel extremely disgraceful, the family of the Dragon Blood Warrior! "

Lei stood silently.

He also felt ashamed.

The ancient family that has been inherited for more than 5,000 years is the dragon blood warrior family. Lin Lei felt that he had no choice but now he has fallen into the family heritage.

"Lei." Hogg turned around in vain and looked at Lei solemnly. "From today, I will no longer see you as a child, but as the pillar of my Baruch family's future, the future of the family ... ... it depends on you. "

"Yes, father, I will definitely work hard to reproduce the glory of my Baruch family." Lei nodded firmly.

"Wait a minute, I'll get something." Or the Lakers turned around and walked towards the secret room in Zongtang. Just a moment later, Hogg walked out with a familiar book, "Lin Lei, take a good look, let me remember Down. "

"Is this?" Lin Lei moved a little in his heart, remembering the dragon blood secret code that Brother Yun had told himself before, and his heart was shocked.

He took the familiar with a slightly nervous face, and he didn't have any self on the familiar surface. It can be seen from the page that the first page is four big characters-Dragon Blood Secret Code!


Lei looked at the content.

Hogg said with a smile: "Not only is the blood of the dragon blood smeared, this book also records many things related to our Baruch family, including the" Dragon Blood Secret Code "and the method of making the dragon blood needle, There are actual facts about the ancestors of previous generations. "

Lei nodded from time to time, carefully read.

This book is familiar with the first quarter ... it is about the "Dragon Blood Secret Code", and the latter three quarters are all about the family.

"Lin Lei, it is useless to get acquainted with outsiders. It is impossible for others to practice the Dragon Blood Secret Code. Even some things in the family, what other people know is useful? So there is no need to worry too much. And there are several copies in the family. In fact, you are also a copy. As for the original time, it has already turned into ashes. "Hogg said with a smile.

"That's right, it's useless for others to get it." Lin Lei suddenly laughed, and he agreed that if the Dragon Blood Secret Code can be practiced by others, there will already be other Dragon Blood Warriors in the mainland, and the family keeps Dragon Blood The secret party night event becomes very troublesome, and there will even be a lot of strong people asking for a copy.

Only because the Dragon Blood Secret Code requires the Dragon Blood Blood Vessel to be able to practice, so there is no strong person to watch.

What effect does it get?

The first chapter of the Dragon Blood Secret ...

"To practice the" Dragon Blood Secret Code ", it is necessary to mobilize the blood veins of another blood warrior in the body. There are two methods to mobilize the blood veins of the dragon blood warrior in the body. There is a second method ... "

Seeing this, Lin Lei was stunned, and it really was the same as Brother Bu Yun told himself.

"The second method is ... to drink live dragon blood, or dragon blood within a few minutes of death, the death time is slightly longer, the effect of dragon blood is too weak! Drinking dragon blood ... can provoke the body The bloodline of the potential dragon blood warrior is preferably the blood of the sanctuary level. The effect is the best. If it is a ninth level dragon blood, the possibility of inducing the bloodline is relatively low. "

Seeing this, Lei turned over again, but did not find a comprehensive way of Lan Xin Cao, which made him very strange!

Delin is also very strange. This Dragon Blood Secret Code does not use the blue heart grass synthesis method. He is as strange as lei.

"It's strange, how come this is a bit different from what Cheng Buyun said?" Delin whispered softly. Lei was also very strange. He repeatedly looked, but he didn't find the name of the item Lan Xin Cao.

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