Plane Universe

Chapter 852: Compassion

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The leader of chaos, the geographical area is more than half of the O'Brien Empire, compared with three and a half provinces, with a total of fifty principalities and a population of more than 300 million. Such a huge population is no less than the Holy Alliance, even far Beyond.

Perennial wars have not reduced the number of war-torn populations, but have made war-torn people more powerful.

This chaotic place is a paradise for the strong.

Cheng Buyun deliberately made a circle from the northwest to the chaotic leader. The folk customs he saw were very sturdy, much more sturdy than the folk customs in the area of ​​the Holy Alliance, but his living conditions were worse.

To the northwest of the chaotic leader, close to the dark forest, you always need to guard against the Warcraft group that rushed out of it, so this area is the most sturdy area of ​​the entire chaotic leader, no one.

Entering the city, you will feel that the people in the war are very busy and completely different from the sacred alliance and the Magnolia Empire.

In the regional city of the Holy Alliance and the Magnolia Empire, as soon as you enter, you will find a peaceful atmosphere. The noble ladies and ladies can walk and talk with each other on the streets in gorgeous clothes.

In the chaos of the collar, warriors wearing armor and weapons can be seen everywhere. It is very common for that kind of sturdy breath to directly draw swords against each other and even kill people.

The area here is still close to the O'Brien Empire and the Luo'ao Empire. It is the area occupied by the two. The atmosphere is the same. What about the place ruled by the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance?

You know, these two forces are naturally opposed, and wars will happen every day, and the atmosphere will only become more fierce.

In the city, Cheng Buyun wandered the streets with two Warcrafts, looking at the child whose face was sallow, wearing ragged clothes, shaking his hand from time to time, softly asking passers-by for food, and frowning secretly.

These are the children who lost their families in the war. They are the orphans born in the war. They do not have any guarantees. It is likely that the power of their parents has been overthrown. The new city owner naturally has no obligation to compensate them, so most of the orphans are That's it.

"Go!" On the street, a majestic man with a weapon on his back glared and kicked the girl to the floor asking for food.

The little girl just a few years old snorted, spit blood and flew a few meters away, lying on the ground motionless, but the scarlet blood flowing in the corner of her mouth reminded everyone that this is a chaotic place, there is no law local.

In such a terrible situation, the people in the surrounding streets no longer pay attention after a glance. Some civilians do not dare to speak out at random, although many of them are pitiful to the little girl, but the other party is a powerful warrior, no Reasonable place.

I just hope that the other party will leave soon, so that they have a chance to treat the little girl.

These scenes made Cheng Buyun, who entered the city, frown. With the energy intensity of the Magnolia mainland, there is basically no shortage of food, and the food is not precious. The food in the sacred alliance area, wheat is only 1 copper plate. Kg, even if there is very little food produced by the chaos, the food from other parts of the mainland will be doubled at most.

The so many begging children in the city can only show that the owner of this city is completely unqualified and is very squeezing the people.

Sensing the unpleasant news in the host's soul, Xiong Er and Selsey Arden suddenly became angry.


Celsia roared into a whirlwind, and rushed the violent man down to the ground. Then he roared loudly at him, deafening.

"Magic ... Warcraft, Mom ... Mother, Warcraft ... Warcraft ... Attack ... Siege." The majestic man was slammed down on the ground by Celsia, a drooling mouth full of fangs drooling. The blood plate snarled at himself. In a flash, the three souls disappeared from the seven souls, and the words were incomplete. The whole person was scared and paralyzed, and then his eyes were dull and fainted.

Seeing Celsia's tiger face is very unhappy, this person is not useful, this is dizzy?

The courage is too small.

Just kidding, a Warcraft with a **** mouth open at such a close distance, but he can't resist, can he be fainted and fetched?

People on the whole street saw this scene, their hands and feet were cold, especially some civilians, looking at Cheng Buyun, who slowly walked past with a terrified face, a voice in his heart reminded him that this is a strong man , Very strong and strong strong adults.

Didn't you see the other World of Warcraft next to this strong man?

This is the sign of the super strong.

Cheng Buyun first inspected the little girl's injury and tested her breath. When she saw that she was not dead, she just faintly fainted. She immediately waved her hand, and a white light fell from the sky and fell on the little girl. In an instant, the white light immersed in the little girl's body, healing her injury.

The effect of the seventh-level treatment is powerful. The trauma in the little girl ’s body was healed in an instant and opened her eyes. She saw Cheng Buyun who was right next to her. "Uncle ’s smile is so warm, just like mother ! "

"Uncle, are you here to take me with me? Did you take me to find my mother?" The little girl opened a pair of pure and flawless eyes full of joy, and very naively asked Cheng Buyun, the kind of expectation in the tone, It makes people feel pain in their hearts.

What about eyes?

It is full of innocence, purity, and does not erode the pollution of the world.

Although no longer nostalgic for this malicious world, the purity of the soul is shocking.

Cheng Buyun stretched out his hand and gently wiped the little girl ’s dusty face, perhaps the smile full of sunshine on his face brought the little girl closer, and there was no fear on her face, only joy in her eyes. , "Uncle, when will you take me to find my mother?"

"You haven't gotten to find your mother yet." Cheng Buyun smiled softly.

Or some kind-hearted person deceived the little girl and made her think that only a hard-earned life will have a kind-hearted uncle take her to find her mother after she dies.

The little girl was filled with disappointment when she heard that she couldn't go to her mother.

"Are you hungry?" Cheng Buyun asked with a smile.

After careful consideration, the little girl yelled softly, and then whispered: "Uncle, can you give me a rice cake? I only need a very small rice cake to be full."

The little girl gestured with her hands, drawing a circle less than 3 centimeters in diameter. It was not as big as her little fist, and it was sighed in the heart of Cheng Buyun. How many meals are enough to fill the stomach.

He couldn't imagine that under such a civilization, the chaotic rule of this place, the orphan's life state is like this.

Weak meat and strong food, the law of the jungle, the overall tone of the magnolia continent is respected by the strong, but ... children are not comparable to adults in terms of worldview or survivability. It is too much for them to be exposed to these cruel laws so early.

The god-level powerhouses and holy domain powerhouses who are high above the ground will not pay attention to these things. They only care about their own strength, whether they can make progress, but Cheng Buyun meets but cannot let go.

The weak also have the right to survive.

Especially for these children who have no viability, he should lend a helping hand to help, only for the purpose of understanding, and to practise his state of mind.

Otherwise, regardless of such things, when the soul and body of this body merge, the state of mind is absolutely broken, and the collapse of the mind is irretrievable.

Cheng Buyun's state of mind is tempered based on the human race.

Seeing this uncle with a warm and sunny face did not answer himself, the little girl thought that her request was too much, and her face was uneasy and whispered with timidity: "Uncle, can I change my work for rice cake? I am very If I can do it, I can help you do the laundry and clean the house. Uncle, you only need to give me two such big rice cakes a day. I do n’t need to eat a lot of food. "

After another comparison, the little girl shrank the diameter of the rice cake to a diameter of 3 meters. It looked like another sigh in Bu Yun's heart.

"Good boy, let's follow his uncle in the future." Cheng Buyun touched the little girl's head lovingly and smiled softly. "Get up, I will take you to eat delicious food."

"Thank you uncle." The little girl stood up timidly, less than one meter tall, very thin, without any two or two flesh, looks all bones, and weighs no more than 20 pounds, as light as a wind blowing Can't carry it ... it has to be blown to somewhere.


At this moment, feeling that the host and the little girl had finished speaking, Celsia continued to growl again, threatening the man who was pressed to the ground by her. Her horrible voice was oscillating back and forth across the street again, and the frightened man woke up and came into contact with the cold, killing eyes, and a terrible howl, "Help, who can?" Come save me! "

save you?

Dude, do n’t joke, the people in this street have run out, those people have been afraid to stay away from here, Xiong Er and Celsia are too deterrent, one bear and one tiger are all famous races in Warcraft , No one is so stupid to step forward and say something.

The strong man's respect for this sentence is most vividly manifested here in the chaotic leader, even if this man was killed in the end, no one came forward for him.

"Xiao Bai, change me, hurry up." Xiong Er stood a little, seeing such a fun thing, urging Celsia to let it go and give him fun too.

Sercia reluctantly let go of the body and made the man think that he would take back a life. Xiong Er immediately rushed down and pressed the man on the ground with his mouth wide open, his tongue sticking out , A pair of eyes bulging like a copper bell, the sound could not come out.


Xiong Er also squirted saliva frantically to the unlucky guy like Celsia. The mouthful of windy wind mixed with saliva sprayed completely silly the man's entire face.

"It's fun, hey." Xiong Er spurted at the man with his mouth while talking to Sercia, not forgetting to twist his body back and forth, looks dirty, like the pole What did that ... same!

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