Plane Universe

Chapter 856: 200,000 recruits

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The shouts of tens of thousands of people came from the city's main palace and rushed in all directions, so that the small area of ​​the Black Mist City was covered.

The voices of tens of thousands of people gathered together, what a violent cry?

In particular, some of the soldiers' voices were still surrounded by grudges, and a wave of voices, like crazy waves, rose into the sky.

"Vow to follow the master of the city!"

The houses of the noble and wealthy on the four main roads of the Black Mist City, all the faces changed when they heard the shouts.

With their abilities, they naturally heard the great changes in the city's palace. Omar, the heir to the duke ... The count of the Principality of the Ice Principality was killed yesterday, and the new city lord took the throne.

In fact, they are not optimistic about this new city owner. After all, Binglan principality is strong, and they still prefer Binglan principality, but for their own wealth, so as not to be troubled by the new city owner, and raising a butcher knife to themselves, they did not become the first bird.

At this time, the voice from the city's mansion and the absolute support from the soldiers' voice made them discolor.

In the chaos, almost all the soldiers have no loyalty at all. The soldiers are nothing more than money, but these soldiers have been recovered at this moment. If the new city master does not have some strength, he can definitely not do this step.

Because everyone knows that the new city master killed the heir of the ice blue prince, the ice blue prince will definitely get revenge, and the end can be imagined.

That is the unequal strength.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers still support it, then ... what happened in it is worth pondering.


The training ground of the main palace.

Cheng Buyun pressed his hands to calm down the soldiers below and said loudly: "Very well, as a soldier under my command, only blood is not enough. Today I will give you a high-level section secret Code, so that you all have the hope of becoming a strong man. Do n’t think that the body secret code is useless. This is the basis for your way to the strong man. The body is the container, so the stronger the body, the more you can absorb the stored grudge. more."

"Vow to follow the master of the city!"

"You also learn from it, and it is also very useful to you." Cheng Buyun turned his head to nod to Clayton and others, and then turned his head, said: "This is the body secret taught by the Baruch family. Code-Yun Qi style, after my improvement, the effect is very powerful, take a good look, follow me, write down the mantra. "

Cheng Buyun's voice covered more than 10,000 people underneath, and a mantra was slowly read out. It was taught more than ten times in a row, so that everyone could fully remember it, and then began to teach the first three types of "Yunqi".

Don't look at only the first three types, if you try hard to practice, it will not be worse than fully learning all the energetic nine types, but there is no last six types, and the improvement of physical quality is relatively slow.

The effect of energetic cultivation is powerful. Every soldier's face is full of shock while practicing.

It was just one practice, and the power of all people increased significantly.

Strong, too strong!

"Very well, this secret code cannot be passed on to family members, outsiders, or violators ... at death without consent!" Cheng Buyun warned.

"Yes, Lord Lord."

After this time, Cheng Buyun has left enough prestige in the hearts of thousands of people below.

"There are too few soldiers for 10,000 people." Cheng Buyun stood on the high platform, looking at the soldiers with a smile on his face, and exhaled.

"Adult, I have nearly a million people in Black Mist City, and there are enough soldiers, and the benefits given by the adults are so good. Some people who want to be soldiers, we can recruit immediately." Clayton replied with a respectful smile.

"Well, you can recruit ten reserve corps first. You can't recruit indiscriminately when recruiting. It doesn't matter if the talents are low and the strength is low. The cunning people can't be kept. Even if the other party's strength is superb, it can't let the other party come in and damage the entire team." Cheng Buyun said.

"Yes, lord, we immediately set up recruiting points in the city." Clayton nodded and answered.

Cheng Buyun nodded and took Xiong Er back to the hall. On the way, he was asked to find Monroe. He needed to tell the other party something.

"Everyone has it." Cheng Buyun left, and Clayton immediately screamed, and after everyone looked over neatly, he shouted loudly: "I am respected by the Lord of the City, and give us high welfare, even if we die in battle. There are also generous pensions promised by adults, and the family does not need to worry at all, so we must also give our loyalty. The military palace ... that is our road to heaven, as long as there is military merit, we can exchange it for what we need. Everything. We are soldiers ... For the sake of the above? There are only four things: status, money, beauty, and one of the most important strengths. We still ca n’t see status and beauty, but the two most important are, Money and strength, the Lord of the City Lord has given us hope, so ... how should you do it, you should consider it carefully. "

"Vow to follow the master of the city!"

The response to Clayton was the screaming roar of all the soldiers!


"grown ups."

In a luxurious room in the main palace, Monroe walked in respectfully, standing quietly with his hand.

"I have newly established an army of meritorious service. You organize some other people to count the military merits of the soldiers." Cheng Buyun pointed to the secret code of vindictiveness just copied from his side, as well as some tactics of vindictiveness. "These are not good secrets. Code, you and everyone discuss the establishment of the amount of military power in exchange, not too high, not too low, to give everyone hope to see, such as this lightning knife tactics, according to the rank, it is a medium secret, counts military power five Ten military merits are enough. For military merits, the first-level hostile soldier counts one point, the second-level two-point, the third-level five-point, the fourth-level ten-point, the fifth-level 20-point, the sixth-level 100-point, and the seventh-level one. Thousand, eight thousand and ten thousand, nine thousand and one hundred thousand points. "

"For example, this high-level grudge secret code, you can set up three thousand military power, and for example, this mid-level grudge secret code, two hundred military power is enough, these secret codes are nothing to me in my eyes, even if you go out in vain, there is no problem. It ’s just that sometimes there are some things that are too easy to get, but they wo n’t be rare, so I mean to set up a military palace. ”Cheng Buyun smiled gently:“ If you have time, you can practice any of them. A secret code. "

"Thank you, Master." Monroe knelt down on the ground gratefully.

"Get up, just do things well in the future, follow me, I will not treat you thinly." Cheng Buyun waved his hand, and a grudge made Monroe stand up, continued: "Also, today I taught the City Guard A piece of body secret code, this secret code consumes a lot of nutrients, you have to wait a moment, buy some Warcraft meat to supplement the soldiers' nutrition, don't be afraid to spend money, the money is gone, we can continue to earn, wait for these people If cultivation is successful, money is no longer a problem. "

"Yes, sir." Monroe left respectfully.


After eating at noon, Clayton and others immediately set up recruiting points all over the city of Black Mist.

The heavy food, the military palace that used military power in exchange for valuable items such as the Qiqidiandian, and the master of the city as a super powerhouse, these news all attracted the attention of many people.

And Monroe is also organizing manpower to promote the great feat of the new city master in the Black Mist City, eliminating the head tax and land and food tax in the territory.

Both of these are related to the welfare of the people at the bottom, and the whole city of Black Mist has a huge cheer.

The head tax, the land and food tax, are the two mountains of the poor people. The head tax ... one silver coin per person per month, the land and food tax, after each family and each family harvests, only half of the food is obtained by themselves, and the rest half is to be paid to The main palace.

Therefore, the people at the bottom of the Black Mist City are so poor that they have to worry about keeping an orphan.

Now that the two mountains have been removed, the people kneel on the ground and bow down towards the main palace.

"Sir, I sign up to join the army."

"And I……"

The hundreds of recruiting points set up recruited more than 200,000 people in less than a day, which made Clayton and others who were given the number of reserve troops dumbfounded.

Although they had anticipated the madness of the people, they did not expect it to be so crazy.

In order to protect their own interests, the elders of almost every household let their sons go out to join the army, and even in some families, there are a few sons, even two or three.

To support the city owner is to protect their own interests. Some old people may not know the truth, but they know the truth, that is ... If the new city master is defeated, they will go back to their previous days and be exploited by the upper class. Canada and China can't even save any money, and the country is living a tight life.

They are not willing!

Therefore, it is necessary to support the master of the city!

"What shall we do now?"

"This is far too much. Will the Lord Lord blame us for not doing things well?"

"But you can't push these soldiers out. You must know that the ice principality has nearly 600,000 troops."

"Forget it, let's tell the grown-ups and let the grown-ups make the decision!" Finally, Clayton decided.

The back garden of the main palace.

Cheng Buyun lay on a rocking chair, took a sip of tea, and smiled as he watched Little Leaf playing with Celsia and Xiong Er. At this time he has a clear state of mind and feels this rare leisure time.

This is life.

Clayton came to the garden and saw this beautiful picture. He was a little hesitant in his heart and was planning with a profile in his hand.

Cheng Buyun recruited, Clayton immediately relieved his heart, and walked past with a respectful smile, "Adult, today's recruitment work is quite smooth, the people are very enthusiastic, everyone feels the kindness of adults, supports adults, almost every Every household sends the heirs to serve as soldiers. Hesitating that our work is not done properly, the number of recruits far exceeds the number you have ordered, please ask the adults to punish. "

After taking a few pieces of paper that Clayton respectfully handed over, Cheng Buyun glanced at the total number of recruits, the ratio of men to women, and a smile appeared on his face.

There are 220,000 new recruits. Of course, there is no such number of soldiers in Heiwu City, but do n’t forget that there are dozens of villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Heiwu City, with a total population of 1.1 million.

However, more than 200,000 recruits, that is to say, more than 500,000 young men and women, 40% of them joined the army and became a recruit in Black Mist City.

This is simply a redemption.

The chaotic leader has almost no livelihood. In addition to the farming of civilians, the second option is to be a soldier.

Civilians have no way out, even if there is a body secret code in the family to burn the body, the average person will not go to practice, there is not enough nutritional supplements, they can practice themselves disabled. Only relatively wealthy families will practice and find a good way out in the future. The general civilian population can only cultivate land.

And the benefits he has given are so good, the military palace can use the military merit to exchange for anything, which makes the people completely crazy.

For the sake of publicity, and for the fact that their family is not a member of the bottom, they dare to take their lives to get rich.

"Very well, I can see that I'm still a little prestigious among the people. Just do this and train these soldiers." Cheng Buyun nodded, and sometimes the people's demands were low, giving them enough food and giving them hope. , They will explode with great enthusiasm to give you back, "Tell Monroe that the matter of buying materials is more important. More than 200,000 recruits need a huge amount of materials, especially when they start to boil down. It's a huge expense. "

Cheng Buyun explained the mode of training new recruits. At the beginning, he only taught a better breathing method and burned his body. Only when his physical quality broke through became a third-level fighter, would he have the opportunity to practice the lower-level grudge.

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