Plane Universe

Chapter 860: Native chicken tile dog

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The members of the ice blue principality army under the city walls are all elite warriors, wearing their own armor shimmering with black glare, and holding common swords and other common weapons in their hands.

These two weapons are easy to chop and are very popular among the soldiers.

As for weapons such as lances, only ordinary soldiers are suitable.

These elite warriors stood hundreds of meters away from the city of Black Mist, motionless, and looked up slightly at the wall above the city wall. Their eyes were full of indifference, and their faces were just cold, and they were all radiated with grief, forming like a black cloud. The breath pressed directly over the city of Black Mist, which made everyone on the tower uneven and depressed.

The scene is very solemn.

Cheng Buyun glanced at the soldiers, his eyes flicked at them, and continued to look into the distance, two miles away from Heicheng City, where the enemy's Chinese army was, the chariot, and the middle-aged man standing on the chariot. Contact, the latter's cold eyes also looked at the tower, where Cheng Buyun stood.

"Looking like this, this guy should be the Duke of Jess in the Ice Blue Principality." Cheng Buyun secretly murmured and noted the other's face.

Suddenly, the army below showed a middle path, and a blonde middle-aged man came out and shouted at the watchtower: "Everyone in the Black Mist City listened well. I read that you used to be under the direct administration of the Ice Blue Principality. Putting down the weapons and surrendering, Grand Duke Binglan will never blame, so you do n’t have to wait for four crimes. Once we start to attack the city, then what you are waiting for is slaughter. For the sake of your family, letting down the weapons and surrender is your only way out. "

The voice attached to the grudge was rolling back and forth in the Black Mist City, many people were worried, and there was also a strange look on the face.

The army below is too strong, and with a large number of strong men, can the city master protect the city?

"Don't listen to the other party's remarks. If we put down the cavalry and surrender, the days will return to the times when they were oppressed. Do you still want to live the kind of days exploited by the upper class?" The sturdy woman, holding the weapon in her hand, shouted: "Follow the master of the city!"

"We don't want to!"

"Follow the master of the city at any time!"

Many women around the girls shouted, and soon spread to the entire East Tower, followed by a line of military squares, four gates and other places arranged in the streets below the tower.

"Vow to follow the master of the city."

"Vow to follow the master of the city."

The violent and **** voice rang wildly from the Black Mist City.

"Vow to follow the Lord Lord!" Clayton's deputy commanders also shouted. They were one step slower and were grabbed the limelight by the girl. The other party will definitely leave enough impression in the Lord Lord.


The all-day shouts from the Black Mist City gave the blonde middle-aged man below a feeling of lifting a stone and hitting his feet, and even the elite army's face was slightly discolored at this time.

What they are most afraid of is this kind of army that is not afraid of death and high morale. Even if you know that the strength is not equal, the mask will also bite you for the blood in your heart.


Xiong Er screamed and received the master's order. Immediately, he waved the terrifying mace in his hand and jumped from the tower. The ground at the gate also smashed a deep hole.

"Master Warcraft is mighty."

Xiong Er suddenly jumped off the tower, and all the people standing were startled, but they soon made a loud cry.

Cheered by everyone, Xiong Er's footsteps could not help but lightly, holding his baby stick, and rushed directly to the enemy's blond man standing in front of the army.

"If you come well, I will know what you are capable of, Warcraft." The blond man yelled and pulled out the epee of his juniors, and a rich glory of fighting spirit poured out from his body. , Also sharper.

This guy's head is definitely not bright, Xiong Er rushed straight through like this, would he do it without any skill?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Xiong Er roared while running, a bear paw dragged a stick that was a little longer than his height, and greeted him directly.


The two approached, and everyone breathed in breath, watching this as if it was a battle of the century.

'clang! ’


Xiong Er's full blow struck the opponent's weapon directly and flew into the air, and his stick fell mercilessly on the blonde man's shoulder, hitting the other half of the body and bursting into a piece. Blood mist, only the remaining half of the broken body flew away more than ten meters along inertia.

With just one blow, an eighth-level strongman of his own side was beaten with incomplete corpses. The faces of the elite warriors in front of the Ice Blue Principality were as ugly as eating shit, and they also shivered.

The battlefield was quiet for a few seconds, and a huge burst of cheers suddenly erupted in the Black Mist City, "Master Warcraft is powerful!"

"So strong?" The Ice Blue Principality, Grand Duke Jess saw his own loss of an eighth-level fighter and looked very ugly. He was also a little worried about this war.

Seeing that the other side's Warcraft will still use weapons, the huge, sharp and serrated stick, the threat directly rose to several levels.

The bear clan is known for its strength. It wields such an iron rod, and it hurts when wiped, and it will die when touched.

"Ao! Ao! Ao"

Hearing the cheers from the rear, Xiong Er was excited and dragged the iron rod toward the enemy's army square.

At a distance of 100 meters, he arrived at the speed of Xiong Er. The iron rod in his hand swept violently, and a blood mist of residual limbs flew into the sky. There was no soldier left in the space of more than two meters. , And no one can stand, all died, and the body is not found.

"Help, that Warcraft rushed." The soldiers of the Ice Principality looked like Xiong Er rushed towards them, and suddenly the three souls disappeared, and the heads of the regiment were not the enemy of each other. These little warriors It is estimated that the other party can sneeze to death by sneezing.

Didn't you see that World of Warcraft swept one after another, even the whole corpse could not stay, this is crazy, too frightening.

So every soldier's face was shocked, and he wished to escape with his feet.

The entire front team was confused.

A few figures saw this situation, and immediately rushed out of their respective teams to intercept Xiong Er.

"What a panic."

"Don't panic, stop me."

The deputies of several regiments of the ice blue principality immediately shouted, trying to stabilize the team.

"Master Warcraft is mighty!"

There was a huge burst of cheers on the upper side of the city of Black Mist.

"This is the so-called elite army?" Cheng Buyun looked at Xiong Erchao, who was chasing the fighters on the side of the Ice Blue Principality, and his face was full of weird colors.

Your sister, this is Xiong Er's too strong, okay, the iron stick's lethality is too shocking, just to eat for a meal, and in the end even a whole body can't be left, which is too miserable, no one wants to be himself This is the end.

The remaining three eighth-level fighters who went to intercept Xiong'er and took dozens of seventh-level fighters. Under the joint force, they were still beaten by Xiong's one-one stick, leaving no body left. Those warriors were even more disturbed in their hearts. They put their feet down, hoping to stay away from Xiong Er and leave this battlefield.

"Not good." Grand Duke Jess and Leo did not meet this scene. In their imagination, three eight-level fighters with many seventh-level fighters, how can they hold this Warcraft, and then they People are going to round up the other party's master, but the facts are not the same as imagined, this Warcraft is too violent.

"We attacked, while the other party was not paying attention, to intercept that Warcraft, and finally the other party was not prepared, kill this Warcraft, and remove a helper from the other party." Huafa old man "Leo" shouted anxiously, and ringed from the space He pulled out his weapon, a three-meter-long red spear carved with lines.

Jess and others led the remaining dozens of 7th-level fighters, hurriedly attacked, and rushed towards Xiong Er.

The details of the icy principality can't be underestimated. There are more than a hundred of seven-level strongmen. It seems that the number of strongmen of the chaotic leader is not worse than that of some empires.

The number of seven-level strongmen in the Kingdom of Finlay is just dozens, and a small duchy with a chaotic leader has hundreds of seven-level strongmen, who is strong and weak at a glance.

In fact, this should not blame kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Finlay. Many strong men were persuaded by the Light Holy See and joined their forces. The chaos given by the kingdoms of the Holy Alliance is resources or status, which is far from comparable to the Light Holy See. Naturally ... the strong men prefer to join the Bright Holy See, which is also where there is no way.

"All of you are watching here, don't take anyone to attack." Cheng Buyun on the tower of the Black Mist City saw dozens of figures rushing out of the other party's military, and immediately ordered Clayton and others to say something, figure Jump out of the tower, draw out the weapon, and rush towards Xiong Er's location.

Hundreds of seconds, at the speed of the ninth level powerhouse, can be reached within a few seconds.

"The other city owner is here, we give up that Warcraft and kill him." The sharp-eyed old Huafa "Leo" saw Cheng Buyun jumping from the tower, and immediately hurriedly made a noise.

"Come with me to intercept and kill the other party." Grandpa Jess shouted loudly with his sword.

A group of people changed direction, abandoned Xiong Er's position, and rushed towards Cheng Buyun.

The two were so fast that they directly pulled down dozens of the seventh-level strongmen around them. In their consciousness, the two of them could not hold each other for a few seconds, as long as they waited for a few seconds, etc. Everyone came up, and the other party could not fly.

As for the bear, he has been caught in the siege of his army and will not be able to come to the rescue at one and a half. This is the best opportunity. If you give them two together, it will be a disaster.

"Cheng Buyun, where to run, here is where you are buried today." Grand Duke Jess shouted loudly, and Leo next to him stopped in front of Cheng Buyun one after another, and the big sword held in both hands. At the same time, he slashed across the door of his face, and Leo beside him also shot, and the red spear in his hand was inserted into his chest like lightning.

Cheng Buyun's face showed an indifferent look, his footsteps moved slightly, and moved to the left to open the two's attack. The two were suddenly startled and hurriedly turned around, but the former had the epee in his hand now, facing Grand Duke Jess swung down.


Heaven and earth sounded, and both heads were in a state of stagnation. There was only one idea in consciousness, God! This man is not a nine-level extreme strongman at all, but a holy domain strongman who has a great understanding of the potential of the world. We are so stupid to offend a holy domain strongman! ! !


The heavy sword in Cheng Buyun's hand fell, and he lightly tapped on Grand Duke Jess. He directly smashed his internal organs, and all the organs in the body were smashed with flesh and blood. The sky seems to be thinking about life, but it seems to be regretful. Why would this strong man in the sanctuary look at his site?


He doesn't understand!

Isn't the strong man in the sanctuary thinking about cultivation and breakthrough? Why did he come to grab his little site, as long as he spoke, would he dare not give it?


No one can answer his question, even if someone answers, he can't hear it.

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