Plane Universe

Chapter 867: Warrior Legion

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"Uncle, what are they doing, Sister Yi? Are you practicing arrogance?" The little girl who had finished the late repair, stood side by side and watched, waiting for the uncle to turn around and look at herself before asking with a smile. .

"Almost." Cheng Buyun replied with a gentle smile. He could not be said to be practicing breathing, otherwise the little fat girl would have to make trouble and practice this.

With her small body, practicing this breathing method, her body will be shaped, and she will be a dwarf in the future.


The little fat girl cleverly took her uncle's hand and stood and watched together.

After a few minutes, Michelle first realized the gray energy around her, and the weapon began to guide the gray energy absorbed into the body to run in the body and circulate the meridians throughout the body.

Michelle had practiced the secret code of grudge before, and it was not so strange to be able to feel the energy of the universe so quickly.

After all, grudge is another mode of operation of cosmic energy, like the forces of primitive force, aura, fairy power, divine power, etc., are all transformed from cosmic energy, but the degree of cohesion is high or low.

The energy density of the Magnolia Continent is very high, and it is very easy to realize. Unlike ordinary life planets, it takes half a day to perceive the energy of the universe, and it takes several days for the talent to be worse.

Soon, the maids realized the gray energy in their surroundings one by one, and began to open the body to absorb, operate, and enhance physical fitness.

There are hundreds of meters of space around the garden. The energy of heaven and earth is madly surging in a way that is invisible to the naked eye. It rushes towards here from all directions, and a huge energy swirl is formed at high altitude. The seawater, like the sea, overturned and poured, and the maids were fed up.

The first time I practiced, the energy absorbed was the most, and it was also the highest increase in physical fitness.

After an hour, the maids all opened their eyes and sensed the changes in their bodies, and the expression on their faces became weird, even a little dull, they couldn't believe it, etc.

Especially Mitchell, a punch came out, and the air was driven by the punch, making a huge tear, making her stare dumbly at her fist, her face stunned. When she just practiced, her eyes felt what happened to her body. Change seems to have evolved.

The strength of her body was so strong that she did not dare to believe it. Now the strength of the body alone is stronger than the strength of her fighting spirit, at least over ten thousand Jin.

However, such a force wants to break a stone of several hundred kilograms, but it can't be done. Not to mention her strength, even the sixth-level strongman can't do it.

The energy intensity of this material plane is so high, of course the quality of the stone has also changed, the hardness is very high, the third-level fighters have no weapons, and it is difficult to leave scratches on ordinary rocks unless it is hacked vigorously. trace.

So every carver is a strong man, which is not unreasonable.

Every maid's body has undergone tremendous changes. One practice has increased their strength by more than 3,000 kilograms, which is very close to the third-level fighters. This change is amazing. Even they are thinking that this will not last for a few days. Inside, you and others are so strong that you can use your strength to compete with the dragon?

"Thank you for your accomplishment." Yan Yi took the lead and knelt down, with an indescribable expression on his face.

Adults, this gives them hope to dominate their own destiny!

Women ’s status in the Magnolia Continent has not been high. Although there are many female strongmen in the mainland, it has always been difficult to change the status of women, even for nobles. You are a noblewoman with a knighthood, at most you can make sure that your husband will not have another wife and concubine, but you can't have several husbands, otherwise others will look at you with a very weird look.

Think of you as a very lascivious woman. Some noble female nobles, even strong women, dare not say how many men they have in public. They can only secretly get it. Once public, it is a challenge to tradition. Shame on his family.

"Well, get up, and work hard in the future, just do it for me." Cheng Buyun smiled gently: "You are the first time to practice the breathing method I taught, so the increased physical quality will make you a little uncomfortable. It ’s okay to exercise for a while, but there will be no such opportunities in the future, because your body has never been full before, this time it is evolution, our cultivation is to let life evolve, unlike the grudge cultivator, the body has never evolved , Once you ca n’t break through the sanctuary, the life span is only a hundred years, and the breathing method I taught you, even if you ca n’t break through the holy domain, as long as your physical fitness is at level 9, you can live 150 years, work hard! "

One hundred and fifty years has been the limit of ordinary life. Without a transformed body and soul, it is difficult to bear more time.

In this regard, humans and World of Warcraft are too far apart. A nine-level World of Warcraft can definitely live for hundreds of years, especially dragons and other higher life forms have a thousand years of life.

Extremely unfair.

"Uncle, I didn't tell you just now, I practiced the movements you gave me, and I also became more energetic." The little girl turned around and grabbed a tiger leg of Celsia, Then he raised it and said, "Look."

Celsia, who was caught by her, half-opened her eyes and yelled, as if she could n’t resist the power of the little girl. She was lifted up. She looked like a black line. I believed your evil, little Bai, don't use the other three paws to support the ground. I believe it.

The fat girl's energetic style was taught by him. Doesn't he know how much power he can add at a time?

Moreover, the enlightenment method taught to the chubby girl this time is weakened. It is not as strong as the previous lei training. It will increase the strength of tens of pounds at most. You dare to give a small white leg weighing thousands of pounds to lift it up?

Can I believe it?

"Hmm." Cheng Buyun nodded with a smile, and responded to the chubby girl with high interest, while turning her head to tell Yifu: "After a while, let the maids put on the iron tableware, lest the chubby girl get used to her strength. , Crush the cutlery. "

"Not really." The little fat girl took Cheng Buyun's hand and jumped to the hall.

Cheng Buyun smiled secretly. If you don't squeeze my hand so hard, I still believe it.

The chubby girl has just practiced and has not adapted to her strength. The force of Cheng Buyun's small hand is very large. If it is an ordinary person, it is enough to pinch her palm.


In a large valley east of Black Mist.

The training camp of the Black Mist City is stationed here. The previous training camp was demolished when the Black Mist City was expanded.

At the gate of the barracks, there are dozens of famous and noble big-name figures of the Black Mist City. At this time, these big figures look at the distant place from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

"Damn, why isn't the adult here yet? It's noon." Lantis walked around the barracks door, then turned around and shouted at Monroe: "Master Monroe, you really heard the adult say , Come today, not tomorrow? "

"Don't listen to your ears wrong, you will hear the day after tomorrow, or the time is wrong." Lantis pointed to the neatly arranged phalanx team in the barracks, shouting: "Damn, my soldiers are already here Waited for a whole morning, but do n’t end up with you hearing it wrong. Looking back, these soldiers have to scold you in their hearts. "

"How do I know? Yesterday I heard very clearly. Adult explained that I will find some time to pass in the morning." Monroe touched the beard on his lips and said calmly: "That's it, no time, when the adult came, but I Dare to ask, this can't blame me. "

"Landis commander, adults are likely to have something delayed in the morning. Let's wait. Lord Monroe will never hear the time wrong, because after all the causes of Ming and Li are completely different." A strong seventh-level man, Tom smiled impatiently.

"It can only be so, I hope the soldiers will not scold me in my heart." Lantis smiled with a helpless smile on his face.

"How come, the soldiers heard that adults are coming today, and I don't know how happy they are. They naturally greet the arrival of the adults with the best appearance. What resentment is there for waiting here?" Tom laughed: "After all, the adults gave They are new and put a road to heaven at their feet. "

"Yeah, it's an honor to be able to follow my lord, at least much better than under Jess's."

"Adults are much more generous than Jess. What we are given is not only money, but also all kinds of precious items. They are rare treasures. As long as you make military achievements, what do you want? Before, under Jess, Don't even think about these things. "

The strong ones next to him also intervened.

Munro smiled on the side.

"There was movement, I heard the sound of many horses running horseshoes." Suddenly, a strong seventh-level man's ears moved, his expression excited.

There are very few civilians in this place, and they wo n’t say horse riding. Even spies from other forces will only come in secret.

"Yes, I heard it too." Many people heard it and even crawled on the ground, listening to the movements on the ground.

In the barracks, the soldiers watched the movement of the adults, but also a little commotion.

After a while, the sentry outside the valley hurried back, and the leader of the team reported: "My lords, three miles away, hundreds of guards came here to protect the lord's carriage."

"Okay, everyone is working hard. Get in the queue." Lantis laughed and began to sort out his armor.

The same is true of others, finishing their clothes separately.

When they lined up in front of the huge barracks, a hundreds of knights escorted a luxury carriage to the valley, and ran like this.

Hundreds of knights ran to the front, stopping the pace of the horses, staring at themselves and others standing at the gate of the barracks. Hundreds of people moved uniformly, making them sigh: "It ’s worthy of being the guard of the adults With such momentum, you will know the strength of this army. It is definitely the elite of the elite. "

The leading Clayton waved, and hundreds of knights immediately split half and started the crotch horse again, entered the inside of the barracks along both sides, then dismounted, and the shield on the saddle was also held by them in hand and stood in front of them. , With his right hand holding the sword, his eyes looked calmly forward.


Hundreds of knights roared with knight's grand roar, and the souls of many soldiers in the town barracks were shaking.

A strong army is definitely a strong army. Each of these guards is countless times stronger than their own. The soldiers looked at these guards with envy and looked very excited. They all hope that one day, they will become one of them. member.

The equipment owned by the Guards is absolutely the best in all Maple County troops. The whole body is up and down, including a knightly gun, a sabre, a shield, a body with extremely high hardness and very light weight, and a dragon with a dragon. Blood-red dragon horses of descent, and these dragon horses are also covered with armor, with a total value of more than 20,000 gold coins, which is very expensive.

It's not an exaggeration to say that the Guards piled up with money.

Whether it is a knight's gun or a epee, or it is made of the same material, it is a very precious metal 'amethyst' forged.

Amethyst, a metal with extremely high hardness and high density, is only available in the Magnolia Empire. This metal is also the source of the equipment of the elite troops of the Magnolia Empire. Cheng Buyun can get these equipments, of course. It was also a gift from the other party.

As for the armor, of course, it is not ordinary. It is Oyabimis alloy. It is lightweight, extremely strong, yet flexible. The total number of full-body equipment of 50,000, which can be obtained by the Magnolia Empire, is only a thousand drops. Such a strong man in the sanctuary can get it.

One billion gold coins!

This is still the production price. Such full-body equipment on the market has no price, and single equipment is more than one hundred thousand gold coins. It is only the economic power like the Magnolia Empire that can be equipped and has such a huge number of special minerals.

However, for such equipment, Maple Leaf County has only a few hundred bodies for the time being, and others have not been forged yet.

After all, these full body armors are different from knight guns, epee, and shields. The armor should be built according to the height of the body, making the work more difficult. Unlike the elite temporary training of the Magnolia Empire itself, the temporary height they choose is basically the same. Bu Yun ’s guards have men and women, and their body heights are not exactly the same. The armor sealed in the warehouse is not suitable.


The carriage door opened, and Cheng Buyun took the little fat girl's hand and walked out of the carriage. She was supposed to follow him beside him. After all, he was a close-fitting maid, but because he had just cultivated energy before The style, the power can not be completely controlled, wherever it is a disaster, Cheng Buyun dare not bring her.

"grown ups."

Monroe, Landis and others greeted us respectfully and saluted.

"Well, that's good." Cheng Buyun looked at the neatly arranged soldiers who said nothing, and nodded.

In fact, the soldiers here at the gate of the barracks were excited when they saw Cheng Buyun coming, but they were reminding themselves in their consciousness that they should welcome the arrival of the city master with the best appearance, so even if the excited body trembles, They didn't make any sound, and shut their mouths.

"Sir, please come here." Landis reached out and led the way, bringing Cheng Buyun to a high platform, and the soldiers below also turned around.

On the huge platform with a height of several tens of meters, Cheng Buyun looked at the black crushed head below, and a pride rose in his heart, shouting loudly: "Warriors, I am your city master ... Cheng Buyun! "

"Vow to follow the master of the city!"

Cheng Buyun's voice broke out, and a huge roar like a tsunami broke out immediately below.

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