Plane Universe

Chapter 882: Expansion of the Maid Guard

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Of course it was Cheng Buyun who came in. He looked interesting, and with a big playful mind, gently covering the eyes of the little chubby girl with a smile on the faces of the maids, asked: "Guess who I am? "

Originally being covered with eyes from behind, the chubby girl was suddenly surprised, but when she heard this question again, she immediately shouted joyfully: "Uncle, you are really back."

"Huh, how can you guess me?" Cheng Buyun didn't understand it. He just sealed his breath and changed his voice. As a matter of fact, the chubby girl couldn't guess so quickly.

They also didn't understand a little bit, how did the lady guess that the adult was coming, she also had a question mark in her head.

Just like the chubby girl, Yanyi just turned her back to the door of the restaurant, and the voiced Cheng Buyun suddenly spoke, but scared her a lot. The first thought was who was so unruly and entered the adult residence without notification. The second idea is that someone sneaks in to do harm to the young lady.

But turning around and looking at it, I saw that the adult was back. I immediately settled down and watched quietly.

"Hee hee, uncle, who called Milly and Lisa just now to stand up, I have seen it all." The little fat girl turned around with a happy face, standing on the chair, pulling Cheng Buyun's clothes Xiu Huanxi said: "If you can come in here, you don't need to report it. Let them be only uncle and me. Hee hee, am I smart?"

"Yeah, yeah, you're smart." Cheng Buyun flicked her brain and smiled: "Look, with a greasy hand, you will have to wash your clothes tomorrow."


The little fat girl grinned and said, "Uncle, I didn't do it on purpose. I'll wipe it for you."

After that, the pair of oily hands, holding his sleeve in one hand, wiped it flat on the other, and looked at it deliberately and doubtfully: "Why, how can you wipe more and more?"

"Yeah, yeah, you see, I don't know who wiped the oil on my sleeve. The oil on the back of my hands, I don't know who got it, who eats the barbecue, who is it!" Cheng Buyun looked at her and smiled.

"Ah hum." The little fat girl raised her head and snorted loudly: "Uncle went out to play today without taking me, leaving me alone at home, I won't tell you, I deliberately wiped the oil on On your sleeve. "

The beautiful maids sitting by the dining table suddenly laughed together.

"Why, it's boring here, want to go out to play?" Cheng Buyun asked her little head with a funny face.

"No, I just want to hang out with my uncle." The chubby girl with a pair of bright big eyes has moved her deeply.

Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "It's not impossible not to want to go out, but ..."

"How's that, uncle?" The little fat girl asked with eager eyes.

"Want to go out and play is very simple, if your grades are qualified, then you can let the sisters Yi Yan take you to play in the Black Mist City." Cheng Buyun smiled and said the conditions.

"I will be qualified." The chubby girl yelled arrogantly, with high morale and confidence.

Playing in the Black Mist City, without leaving his eyes, no one can take the chubby girl in the Black Mist City.

"I'm hungry, can I eat? Uncle's stomach is hungry, you can't finish eating alone for uncle." Cheng Buyun sat down beside her.

"Uncle, I won't do it, give it." The little fat girl picked up half of the roast chicken on a plate and put it in front of him, said generously.

Sercia glanced at the two of them, eating food on the plate leisurely and complacently. In fact, she was very clear in every move of Cheng Buyun.

She and Cheng Buyun entered into a master-servant contract, knowing each other's position, distance and so on.

Cheng Buyun looked at the cute behavior of the little fat girl and smiled and finished the cheerful dinner.

One night without words, the next morning, just after 6:30, the chubby girl hurried to Cheng Buyun's room. With a water tray in her hands, she pushed the door open with the help of Mi Jiesi. Walked in and said, "Uncle, I'm coming!"

Seeing that it was Xiaopanyun who came in with a tray of water, Cheng smiled and asked, "Yo, why did our little princess get up so early today, not usually in bed for a while, and not willing to get up until time Is it? Rare! "

"It's not that." The little fat girl was blushed slightly by Cheng Buyun, a little embarrassed, took the towel handed by Mi Jiesi, washed it in the water tray, and then said: "Uncle you Yesterday, I promised, and after passing the assessment, I can play in the city. "

"Haha!" Cheng Buyun laughed and touched her small head. "It turned out to be for this matter. No wonder it came to my room early this morning. But ... the assessment is still a bit early, waiting for today's After the homework is finished, the assessment will start after eating at noon. What do you think? "

"Uncle, but you said that." The little fat girl grinned,

After washing, one big and one small came to the restaurant, but Xiaobai was n’t there. Cheng Buyun felt her spirit, and found that she was still awake. She shook her head slightly and passed a message. Yi Yigan's maid served a little breakfast and was about to go to the back garden to perform the necessary exercises every day. Xiao Bai came to sleep slowly and lazily slowly.

"Little white you big lazy, you and I have finished breakfast after uncle." The little fat girl teased Sercel with a smile, saying that she is a big lazy, and she doesn't want to think about how bad she is. It is absolutely unwilling to get up to 6:30 every day of the wall clock.

Celsia opened her mouth, several tiger beards moved, and snarled a few times, her eyes squinting at the little fat girl, as if to say, "Then you are a little lazy worm."

"No, I got up earlier than you today, and you are the big lazy." The little fat girl walked over, grabbing the hair on Sercia's cheek and dragging towards the door, saying: "You got up like this today Late, you are not allowed to eat breakfast. "

Sercia pretended to be dragged by the chubby girl and was snarling softly from time to time.

Cheng Buyun and Yan Yi and others followed behind, and came under the big tree in the back garden. Celsia fell into a nest and practiced the secret code the master taught him.

"Uncle, Xiaobai's eyes are closed like this every day, she must be pretending to sleep." The little fat girl pointed her head at Celsia and slyly complained to Cheng Buyun.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!"

Sercia opened her eyes and retorted when she heard the complaint.

"Hee hee." The little fat girl smiled suddenly.

Cheng Buyun bounced her brain funny and said, "Xiao Bai is not lazy, unlike you, lazy and uncultivated as soon as no one is watching."

"Okay, I started to practice formally, focus on my thoughts and don't think about it." Cheng Buyun stared at the eyes, and the chubby girl immediately opened her hand. Thirteen maids such as Yanyi and Michelle also stood on the chubby Behind the girl, in two rows, began to practice energetic style, one type of movement like gymnastics, beautiful and beautiful, very standard, no mistakes.

After these days of cultivation, under the strict supervision of Cheng Buyun, the chubby girl is very serious.

In fact, maids such as Yanyi do not need to practice energetic movements, they just need to sit and practice, and the efficiency will be higher, but they practice together. In fact, the ultimate goal is to accompany the little fat girl, not to let her alone. Cultivation of Qi-style movements, after all, only a lot of people seem to work very hard for her every time they need to practice.

Looking at the physical qualities revealed by the maids when they practiced energetic style, Cheng Buyun nodded secretly. The maids still worked very hard, and they could see that they were not lazy.

But yes, with such a good opportunity, and he taught it himself, people with a little dream will not give up.

In the garden, many maids who were pruning flowers and plants and clearing branches and leaves, turned their eyes secretly from time to time, with envious eyes on their faces.

Cheng Buyun had noticed this situation earlier.

After thinking for a while, Cheng Buyun beckoned to the distance, and the hands of the maids in the distance were very surprised to put their own tools, trotting over, and saluting respectfully: "Adult."

This scene is similar to how it was that day. It is likely that the chance for these sisters to become stronger is coming.

"Do you also want to be a warrior?" Cheng Buyun asked with gentle smiles as he watched a group of maids.

"Yes, I also dreamed that in Yulan mainland, no one did not want to be a strong man, but there was no chance before." A maid said with daring glances.

"Please also ask adults to be kind, so that we also have the opportunity to become stronger."

"Please also ask your kindness."

All the maids knelt down and pressed their heads deeply to the grass.

There are probably 166 maids in the city ’s palace, most of them are civilian families, and there are very few noble ladies, accounting for less than a quarter, 38, and 36 are the newly recruited maids after Cheng Buyun ’s occupation of the main city of Black Mist. As a maid of the Marr period, he had already sent a sum of money to let the other person go home.

Looking at the more than 30 maids kneeling in front of him, Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded gently, said softly: "Since you have this desire, I naturally allow it, but you must know that after practicing my exercises, you will be free in the future. There will be restrictions, especially marriage, and it is likely that you will not be able to choose a man to marry like an ordinary woman for a long time to come. "

"Because you are different from other women in the army, not an ordinary soldier, and you will be exposed to many core affairs in the future, so you must clearly realize that my requirements for you will be very strict." Cheng Buyun looks majestic Looked at the group of maids, his eyes swept across their faces with a scrutiny, causing the maids to tremble slightly, but no one looked down and no one avoided his gaze. He nodded in satisfaction: "In this case, I will give you some consideration and tell all the maids what I have just said to you. If you are willing, you will be here half an hour later. If you do n’t want to, you can not come. You will not be here as before. As an ordinary maid, if you want to leave the house, if you want to leave the city, you can write a letter of resignation to Yiyi. "

"Yes, Master, we know." The kneeling maids stood up respectfully and slowly left the garden as they saluted, talking softly with the maid who was going to judge.

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