Plane Universe

Chapter 890: Recruit a million

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The completion of the hero monument this time is very influential. As time goes by, I continue to think about the proliferation around.

It is not easy to survive in the chaotic world. Most people only eat for food and do not long for the future!

But after the spread of this incident, especially the young people among them, the desire to become stronger in their hearts, the desire to become a powerful person in the sky, drove them to Maple County.

Some capable families moved to Maple County as a whole.

The influence of Maple Leaf County has spread more and more with time, spreading to a large area around, and the surrounding three principalities, Lan Yan, Proud Wolf and Antoine also slowly decay!

Ten days have passed since the hero monument was completed.

On that day Cheng Buyun took a look at a government document passed from the government affairs center, and his face smiled from time to time.

All the government affairs are managed by the leadership team established by Monroe, and he is basically not required to worry about it. , Turning farmers into workers, joining farms and farms, and receiving a fixed monthly salary.

There is an advantage for farmers to become workers, that is, they do n’t have to worry about their fields, they only need to work according to the rules to get a huge sum of money every month.

Regardless of natural or man-made disasters, workers are paid 50 silver coins a month, and the farm is responsible for lunch and dinner.

At the same time, Monroe also sent a request for approval of the ‘recruitment’ work.

The recruiting work, of course, needs to be carried out. He looked at it slowly with the documents. He had agreed to this request in his heart. He had almost left the city of Black Mist. Since the last war, the entire force has been missing, and Morrill City has only 3 The defending army of more than 10,000 people, Tan Ao City does not even have a city defense force, and only rely on the auxiliary soldiers (city management) to guard.

At the same time, after leaving, the guards will also leave, and the Black Mist City will also become empty, and the plan has become the first task.

I wrote two words of "permit" on the document, and wrote a sentence, asking for a huge number of one million recruits. After writing, I slowly closed the document and set it aside, raised my head, and looked through The gate, passing the front garden, looked into the distance.

"Sir, lunch is ready." Yan Yi said softly as he walked from the side restaurant.

"Well." Cheng Buyun turned his head, looking at the quiet look on Yan Yi's face, her beautiful figure, and laughing: "I told you a few days ago that I will leave the Black Mist City and go to other days. Everyone knows the place to live? "

"Yes, lord, all of us already know, where the lord is going, we will go there, we are all servants of the lord, of course we have to stay by the lord's side, and all of us are willing to go wherever we go." Yan Yiwen A gentle smile.

Cheng Buyun didn't hear reluctance from her words, but Fazi's heart was willing to follow.

"Then be prepared, you may have to leave in a few days. If any of you want to go home to visit your family, please take leave to go back. After all, we went a little far away this time, and it will not be so convenient for us to go home later. "Cheng Buyun said.

Yi Yi responded respectfully.

A few days ago, the grown-up had already told her that this time she was going to settle at a level near the dark forest, thousands of miles away from here, and why the grown-up had to go to such a dangerous and extraordinary residence, this is not what she can guess.

"Adult, I'll call the lady back to want lunch." Yan Yi smiled and turned out of the hall and walked into the garden.


After lunch, Monroe, who went to work in the political affairs center, got a document handed over by a maid, looked at the word big permission on it, and a smile appeared on his face.

There are now four counties under the control of adults. Except for the super-large county of Andari, there is no power to see it. The other three counties are bordered by other principalities. The two principalities of Lanyan and Proud Wolf have been maimed. There are other hostile principalities who have taken a look at their territory and are already overwhelmed by themselves. They have no time to take care of it under the scorched head. The Principality of Antuen does not dare to turmoil because of its exposure. There is no occupation, and the aggression is not strong.

The Rock Hill County, the original location of the Principality of Rabit, also had a new hostile force, the Principality of Xinkai, but like the Principality of Antuen, it was deterred by its own power and did not dare to unrest.

The large and high-quality army of Landis is still in Andari County. Once he makes a move, this army will be killed from Andari County, go straight to their hinterland, and have not attacked him. With a smile, he dared to come and attack himself.

Through the previous expansion campaign, Maple Leaf County can be described as unrivaled. In addition to the various policies implemented, many surrounding principalities just wait and see and want to see how long they can support this side!

Is it just like before, under financial pressure, to continue to wage war.

Monroe thinking with documents, a strange smile appeared on his face.

In the morning two days later, the three counties of Maple County, Wasteland County, and Rock Mountain County made a sensation ... Just after 8 o'clock in the morning, there were several or dozens of recruiting points in each city.

The adult Cheng Buyun started a new round of recruiting. The young people who knew the news rushed to inform each other and informed their friends and brothers that they had come to recruiting points everywhere.

At the east gate of the Black Mist City, where the freezing point has been surrounded, there are many young people who are eager to crowd, hoping that they can reach the recruiting officer faster, present their identity information, and hope to pass the review.

Last time, Black Mist City was a huge sacrifice. Many families lost their loved ones, but this time recruiting, countless families are as enthusiastic as ever! The sergeant who was sacrificed last time has already received the honor they deserve, and the family members who have sacrificed the sergeant have also been properly taken care of. Is there any dissatisfaction?

In the chaotic world, it is easy for Master Cheng Buyun to do this step. He asked himself, what is the treatment of the Principality's forces?

So the enthusiasm of young people to join the army has continued to increase.

"Waiting ... wait in line, whoever is arrogant, cancel his qualification to join the army." Several guards wearing mighty blue and white armor roared from time to time, reprimanding the huge crowd.

These people have a characteristic, they are all young people. These young people were screamed at this time, a little ignorant, but they quickly reacted and immediately lined up under the command of the guards.

Because most of the people who lead the chaos ... No, it should be said that about ninety-nine percent of the people do not know the word, so the recruiting request was read by a personal guard.

"Listen, now I want to ask for recruitment." A guard holding a piece of paper looked at the person in front of him who was about to join the army and shouted.

Everyone is not clear about the qualification criteria for joining the army this time, but many people have heard that the conditions for recruiting this time are not the same as the last time.

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