Plane Universe

Chapter 900: Magic Crystal Mining

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Magnolia calendar January 1, 9994, Magnolia Festival.

The Magnolia Festival is the largest festival in the entire Magnolia Continent!

Early in the morning on this day, Xinyue Yazhu had a very strong festive atmosphere. The maidservants got up early and hung some decorations on some big trees and under the eaves to express the celebration, and everyone in the Guards also got up. Very early, they cleared the snow that had fallen at night in the manor.

Cheng Buyun also got up very early today. He didn't even practice in the morning. He had to rush to the mud seal city later.

There are magic arrays in many places in the manor. On the cold days of the manor, the chubby girl was wearing her usual summer clothes. This would make her dressed in winter clothes in the room, and also brought a A thick cotton hat with a rabbit head.

Packing all this, Cheng Buyun and the chubby girl, followed by dozens of maidservants and hundreds of guards, took a carriage in the square in front of the manor and hurried towards the muddy city.

In the carriage, the chubby girl crawled under the window with joy and looked at the scenery outside. After a while, she sat down again, holding one of Cheng Buyun's arms, leaning her head and said, "Uncle, I will go outside for a while Do you distribute gifts to others in the city? "

Cheng Buyun wore a white robe. It was nothing different from what he usually wore. His body was strong. The cold temperature did not bring him any discomfort. He smiled and affixed her small head intimately, saying: "Yes Yeah, you have asked many times. "

"Hee hee, before the Magnolia Festival, those noble adults gave me gifts. Can I now send gifts to others? Do I become a noble?" The little guy blushed and looked a little shy.

She thought in her heart that the nobility was very powerful. She did n’t know that with her status today, the former nobility had to please her, coax her, and did n’t know ... In the entire territory, except her uncle Cheng Buyun In addition to the highest status, the second one is her own. If she deprives a noble of status, the other party is not even qualified to resist.

But all this, she did not know at a young age.

"Then you can distribute gifts to others at the Magnolia Festival every year." Cheng Buyun laughed.

With a smile on his side while sitting, his lips curled slightly, the aristocratic status is nothing. The identity of the lady is not much more than that of some of the kingdom princesses, and even far beyond, those kingdom princesses can not at least be in power. Compare with Miss.

You know, the maid **** team is established for her by the adults, can such a glory be possessed by the Kingdom Princess?

I am afraid that even the imperial princess does not have such a power position. Only those who are very talented and strong, Her Royal Highness Princess are qualified to compare with the young lady in terms of status and power!

The huge luxury carriage entered through the demolished north gate, and in the shouts of the street people, slowly ran towards the city's main palace.

It was just dawning, and the festive atmosphere in the city was already very strong. The streets were full of people, and even the adventurers who were usually sullen took off their armor on this day, playing with a calm atmosphere on the street.

Eight o'clock.

Cheng Buyun and others came out of the city's main palace, followed by vehicles full of holiday gifts, and began walking along the streets of the city to distribute. The chubby girl looked red and took the bag of sweets, fruits, and improved millet cakes handed over by the maids, and then handed it to a teenager in front of him, saying in his mouth: "Little brother, this is a gift for you, please take it!"

The teenager on the opposite side was wearing a shirt that was not very thick, and even the shirt was covered with patches one by one. It was very worn. It can be seen that this shirt has an unknown history. The boy thanked the young man and took the cloth bag from the little guy. He said in a respectful manner: "Thank you, thank you, and wish you a healthy body forever and a smile!"

The juvenile is very polite. Although his family is poor, he does not hate the aristocrats and adults. No, I should say that I do not hate the current power. After all, Cheng Buyun is a force that is doing things that benefit the civilians at all times. Who does n’t like to support it!

This fleet of gift distribution vehicles is hundreds of meters long. Monroe and other hundreds of people smiled and distributed a bag of gifts to the people. Even Cheng Buyun was also one of the members who distributed gifts.

Don't look at this small bag of gifts, the weight is about two pounds, but don't think it is not expensive. The fruits of winter are chaotic, the price is high, and the quantity is very small. In some areas, the supply of nobles is not enough. The civilians are even There is no chance to try a bite in the winter. After all, the price is very expensive. There are no dozens of silver coins in turn to calculate the price. I want to take a bite.

In the eyes of Cheng Buyun, Yu Guang was also looking at the teenager. He was a little surprised in his heart. Under his own governance, there was such a poor family? No! Just when Xinyue Yazhu is built, the family with a handful of family members can get several gold coins for a little one or two people. After all, Xinyue Yazhu has been built for more than two months, and each person has two gold coins per month , Enough to spend this cold winter.

Unless this teenager is an orphan, it is not right. If it is an orphan, it will be at least well placed, and there will be no shortage of clothes and food.

It seems that the teenager's home may have no laborers, or his parents are ill.

Slowly distributing gifts, Cheng Buyun put the matter down temporarily and handed a bag of gifts to the people, even some noble girls.

Presenting gifts on the Magnolia Festival is a blessing to ordinary people, so Cheng Buyun and the little fat girl are surrounded by a lot of noble children who are receiving this precious gift.

Hundreds of carts and horses filled with gifts cross streets, and as time goes on, the number of gifts on the carriage is decreasing.

By noon, the number of people who finally received the gifts gradually decreased, and finally there were none.

After noon, some nobles in the city also began to distribute gifts. In the past, these nobles distributed food, but today, with the emergence of Cheng Buyun, they instead distributed some small ornamental gifts.

In the main palace of the city, after eating, Cheng Buyun told Monroe what he had seen before. The latter heard that there was such a thing, and immediately said: "Adult, this is my dereliction of duty. Busy, miss these things. "

"Well, we must do these things well after the holiday. Since there are two with one, I have seen many such children before." Cheng Buyun said seriously.

Monroe nodded as he should. In fact, he had seen it before and knew what he needed to do, but he would not justify himself.

In the afternoon, Cheng Buyun went to the military camp stationed outside the city to give condolences to the soldiers, and then went back to Xinyue Yazhu.

Of course, the Magnolia Festival will not end like this. In the afternoon, there are several performance platforms set up in the city long ago. Many talented civilians in the city are officially invited to perform on stage to celebrate the celebration of the festival.

Xinyue elegant building.

When the night came, a table and a banquet were set up in the manor square. Under the open air, members of the guards sat happily around the table, drinking wine, laughing from time to time.


A few days after the holiday, there was a basement in the manor, with two entrances in the basement, one leading into the Chengbuyun room, and a training ground in the manor, as well as a barracks for the guards. The exit was set at Inside the guard command post.

The guard command post is usually where several deputy army commanders sit here, and even the living room is inside the command post. It can hide the entrance of the magic crystal ore vein very well and is not known to outsiders.

Cheng Buyun, Clayton, and four deputy army commanders, dozens of special guards are in the basement.

Clayton and others looked at the absentee tools placed in the basement and had some speculation in their minds.

"To make you come here today, there is a task for you." Cheng Buyun looked at the dozens of people in front of him and said calmly.

Cheng Buyun didn't want to reveal the wind when mining the magic crystal ore veins, so when mining, only trusted people could mine, and the guards were undoubtedly the most suitable absenteeism.

They are strong enough, and it is easier to mine the magic crystal stone. The soil under the magic crystal ore vein is very special and very strong. Unlike other metal ore veins, ordinary people have two strengths to be competent, but the magic crystal ore veins are different ... those The earth firmly wrapped with magic crystal stone, ordinary people are undoubtedly quite digging a piece of steel with a pickaxe, which is very difficult.

The bigger the magic crystal ore vein, the stronger the absenteeism strength is. Like this super magic crystal mine of very good quality, the absenteeism with three-level strength and special tools are just barely able to mine. The deeper the underground, the greater the difficulty. The required absenteeism strength will be higher.

Especially after a few miles deep, without the cooperation of the earth magician, the absenteeism strength is less than level 5, don't even think about it, it is conceivable that the soil that needs level 5 to be excavated, how strong is it!

"Adult please." The five commanders and deputies of the dozens of guards, Clayton and others immediately stood up and replied in a deep voice.

Nodding, Cheng Buyun stood on the ground under his finger and said softly: "The place where we live now, below is a super-large magic crystal vein with excellent quality ..."

Magic crystal veins?

Or is it a very large magic crystal vein?

No wonder adults want to build a manor here, to live here, all doubts are revealed.

It turns out that things are so simple!

It turns out that there is a precious vein of magic crystal beneath the land here.

Clayton and other members of the guards were excited. The magic crystal stone is more precious than the gold mine. One gold coin weighs 25 grams, and ten gold coins are 250 grams. It weighs half a catty. It is much more precious than gold. After all, a magic crystal stone is a child with a big fist regardless of its level. It weighs about 200 grams, but its volume is much smaller than that of ten gold coins.

Especially adults say that the quality of this magic crystal vein is very high, so it is even more precious.

"Cut these stone slabs and turn them up." Cheng Buyun stretched out his palms, his grudge flashed, and cut a few times towards the ground in front of him. This stone slab was lifted up and gently set aside. Then, under the former magic of the earth system, the soil was overturned, and the magic crystals were revealed.

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