Plane Universe

Chapter 941: Magnolia city

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In the high sky, a huge Lei Ming Eagle with a wingspan of 38 meters is flying at a very fast speed. The Lei Ming Eagle with a slight white light flashes like an inexhaustible strength, and a big flew out in the blink of an eye. Segment distance.

The wind screamed, but the swaying wind violently blowing from above didn't affect the large, small, and two humans sitting on Lei Ming's back. Even Lei Ming's back was sitting with a bright yellow tiger.

This pedestrian is naturally Cheng Buyun and others.

"叽叽 ~~~"

The chubby girl placed a two-foot box in front of her, and there was a fluttering sound inside, and the young vulture chirped.

"Don't call it, your mother is here." The little guy held some meat mash that she personally smashed in her hand, put it in the box, and from time to time shouted to let the young carving eat quickly.

But I didn't see my mother's baby eagle tweeting, and she didn't eat those minced meat at all.

Youdiao would rather not eat food when she is hungry. The little guy is embarrassed, clutching his hair, and his face is full of thoughts.


The little guy seemed to have what was good enough. He took out the two young eagles in the box and placed them on the back of the eagle, in front of her.

The two young vultures placed on the back of Lei Mingdiao smelled the familiar smell of lowering, finally quieted down, and even buried their heads in the feathers, and then stopped.

"Hee hee!" Said the little guy proudly: "The invincible and adorable little cute is actually very smart. Look ... the matter is resolved!"

Looking at the smelly little guy, Cheng Buyun took out the teapot, brewed a pot of fragrant tea for himself, and slowly drank it.

The little guy was probably thirsty, poured a few cups of tea, and then teased two young eagles, dug out the alliance from the feathers, and fed them slowly. This time, the two young eagles ate a little.

"Yeah ..."

Sensing that his two sons and daughters had finally ate the food under the amusement of the little master, Lei Mingdiao issued a clear and quiet high-pitched name!

"Hee hee!" The little guy laughed when he heard the loud yell of the big eagle, and after the two little eagles ate something, after she slept, she calmed down, but not nodded, murmured in her mouth. What do you mean?

In the final state, Cheng Buyun ignored it just by looking at it. He was not worried. Obviously, the little guy was communicating with Lei Mingdiao!

After a long time, the little guy smiled happily: "Uncle, you must not know where the big eagle came from!"


Cheng Buyun was curious and asked with a smile: "Where did it come from?"

"Hee hee, the big eagle came from a small island in the North Sea." The little guy was very excited to see the things that his uncle didn't know about, and the bamboo tube poured beans to tell the things he had communicated with Lei Mingdiao just now. "The big eagle said that it lived on a small island in the North Sea half a year ago, and Ben Lei lived well, but half a year ago a group of strangely dressed humans went up to the unknown island and built some strange buildings, For his own safety considerations, the big eagle can only move and came to Jiyun Mountain. "

North Sea!

Where is the place of the bright Holy See, the lookout towers and the like should be built on some small islands!

However, these things were not related to him. When I thought about it, I did n’t think about it, but laughed and joked: "This is fate. Without the disturbance of the group of people, the big eagle will not come to Jiyun Mountain, nor can it. Slightly your contract pet Warcraft. And it will also lose its chance to become a sanctuary level Lei Ming carving, so it is all destiny, destiny let us meet! "

"Uh huh." The little guy nodded.

"Tui ~~~"

A crisp eagle scream spread out in the sky, and the huge body of Lei Ming carved a few dozen meters with a white light, flying westward at a speed of nearly 3000 meters per second.

In some cities and towns flying along the way, the brittle sound of roar caused many people below to look up.

Such a huge World of Warcraft, some people with knowledge know that this is definitely a very powerful bird of warcraft, some people began to worry, afraid of this powerful raptor flying down to attack.

However, some powerful people know that wild birds of prey in the sky rarely attack human cities, and the stronger the World of Warcraft, the less likely it is. Don't think that Warcraft is not wise, in fact, they are not far from humans, and know that humans have a large number of strong people, especially some saint level patron saints.

This is the same as the Warcraft survival environment. There are also Sanctuary-level Warcraft in the Warcraft Mountains and other places with many World of Warcraft. Humans go hunting and killing Warcraft. The number is small. The other party will not care about you. Will come out and trouble you.

The same is true for humans!

When Warcraft kills at random in towns, the strong man will come out.

"Seriously, I even found such a mighty Lei Ming vulture as a pet. The owner of this raptor must be a super powerhouse, probably a sanctuary level." Below the city, a cold and proud young man looked up at the sky On the **** spot with a slap, a pair of eyes slightly envyed.

Lei Ming Diao is difficult to conquer, and the speed is fast. Even a few 9th-level strongmen may not be able to catch it. Once the other party flies into the sky, you can only stare in the underground.

Even some sacred domain powerhouses can't keep up with it. It is conceivable how fast Lei Ming Eagle is!


Above the sky, Cheng Buyun mentally sensed the position on the ground below, and said softly: "With the buff magic, the speed is quite fast."

It is true that with the increase of the magical power of several light systems, the speed of Lei Ming Eagle has increased a lot, especially the prayer technique ... the prayer technique released by Cheng Buyun and the prayer technique released by some of the 9th-level magister warriors of the light system ... It's just not the same!

The light magic of endurance, magnification, etc. is the housekeeping skill of the light magic. There is a team of powerful light magic, and the combat power can be increased several times.

The Magnolia Continent has the three strongest professions, dark magicians ... mainly weakened and cursed. If you are its enemy, if you do not have a light magician to fight against you, how fast can you run!

The same is true of the light magician, and you do n’t want to face an enemy who has turned over several times.

Necromancer, this is also a disaster, a person equals an army!

Overwhelming skeleton soldiers, death knights, bone dragons flying in the sky, that is a doom!

"Uncle, is it coming?" The little fat girl looked at the map in her hand, her face more confused, how did Uncle correspond to the position above the sky?

"It's not strange that you don't have enough mental strength, you can't feel it. When you grow up and practice, it won't fall on you." Cheng Buyun explained with a smile, and then gently lined up Lei Mingdiao under the line. , Said: "Diablo, see the huge city in the distance? Slow down."

Lei Mingdiao responded with a sound, immediately began to slow down, his body sank, and slowly approached the huge extreme city on the ground!

"Is that true?" The little guy tilted his head cutely, obviously not quite convinced.

Celsia nodded her head on one side, and it looked like this.

Little cute is not yet officially cultivated, she is still laying the foundation, do n’t look at her as a first-class little warrior, but the master has never taught him to cultivate fighting spirit, nor taught her to cultivate spirit.

I heard that the master said that whether it is a magician or a warrior, body and spirit are equally important! The magician does not have a strong body. Once he is approached, the combat power will be weakened to the extreme. The same is true for changing to a warrior. Once the mental strength is not enough, if the magician is attacked by the spirit, a flaw will appear and be shocked by the opponent. This is a very threatening consequence.

Lei Mingdiao descended slowly from the sky, causing a little disturbance to the crowd below, and many people were secretly alert.

Normal raptors will certainly not attack human cities, but it is not necessary if they are mad raptors. Although raptors rarely attack human cities, they happen from time to time. For their own safety, they must be guarded!

After a while, the huge Lei Mingdiao landed on the ground, Cheng Buyun hugged the chubby girl down from behind it, and Celsia yelled and jumped down.

It turns out that this Lei Ming eagle has a master. Many people saw this godly and powerful Lei Ming eagle, took a breath, and did n’t dare to glance at the comers with their eyes. They could own a Lei Ming. The person who carves a pet is definitely a super strong person, it is not that these people can be provocative and can face it!

On the bright side, the Magnolia Empire is well-known for its fairness and justice, but in the era when the strong respect, some rules are well known to everyone.

Cheng Buyun, who fell to the ground, looked around casually, watching the crowd around him.

The Magnolia City is divided into inner and outer cities. The inner city is a city built 10,000 years ago. It has an ancient city wall. Within the wall is the noble area, inhabiting the most wealthy group of people in the entire Magnolia Empire.

Of course, the inner city has no restrictions on the entry and exit of people, whether it is the people of the Yulan Empire or foreigners can enter it. It's just that ordinary people rarely go inside. After all, all the people living inside are rich and powerful. If you are a civilian, then what kind of eyes do you think of you?

The outer city is the place that has been slowly expanded for thousands of years. There is no city wall. Although there is no city wall, the safety aspect is guaranteed. The outer city of Yulan City has a large number of guards patrolling. There will be a patrol.

As the strongest economic power in the entire continent, the Magnolia Empire is not afraid of anyone challenging its position.

The O'Brien Empire, known as the strongest military power in the entire continent, has not even provoked the Magnolia Empire once in thousands of years. From this, it can be seen how powerful the Magnolia Empire is.

Whether it is the strong, the economy, or the materials, etc., it is the most in the whole continent.

The three empire sites of O'Brien, Roo, and Ryan are actually territories that have been separated from the Yulan Empire for thousands of years, and are territories voluntarily abandoned by the Yulan Empire.

Because the territory is too large, it is not easy to pass the news. The situation on the edge of the entire empire is eroded. The city owners and nobles in the edge of the area are like emperors. The people lived in misery. Finally, eight thousand years ago ... The Yulan Empire was in the Temple of Life Under the suggestion of the High Priest, many territories were abandoned, leaving only the most elite part, which is also the core position of the entire continent, which is the current territory of the Magnolia Empire.

These territories have a warm climate throughout the year, not too cold or too hot, unlike places like O'Brien Lane, Roo, etc., where the heat kills people, the cold is terrible.

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