Plane Universe

Chapter 968: Back to Finlay City

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After all, the seven top families in Guangneng were fined 2 trillion gold coins each time, which already had 14 trillion gold coins. Coupled with the dozen or so dukes, each was fined hundreds of billions each, Marquis , Earl, Viscount, Baron and so on, add up to such a huge amount of wealth should be.

These days, the entire Magnolia City is surging, and every noble family that has been fined is selling their own family ’s property. After all, they are only left for three days. Once they ca n’t collect the fines, who knows Cheng Buyun What will the wicked do?

If the money is gone, you can make it, but if the people are gone, then it is really gone.

Comparing the two evils with lighter, this is also a helpless thing, who makes Cheng Buyun fist big.

Besides, this time it was still wrong for them to speak out. No one was able to speak for them after being fined.

Who dares to help them talk?

The nobles of the entire Magnolia City shivered under Cheng Buyun's deterrent force. They did not dare to curse an exit, fearing that there would be ears in the next wall, or being secretly monitored and heard by Cheng Buyun, the strong man.

"Arthur didn't want his share?" Cheng Buyun frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Since I have negotiated with him before and promised him 20% of the benefits, it will naturally not just be a talk, find a time, will Arthur should give him that part. "


Lanya pondered for a moment, carefully wording: "Master, although this time, Arthur the Great did not take the benefits promised by the Lord, but he also ate his stomach round, and his body was a few circles bigger. Most of the treasures brought out by the authors went into the pockets of the royal family, and these things alone, they made a lot of money. After all, the collections of the powerful in the Holy Land are usually difficult to buy with money. "

"That's different. Being able to eat these things is also their skill. This is no intersection with what I promised before." Cheng Buyun said lightly: "People can't stand without faith, so that in the future, who will be willing to serve me work!"

"Yes, lord, I will find some time to give this wealth to Arthur the emperor." Although Cheng Buyun didn't blame words, Lan Ya's back still exuded a layer of cold sweat, and nodded secretly in his heart, the lord is right Yes, today, Arthur the Emperor saw the strength of the lord. I thought that this wealth would be better than the lord, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was Arthur the empire who contributed nothing and did not get any benefits.

In this way, as adults say, who will be willing to do things for adults in the future?

However, 20% of the profits, Te Medi, he burst out a sentence in his heart, more than 580 billion wealth, which is more than double the Dawson family.

The Dawson family makes a lot of money every year, but spends a lot of money. I am afraid that the money used to manage the four empires every year is in the billions, and the money they make is almost divided.

Damn vampire noble!


Now that you have an adult, see who of you dare to reach out to the Dawson Chamber of Commerce!

"You Dawson Chamber of Commerce should also get some benefits this time." Cheng Buyun suddenly asked with a smile.

Without thinking much, Lan Ya replied with a respectful smile: "Thanks to the light of the lord, in this incident, our Dawson Chamber of Commerce also won a lot of benefits, especially the shops in the four areas of Yulan City, which were snatched from it. Tens of thousands of seats greatly increased our Dawson Chamber of Commerce's right to speak in Magnolia City. "


There is a soup to drink with the adult. Although it is not as sweet as the soup of Arthur the Great, this is the beginning. Slowly, as long as the Dawsons follow the footsteps of the adult, are they afraid of being full?

With the status and strength of the adults today, remember the Dawson family a little bit, so that they can eat a little intestines and have a round belly!

"That's good." Cheng Buyun nodded.

The fine this time was operated by Arthur the Great. Every family had Dawson wealth in the Shikoku Banks. He made it clear to everyone that if he did not sell most of the industries, he would not fill the hole.

Many nobles now sigh at home, regretting that they should be!

Why go for this muddy water!

This group of nobles thought Cheng Buyun was so bully, they didn't expect to hit a big iron plate, or the peak of Sanctuary level, they also did not expect it!

This is the consequence of unclear information!

They should do more bad things in the future and should be more cautious.

"The money will be put in your Dawson Chamber of Commerce first. When the time comes, there will be a need in my territory, or what kind of goods and materials need to be purchased, and then let you contribute." Cheng Buyun said.

"This ..." Such a huge amount of wealth, Lanya is also afraid of hot hands, and the pressure is a bit big. Once known to outsiders, I am afraid that someone will be emotional.

But when he thinks of Cheng Buyun's current deterrent, who dares to grab it?

Do not die!

Besides, to the point where Cheng Buyun is such a strong man, gold coins are not much different from waste paper in the eyes of these people.

Except for building weapons, it will be used in a small amount, but it is basically not needed.

Good resource treasures, things that have an effect on the pinnacle of Sanctuary Power, are not something that gold coins can buy at all.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people, gold coins are no different from other ordinary metals!

"So, then we Dawson Chamber of Commerce will save this money for adults." Lanya is not worried, as long as the wind is not leaked, no one will know that the Dawson Chamber of Commerce holds this huge money in his hand, even if he knows, the other party dares It is a problem not to dare to rob.

Adult stuff is so easy to grab?

"Okay, it's time, and I'm almost back." Cheng Buyun said: "Is my subordinates here now?"

"Due to the large number of people, after they came out, we arranged hotels and other residences for everyone to live. Whether adults need to gather those people, I will go down to inform them and let them come here." Lan Ya replied.

"Then forget, I still have something to do. Let them go back to the chaotic leader first. I will meet them at Xinyue Yazhu in the Nifeng City." Cheng Buyun said for a moment.

"Yes, I will tell the adults what they told me." Lan Ya said respectfully, not daring to say anything, nor dare to ask Cheng Buyun if there is anything to be busy, and the actions of the adults are not his turn to ask.

Cheng Buyun pinched the little guy's face and said with a smile: "Little girl, it's better, let's go!"

"Uncle, are we going home?" The little guy was too mentally exhausted. He had just fallen asleep just now. When he woke up, he was mentally unconscious and asked a little confused.

"No, let's go to the Holy Alliance first." Cheng Buyun replied, his eyes flicked at Celsia, and delivered a message. It's better to get up immediately afterwards and walk to the treasures of the little one, one by one. The thing was put away and stuffed into the space ring on her right limb. This space ring was seized before.

The space ring tied to her right limb is no longer a ring, like a big steel ring.

"Diaodiao, we're going, come here!" The little guy came out of the hall and immediately twisted his body to let Cheng Buyun put her down. After a pair of feet fell to the ground, she immediately ran aside.

After a while, she was holding a box, followed by a twenty-meter-high ... clumsily and carefully followed behind her, running towards here.

With this master, Lei Ming carving is really hard.

"Okay, uncle, the big eagle is here." The little guy hugged the box and smiled blushingly.


Cheng Buyun nodded, looked at Lanya who was standing next to him respectfully, thought about it, and then put out a book from the space ring and handed him said, "This is a fairly good secret of cultivation, just Presented to you the Dawson Chamber of Commerce. "

"Thank you, sir." Lanya took the surprise and thanked again and again.

This book is not necessary to read, it is definitely a good thing, even the Dawson Chamber of Commerce now needs, after all, such as Cheng Buyun, such gifts will be bad?

"Then let's do this first!" Cheng Buyun nodded.

Lei Mingdiao waited for instructions, spreading his huge wings, his body was low, and a pair of powerful claws squatted, but she did not see her wings flapping. The entire body, which was 30 meters in length, had flown into the sky.

"Goodbye, my lord." Lan Ya bowed respectfully, and her head almost touched the ground.

His mood was agitated at this time, and the hand holding the book was slightly white because of too much effort.

Holding the little guy, Cheng Buyun took Celsia into the sky, and then landed on Lei Mingdiao's back.

"Acridine ~~~"

A vast vulture screamed out in the air, Lei Mingdiao's wings spread, and the fan flicked, the huge body immediately inserted into the sky, and left the Magnolia City quickly.

"Ah! That's the way to go?" Some nobles who were ready to make Cheng Buyun saw that Cheng Buyun had left Magnolia City so quickly, his face was disappointed.

The faint name of Lei Mingdiao screamed, and the sounds shook the world. Naturally, the palace was also heard. Arthur the Great got the news that Cheng Buyun had just left Magnolia City, and he also conquered.

Lei Mingdiao pointed out the direction to Lei Mingdiao in the upper air. Lei Mingdiao shifted his body slightly and began to fly westward at extreme speed. The speed became faster and faster. After a minute, the speed had reached the limit of more than 7,000 kilometers per hour.

The Holy Alliance is 16,000 miles from the Magnolia Empire, which is almost over an hour.

Having a flying Warcraft is very convenient.

When no cultivator does not reach the sanctuary level, having a flying warcraft is most of the dream.

Nothing happened. After an hour and more than ten minutes, Lei Mingdiao, who was sitting by Cheng Buyun, had entered the territory of the Holy Alliance and flew to the Holy Capital of the Kingdom of Finlay.

The huge Lei Ming vulture landed slowly from the sky and scared most of the city of Fenlai. The defense army in the whole city was on guard, especially the people of the Light Temple. Their hands were holding magic, and once this thunder When the eagles rush down, they will attack.

However, when Lei Mingdiao landed towards the Lyons family mansion, some people had reacted, as if Cheng Buyun had a Lei Mingdiao.

Is Cheng Buyun coming to Finlay City?

Many people immediately became happy as soon as they levied them. When such characters visit Finlay City, once they are lucky, they have the chance to meet each other and attach themselves to each other. There is no need to worry in this life!

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