Plane Universe

Chapter 976: Admit your mistake

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In general, Hodan is a bad person, shameless!

Here in Yulan mainland, Cheng Buyun is not afraid to offend him, nor does he need to ask for anything!


In a blink of an eye, Cheng Buyun saw a young man dressed in white sitting alone at a table. The man's entire expression looked arrogant, as if he was blind to the people around him.

He is the genius swordsman 'Olivia' of the O'Brien Empire. He grew up with the name of a genius since he was a child. Twenty years old has been a number nine peak powerhouse. Thirty years old, ten years ago, broke through After a strong man in the sanctuary, since then, the name of the genius swordsman fell on him.

Even after ten years of practice, the strength has increased rapidly. It has already gained a great reputation in the level of the Sanctuary Powerhouse, and its strength is not much worse than that of the old-school Sanctuary Powerhouses such as Star Sword Saint!

(In the original book, Olivia bears the name of the genius swordsman, but it is a sanctuary achieved at the age of 47. Such a sanctuary is too common, so he raised his level. Since he is called a genius, the total Be a bit proud!)

Cheng Buyun approached the young man and looked at him in white clothes, with black and white mottled long hair fluttering slightly at the age of the wind, and the expression on his face seemed cold and inaccessible.

The other party also sensed his gaze, turned his head slightly, and saw Cheng Buyun, his indifferent face immediately smiled stiffly, and lifted the cup in his hand to honor him.

Looking at the figure coming, Olivia was also sighing in his heart. The other party was a little too young, more evil than himself. In his twenties, he has entered the level of the strongest in the Sanctuary of the Peak and is still magic. The Sanctuary of the Master's Achievement!

So today he came to the banquet, and he specially changed a more expensive robe to show respect!

Whether it is the other party's talent or strength, he should be respected by him!

"Olivia!" Approached Cheng Buyun, smiling and looking at him. This guy's temperament was a bit similar to Bran. It was hard to get close to on the surface. A pair was only interested in strength. Other things from Do not mind the same.

"Cheng Buyun!" Olivia also stood.

"Welcome to come to my banquet." Cheng Buyun nodded and said, "Can I sit down?"

"Of course, this is your place." Olivia's face was stiff, as if she had forgotten how to smile.

The two sat down, Cheng Buyun looked at each other again, and said with a smile: "I have heard of you, a 30-year-old Sanctuary strongman, this can also leave a heavy stroke in the history of Yulan mainland, you 'S talent is also very strong, and will definitely be a strong number in the future. "

If Olivia still had a decisive battle with Hedson a few years later, and later seriously wounded his soul and mutated it, his achievements would definitely not be low, and the fusion of two divine powers was not a joke.

But no one is sure about this, or he is unlucky and hangs up when his soul mutates?

The soul is too mysterious, and some super masters can't understand what the soul belongs to and can't analyze it.

Because once you understand the soul, you can create life at will, and any level of power can create it.

"It's just a little bit of fame, I'm far behind you." Although Olivia is arrogant, he is not the kind of self-deception, nor stingy person. The other party is more talented than himself, and he is jealous of his achievements.

He knew that he could not go too far because he could not see his own. He was not stupid, of course he knew these reasons.

The two talked happily and got along very well. Others thought Olivia was too arrogant and offended Cheng Buyun. Then they knew that the two of them were sympathetic, as if they were friends.

After sitting at the meeting, Cheng Buyun stood up and said, "It's a pleasure talking with you. I still have some friends who need to entertain us. We will talk about it next time."

"I am the same, please help yourself!" Olivia smiled, and stood up at the same time, said: "I have to say goodbye, came here today, mainly to see you, now I have seen, in order not to be You have thrown too far, and I have to go back and work hard! "

"Okay, wait for the next meeting, we have time to discuss." Cheng Buyun naturally entertained Olivia's character, did not retain.

"Okay." Olivia picked up the wine glass on the table, and Cheng Buyun also picked up the wine glass. The two touched it and drank it.

"It's my pleasure to meet you today, it's my pleasure to say that, here is the end!" Olivia finally gave Cheng Buyun a glance, laughed, and his figure flew away, and he had gone away in an instant and disappeared into the night. !

Cheng Buyun looked at Olivia, who had disappeared in the sky without a shadow, smiled, put down the glass, turned around and looked around his eyes, and walked towards a round table in the eyes of everyone.

Watching Cheng Buyun coming here, a dozen people on this round table stood up with a smile on their faces, and their eyes were eager, and they watched his behavior without blinking.


"Master Buyun!"

Everyone shouted in a respectful manner. The people sitting on this round table, Cheng Buyun had also seen some of them before. Among them were Ferros of the Ryan family, Monroe, and Telan and other strong men of the Dawson family.

"Good evening everyone!" Cheng Buyun came to the round table and looked at the huge obese figure with a respectful expression, and said a little jokingly: "Monroe, how are you doing tonight, is it still happy? Every time I see you and I Very oppressive! "

Monroe smiled and joked: "Sir, I can't help it, although I am full of fish and meat every day, but I don't do nothing like those noble lords. I'm so faint and exhausted every day. But the weight of this body cannot be eliminated, and I am very helpless. It seems that in my life, this **** body will follow the day I grow old! "

"Haha!" Cheng Buyun smiled, picked up a small piece of spicy roasted meat on the table, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed, saying, "Sit all, sit, don't be polite."

He greeted him, and also sat in a chair given by an old man of the Dawson family.

After he sat down, the other talents sat down with a smile.

"Master Buyun, I will introduce it to you." Monroe smiled and said to an old man wearing a prince's robe: "This is Stan Ryan, this is the eldest son of the Ryan family," Deya ", this is the Yulan Empire His Royal Highness "Rand". "

On the round table, enough identity for Monroe to introduce Cheng Buyun to know, so these three people, the others are not qualified!

When introducing Deya Ryan, Cheng Buyun inevitably glanced at him a few times, making Deya look a bit surprised, and secretly said, did Cheng Buyun have heard of himself?

"Master Buyun, hello." Stan owed his body slightly humbly and said a little compliment: "The master's achievements are really scary, and he is regarded as the most talented person in the history of Magnolia. There is no limit, and please ask the master to bring our Ryan family in the future. "

Cheng Buyun nodded and responded with a smile: "Thank you so much for the last thing. It will be free if you mention it. We will get closer in the future."

His closeness made Stan and Deya feel flattered, and the two of them suddenly smiled with a smile on their faces!

"That's a trivial matter. Even if we don't help, the sir can solve it. Let us help the Ryan family. It's worthy of us. This is our honor." Stan still has a fluke in his heart. It is very likely that the Ryan family will choose not to help, and missed the opportunity to make a good relationship this time. Can you sit down and drink together with the latter?

Did n’t you see that the top families of the Magnolia Empire are still watching, the eager and expecting hope that Cheng Buyun came over to drink such a glass of wine with them, but this little wish is so out of reach!

Cheng Buyun chatted with them, and then got up and left the round table. Then he looked around and walked towards a group of people who were standing and chatting under the eyes that some people expected.

Old Sur, Hogg, Dunstan, and Hua Shi are the main family members. Due to the friendship of the juniors, they are also considered to have some friendships. With this opportunity, everyone has also met and talked about some cooperation. thing.

Seeing Cheng Buyun approaching here, Hogg wanted to beckon, but several people were killed next to him, stopped in front of Cheng Buyun, letting his movements froze in place, and the words could not be shouted naturally, So as not to disturb the other party.

Hogg ’s movements were of course discovered by the other three, and he turned around quickly, and at a glance, Nin Dunstan was surprised: “Is n’t that the Alfonso, a great place in the light of the Holy See? It ’s so shameful to stop Master Buyun, how could he do this! "

With his city and mind, and Cheng Buyun's direction of walking, he could naturally see that he was coming here, so that they were stopped, making them unable to recognize Cheng Buyun, and having a pleasant conversation, of course, annoyed!

"It is estimated that it was for their own private affairs!" Recal Huashi smiled at where he looked, and said: "Before the Bright Holy See had shot, thinking Master Buyun was bullying, but he did not expect to kick the iron plate, Come here this time, I think I want to reconcile! "

"I guess so, but they can't be after the banquet?" Nin's face said angrily.

"You don't understand this. After the banquet, it is good to have a conversation now. It is shocking. The Bright Holy See also feels that Master Buyun can't afford it, so he put down his figure and confessed in front of everyone." Recal smiled Then, a pair of wise eyes seemed to see all the plans of the Bright Holy See!

"Okay!" Nin was helpless.

Hogg looked at several people in the Bright Holy See, and a flash of hatred could not be concealed in his eyes, but it quickly became hidden. In the light of the Holy See, he heard Recal's analysis and understood that the other party was afraid of the potential of the husband, and the result was not easy to clean up.

After all, everyone in Cheng Buyun's evil spirits can see that if they continue to practice like this, it is absolutely possible to become a god-level strongman hundreds of years later. At that time, they will destroy the Guangming Holy See and slap things. Can they not be afraid?

As for what kind of secret hand you want to kill, it is even more ridiculous to kill the gentleman when he has not achieved anything. Once opened, the friends of the temple of life of the gentleman will not let them give such hands.

"You are?"

Seeing that he was stopped, Cheng Buyun looked at the three people in front of him. The person in charge of the other party was a young man with a very handsome face. He had silver hair and silver eyes with white light. The light silver robe, the whole person looks strange and beautiful, but the movement is very elegant.

"His Excellency Cheng Buyun, I am Alfonso of the Bright Holy See." Alfonso humbly owed his body, lowered his noble head, and said like an apology. , But it is very good that neither of us has suffered casualties. It is finally a blessing of misfortune. This time I came to congratulate you on behalf of the Bright Holy See. Congratulations on your entry into the sanctuary level!

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