Plane Universe

Chapter 995: The beginning of becoming a god

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On January 3, 10003, the disaster of the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance shocked the entire Magnolia Continent!

According to statistics, the lost land wealth will not be mentioned, just half of the population will be lost, and nearly one billion people will disappear on this day.

In those occupied territories, there are not many people who can escape. Many people and civilians with insufficient strength are all sacrificed and used as rations for Warcraft!

In addition to World of Warcraft or World of Warcraft, the occasional human on the vast earth is also a broken corpse lying on the ground!

This is a huge disaster!

The day of destruction, after being postponed for three years, still came!

Under the wheel of history, everything that was blocked in front of it was crushed into powder, and the unstoppable **** train carried a ferocious and violent force, burying all the goodness!

The occurrence of this incident, Cheng Buyun, who is practicing in the miniature plane ... I don't know yet!

It should be said that he also forgot this important event a little, and he could not be reminded without reminding him!

Time goes by ...

In the same year, in the spring of Magnolia 10003, lei crossed the northernmost edge of the Warcraft Mountains. He entered the O'Brien Empire along a wide road between the North Sea coastline and the northern edge of the Warcraft Mountains!

After eight months of experience, lei has made great progress, and his strength has undergone tremendous changes, both in combat experience and grudge.

The wheel of history continues to run, revising its own trajectory!

When lei left the edge of the Warcraft Mountains and entered the O'Brien empire, he met a caravan of hundreds of people on the broad continent and gave 20 gold coins as a fee. The other party allowed him to carry him for a journey The will!

At this point, the historical track is further revised!

Without the involvement of outsiders, how powerful is the trajectory of fate!

In this way, Jenny and her two sisters fortunately met lei, and under his escort, they went to the county to inherit the title.

During this period, lei also knew about the huge disaster that happened to the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance a few months ago. At that time, the whole person was stunned, and he wanted to transform and fly back to Wushan Town of the Holy Alliance to take a look. In spite of the safety of the two sisters Jenny, she still suppressed the restlessness in her heart.

After entering an ordinary small town, he found the Dawson Chamber of Commerce station and heard more detailed information. He learned that his brothers and friends were safe. At this time, his father had safely arrived in the territory of Big Brother Yun in the north of the chaotic territory. He Rest assured immediately.

Although the resident father is safe, he is not in a good mood. After all, Wushan Town has his good memories, but all this has been destroyed, and he sighs helplessly!

Pack your mood and continue to follow your own plan ... hone yourself!

In this way, several years later, lei also made a big name in the O'Brien empire, continued to become a cloud, and began to fame the mainland!


Cheng Buyun didn't know anything about what happened during the Yulan Continent, because he hadn't come out of the miniature plane for more than ten years.

An insightful cultivation, such as his talented and powerful people, it is difficult to perceive the passage of time. He has been immersed in the sea of ​​law element power, and his strength is steadily advancing.

In the miniature plane, Cheng Buyunpan sat on the ground, a long hair had been dragged to the ground, beard Zara, his eyes closed calmly, and the white light fluttering around him in the sky, extremely dazzling and sacred!

If his image were not too sloppy, it would be a holy incarnation.

His cultivation of perception is different from other holy domains. It needs not to wake up to make a mark. Cheng Buyun's perception is the law of elements, what he needs is perception and research!

I don't know how long it has passed, Cheng Buyun sitting in a panic sighed, "Unexpectedly, I actually misunderstood!"

Misunderstanding? ? ?

His sentence is a bit confusing!

Cheng Buyun opened his eyes, and a glare flashed in his deep eyes, as charming as the stars, only to hear him mutter to himself: "No wonder Brother Qianlu asked him to minor in another mystery. ! "

After this period of cultivation, he understands why the other party's proposal is made. The elemental rule is very difficult to make people divine. The cultivation of the elemental rule, all the power of mysterious mysteries are increasing!

According to his understanding, if the gods are cultivated by the law of elements, then when they become gods, they are directly the superordinate gods, because once the elements become gods, the mysteries in this department are all clear to the chest, not the superordinate gods, that is what! ! !

This is also the reason why the powerful in the Holy Land will not choose elemental cultivation. What a joke? If you do n’t focus on one, you will practice like crazy, which is a neuropathy!

"In this case, then a god-level powerhouse like the Panlong universe should be far away from the uncultivated deities who devoured the starry universe." Cheng Buyun frowned. It is not strange that he had this idea, just like devouring the starry sky. The immortal deity of God, according to the law of light, becomes the god, the speed can directly reach the speed of light ... the starting point is the speed of light.

It should be the same as the "speed of light" of the mysterious mystery of the light system in Panlong, but it is much easier to become a **** at the speed of light.

The two are not equal in strength. Isn't this obvious?

As for whether it is right or not, you have to look after you become a god.

It's just that Cheng Buyun guessed that what he estimated should not be wrong. There are two cosmic cultivators to compare.

In fact, Cheng Buyun has been practicing for decades (in the time of the miniature plane), the elements of the law of light have allowed him to practice to the point where he can break through to become a **** in just one step, and the other five mysteries are only one step away. The past was a **** realm!

But he didn't want to do it. He had great ambitions. He even planned this route early in the morning and then merged the divine power. How could he disrupt his plan here!

"Five kinds of mysteries, healing, deterrence, purification, phantom doppelganger, speed of light ..." Cheng Buyun pointed at the other five kinds of mysteries of the Law of Light, and he finally looked at the sixth kind of mystery-speed of light !

To become a **** at the speed of light, perhaps the combat power will be very poor, but he just valued the life-saving characteristics of this mystery, with the speed of light, but can't I still run?

As long as life is still there, there will be a future!

What's more ... the difference in combat power is only temporary, plus his other mysteries are also on the verge, and the combat power is not so bad!

With the decision, he immediately put aside his other thoughts and began to study the speed of light directly, understanding the mystery of speed!

After immersing in cultivation and trying to break through the last step of the mysterious mystery of the speed of light, on this day, he felt that his own mysterious mystery crossed a boundary,

This is the boundary between the Holy Realm and the God Realm.

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