Planet Escape

Chapter 177: Technology exchange

"Hello Earth civilization, we are the Orson civilization. How does the technical exchange work?"

After Xiang Qian saw this message, he immediately clapped his hands and hung up.

"Xingkong, tell them that if they see a technology, they can use the same level of technology to exchange it. If it is not the same level of technology, they will be evaluated based on the technology level, innovation, and development, and finally for this Scoring a technology and then using points to redeem a technology, "Xiang Qian said to the sky.

Sure enough, after receiving a reply from Xiang Qian, Orson Civilization began to silence again.

However, Xiang Qian knew that this was normal. For such things as exchange technology, he must have a meeting to discuss it, and when the other party first traded, he would definitely not come up with advanced technology. Even the technology in the early stage of the second civilization was enough. .

However, Xiang Qian was not afraid that the other party would not come up with good technology in the end. Plasma shields, artificial gravity devices, and other technologies were all jealous technologies of second-level civilization. No second-level civilization can withstand such temptations. .

When Anson Civilization saw the points of the first-level civilization technology assessment and the points needed to exchange for the third-level civilization technology, he knew that exchanging the first-level civilization technology for the third-level civilization technology was a joke. Don't think about changing the third-level civilization technology.

When Xiang Qian drank tea in the office, figuring out how much second-level civilization technology could be changed, Orson civilization was engaged in heated discussions.

In a twelve-kilometer-long spaceship 2.2 light years away from Earth, the Orson Civilization Council is discussing it.

"I still don't agree with the technology exchange. We didn't even see that earth civilization. What if the technology was given to them, what should they do?" A dark skin. A member of the Orson Civilization Council, who was less than a meter tall, said loudly.

"We can trade them with first-class civilization technology. Even if the other party regrets it, we will not lose anything."

"Yes, I also exchange the technology of first-class civilization."

"Well, the minority obeys the majority, and informs the scientists to come up with a post-civilization first-stage technology to pass. Let them evaluate."

Finally, most members of the Orson Civilization Council agreed that Orson Civilization began to transmit technical information.

Within ten minutes, they received the message.

"Hello, Orson civilization. We have evaluated the post-first-level civilization technology you uploaded. Finally, based on the innovation of these technologies, we gave 3 points. Now you can access the page of the technology exchange market in exchange for Same point technique. "

Orson civilization after receiving a reply. Log in to the technical communication page immediately.

"The grand unification theory, the relationship between gravity and matter ... these are all scientific theories. We must get them. With these forces, we can quickly become a third-level civilization.

"Just choose the Grand Unified Theory and change this ..."

Several members of the council haven't finished speaking yet, as if they saw something incredible, they shut up collectively.

Because after clicking the icon of the Great Unified Theory, there is not only a rough introduction to the Great Unified Theory, but also a 9-digit redemption point.

"150 million points ... why do you need so many points? They are scammers. Even if you upload all the information in our entire science and technology database of Orson civilization, you wo n’t get so many points. . "

"I knew that they must have lied to us. Don't believe them if you said it earlier. You must have the last technical information. Now you regret it."

"What is the Great Unification Theory, everyone of us knows that it is the cornerstone of the third-level civilization. So it is normal for the other party to sell 150 million points. You can see the exchange points of these technologies, artificial gravity devices Only 20 million points are needed for the full set of technology.

We only need to exchange a full set of artificial gravity device technology to deduce the grand unified theory. Although this will take a lot of time, only with this technology, we can solve the gravity problem of the spacecraft by the Orson civilization. So I think, continue to upload technical information and make up 2000 points to replace this technology. "

"No, then how many technical documents need to be uploaded, 5 million or 10 million, in case this is a scam?"

"I don't agree. It is too early for our Orson civilization to study the third-level civilization technology. I think it is more cost-effective to exchange some technical information for the second-level civilization."

"Don't make a noise, everyone is voting now, decide first or not."

Soon more than two-thirds of the members of the Orson Civilization Council agreed to continue to exchange information.

"Then continue to vote, should we exchange information for second-level civilization or third-level civilization."

Eighty percent of the people supported the exchange of information on secondary civilizations.

"So in this case, develop the first-level science and technology database of Orson civilization, upload all first-level civilizations, see how many points you can get in the end, and then do an absolute, agreed vote."

Everyone hesitated for a moment, or chose to agree.

Soon, the Orson civilization began to upload all the technical data of the first-level civilization, including scientific-level theoretical data of the first-level civilization.

After learning about this situation, Xiang Gan only smiled slightly. These are side dishes, and the real dinner is still behind.

After half an hour, all the first-level scientific and technological data of Orson Civilization were uploaded.

"Xingkong, immediately compared this information with the earth's database, and jumped out all the technologies that the earth did not have, and sent them to the major departments of the Academy of Sciences. Let all departments of the Academy stop their work and eat all these data thoroughly Give me a detailed evaluation report of the civilized science and technology system. "Xiang Qian said to the sky.

"Okay, boss."

Xiang Qian hopes that the scientific thinking contained in these materials will give scientists some new ideas. Although these are first-class civilization materials, the environment in which civilizations live is different, and the material basis is different. Then the idea of ​​developing science and technology will certainly not be the same, even if all these materials are outdated, but the meaning of scientific thinking is still very useful for human beings.

This is the same as if there were no rubber trees on the earth, humans would not have invented tires. Perhaps at that time, humans would use other materials to replace them and still produce tires. However, although the technology involved is not very high, humans have never really studied it.

Now tires have been eliminated, and humans have used floating cars, but another type of technical information that can replace tires is also a complement to human scientific and technological knowledge. Whenever humans need other materials, they may find inspiration from this information. If human beings themselves, no one would be too busy to go back and study the materials that replace tires. This is not unexpected, but it is not necessary to waste that time.

After uploading, the Orson civilization waited nervously for evaluation points, and was afraid that the earth would never hear again.

Fortunately, after five points, a message came and the points were evaluated.

4.27 million points, which is the points obtained from all first-class scientific and technological materials of the Orson civilization.

"Just so much points, it seems that I can only change the technology of the second-level civilization ~ ~ Immediately send the technology directory of the second-level civilization to the Academy of Sciences and let scientists analyze which technologies are most needed by our Orson civilization . "

"Fortunately, these points can be exchanged for the scientific and technological information of the second civilization. Otherwise, I really think they are liars."

"It's not easy to say now, just wait for the exchange of information."

An hour later, the scientists of the Orson civilization gave out a long list of technologies, which indicated that all these technologies were needed by the Orson civilization.

As a result, the Orson Civilization Council turned green after checking all the points for these technologies. Fortunately, the faces of the Orson civilization are all black and cannot be seen even green.

"Our points are not enough for these technologies. Now we can only exchange two points for the points. Choose the important ones first, and verify the authenticity of these technologies after the exchange.


Soon the Orson civilization ticked the electromagnetic repulsive force field technology and gene division technology, and the two technologies began to download in the next second. (To be continued ...)

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