Planet Escape

Chapter 353: 2nd Wormhole

"The abandonment of the No. 1 star is completed, the formation force field is adjusted, and the galaxy battleship is started. △ ¢ 四 △ ¢ 五 △△ 中 △ ¢ 文,"

After discarding a star, the galaxy warship continued to set off and flew towards the Andromeda galaxy.

The star that remained in the cosmic void exploded a month later, and finally became a white dwarf.

Xiang Qian was helpless to watch the supernova explosion scene through the detector. With the current level of science and technology of the Earth Federation, it is not possible to use 100% of the stellar energy. This star, which was abandoned in the middle, is reaching the critical point of becoming a red giant.

Even with super strong magnetic and gravitational fields, this expansion cannot be prevented. So before this star becomes a red giant, it can only be abandoned and then detonated.

The energy used by the Earth Federation was previously extracted on all stars on average, but now it has been changed to several types of energy to extract one star. So after a galaxy battleship sailed 3,000 light years, a star was scrapped.

This detonable star is only the first, but not the last. In the next interstellar journey, every 3,000 light-years away, the Earth Federation will abandon a star.

In fact, the abandoned star can be used as a bomb, using the violent energy of the supernova explosion to hinder the civilization behind.

But Xiang Qian did not do that, not because he was kind. It's so offensive to people like that. If the number of civilizations in the entire galaxy is offensive, even if they reach the Andromeda galaxy, the Earth Federation should not be confused.

So the civilization race that follows the Earth Federation every few decades. You can see a supernova explosion. Numerous auras can be seen in the entire universe, and these auras are connected one by one. The halo is closest to the Milky Way and the smallest to the Andromeda Galaxy. A spectacle formed in the cosmic void.

Such a scene lasted for 1,000 years and did not disappear until the Earth Federation had traveled 200,000 light years. Except for the beginning 20,000 light-years ago, the Earth Federation abandoned 60 stars on this way.

The reason why the Earth Federation did not abandon stars at 200,000 light-years is because another wormhole appeared in that place.

When the Earth Federation discovered the wormhole, the entire top of the Earth Federation was relieved.

After all, according to the energy consumption rate of the Earth Federation, when the Earth Federation sails up to 1.65 million light-years from the Milky Way, it will consume all the stars. Earth Federation will not be able to maintain 200 times the speed of light. It is impossible to reach the Andromeda galaxy in ten thousand years.

Therefore, the entire high level of the Earth Federation is in a hurry, especially after sailing 150,000 kilometers, Xiang Qian did not ask about the detection results for a day.

After all, no one knows that this second wormhole turned out to be 200,000 light years away from the first wormhole exit. Even at 200 times the speed of light, the Earth Federation has flown for more than 1,000 years before arriving here .

"Are there any results from the detector?" Xiang Qian asked immediately after getting up every morning.

"Boss, the detector hasn't sent any news back."

"I see."

Xiang Qian got up after washing. Come to his office in the Earth Federation Building and let the sky show the star map.

This star chart shows countless small light spots. These small light spots are the countless civilization races of the Milky Way, because every time a star is abandoned by the Earth Federation. A batch of detectors will be released, so Xiang Qian can grasp the situation at the first time.

There are now more than 700 civilized races closest to the Earth Federation. These civilized races are more than 20,000 light-years away from the Earth Federation, in terms of time. It takes more than a hundred years to get here.

Even if these civilizations want to detect the existence of wormholes, they need to be close to the wormhole 6000 light years. So now no civilization race in the entire galaxy knows the existence of a second wormhole.

As for the remaining civilized races, they are farther away from the Earth Federation. They are not a threat from the Earth Federation at all. Xiang Qian only needs to pay attention to the first 700 or more civilization races.

The Earth Federation now stops in front of the wormhole, waiting for the detector to use the news at the wormhole exit. If there is no danger, the Earth Federation will enter the wormhole as soon as possible.

However, it has been a year and a half since the distance detector entered the wormhole, but no news has been received so far. If it is not the detector, then there is at least 100,000 light-years away from the exit of this wormhole.

Although the longer the wormhole spans, the better news is for all civilizations. But again, the longer the probe will return, this is not good news for the Earth Federation.

At present, no one is sure what is at the wormhole exit, but according to the analysis of think tanks, the probability of danger at the wormhole exit is less than 10%, and the possibility of having various resources reaches 8%. Ten, the rest is uncertainty.

The analysis term is also quite agreeable, but the identity is the identity. Before the detector sends back the information, the Earth Federation cannot enter the wormhole because of a guess.

But the time waiting for the detector to send back the message is the time wasted by the Earth Federation.

After all, the Earth Federation must pass through the wormhole before the more than 700 civilized races can detect the wormhole. If there are resources at the wormhole exit, it will also need to collect the resources required by the Earth Federation in one hundred years. Then set off immediately.

Otherwise, for the sake of resources, racial wars will definitely erupt, and there will still be endless wars.

Also making a hypothesis that there is a wormhole every 200,000 light years, and each wormhole is a resource point. Then the time that the Earth Federation was wasting in the first resource emperor, and the time that the detector sent back the message, it is estimated that when the third wormhole persists, the advantage of the Earth Federation that is currently leading for more than 100 years will be offset. .

At that time, it is likely that a war broke out in the fourth wormhole because of a problem with resources.

This is what Xiang Gan is unwilling to see. Although the Earth Federation is confident of winning in the race war, other civilized races will definitely work hard in the face of the war about the survival or death of the race. At that time, even if the Earth Federation wins, pay The price may also be unwilling to bear.

And after reaching the Andromeda galaxy, it is unknown what kind of crisis it is facing, and it is very unwise to waste the potential of the entire race on the competition for resources.

So now Xiang Qian is waiting for the news of the detector every day, and hopes that the first echelon behind will be able to do something and delay the forward speed, although this is basically impossible to launch.

For a thousand years, the Earth Federation has consumed too many materials, but in addition to energy consumption, other materials can still adhere to the Earth Federation. So Xiang Qian already thought about it. Once there are resources at the exit of the wormhole, the Earth Federation needs nothing else to pack away the stars directly, and other resources can be taken away when packing the stars.

"Starry sky, how much has the equipment of the stellar ring changed?" Xiang Qian asked to the starry sky.

"Boss, 28% have been replaced. According to your requirements and the current replacement speed, it will take five years and six months to complete the replacement."

"Well ~ ~ Any other issues that need to be solved?"

"No other issues have been found."

"Then you inform the equipment department and let them hurry up to build the stellar containment equipment and assembly equipment. I hope that when capturing the stars again, the speed must be more than double the previous speed."

"Okay, boss."

In this way, the Earth Federation stopped to rest in front of the wormhole while waiting for a message from the detector.

This is more than three years.

"Boss, the detector sends back a message, there is no danger at the wormhole exit, but there is a huge star system at the wormhole exit." The sky suddenly said to Xiang Gan this day.

"Insist on all the equipment immediately, if there is no problem, start immediately and enter the wormhole." Xiang Gan stood up immediately and said excitedly.

For this day, he waited for more than three years, it's no wonder if he can't get excited. (To be continued ...)

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