Planet Escape

Chapter 357: Take away all the stars

After the starry sky disappeared, Xiang Qian said to Eggs, "Eggs, under what circumstances will your subject die?"

"... It is basically impossible to die. After all, my subject is part of the entire universe law. Unless the old master changes the universe law, the subject will not die ... Of course, if the universe is destroyed, the subject will surely die. :: Four :: Five :: Chinese ::

But there is an old master in the small universe, and it is impossible to destroy it, so ... the old master should abandon the subject ... ohhhhhhhhhh ... after reaching this conclusion, Yudan cried even more sad.

After Xiang Gan heard the words, he began to think.

It stands to reason that the mysterious Mr. Lin should not harm him, of course this is not absolute. However, in theory, it is not good for the other party to harm him, there is no need to waste this time and energy. Even if you want to hurt him, you can do it as early as the Large Magellan Galaxy, why wait till now.

Then why did the other party cut off the connection between the egg and the subject? It was totally unreasonable, in order to reassure him and tell him that he would no longer monitor him in the future or what else did he mean.

If the other party was destroyed because he reminded him, Xiang Qian thought about it and put aside the situation. The other party is not Lei Feng, how could it be possible to remind him to destroy the universe, it is simply unrealistic. It would not be possible for him to do so, unless the other party has other plans, then ※ ◎ If so, think about it.

After a while, the starry sky appeared again.

"Boss, according to the Academy of Sciences, it takes at least 5,000 years. The level of science and technology can reach the peak of the fourth-level civilization."

At least 5,000 years, and now one million light years away from the Andromeda galaxy. According to the calculation that there is a wormhole every 200,000 light years, there should be three wormholes in front. If so count. As long as 3,000 years, the Earth Federation can reach the Andromeda galaxy.

However, in 3,000 years, it is impossible to raise the level of science and technology to the peak of the fourth civilization, and then it will be dangerous to reach the Andromeda galaxy. Then the only way is to fly directly without going through the wormhole.

At present, the resources collected by the Earth Federation are not enough to fly to the Andromeda galaxy. Therefore, we must reach the resource point again to supplement the 800,000 light-years of supplies before we can directly fly to the Andromeda galaxy from the next resource point.

In this way, it will take 1,000 years to fly to the next wormhole, and the next 800,000 light years will take 4,000 years. Add up to exactly 5,000 years. This is the same as the time calculated by the Academy of Sciences, so does it mean that the mysterious Mr. Lin counted the scientific research speed of the Earth Federation, and just sent a message to him at this time.

If this is the case, it can only say that all the secrets of the Earth Confederation are not secrets to the other party, otherwise it is impossible to calculate the time so accurately.

"Starry sky, notify the equipment department. Within one thousand years, 600 sets of star capture devices were manufactured, and at the same time, super-large planet crushing equipment and special rare metal collection equipment were manufactured. After reaching the next resource point, my request was in two Within ten years. Resources to capture 600 stars and collect 100,000 special rare metal planets. "Xiang Qian said seriously.

"Okay, boss."

After Xiang Gan said it, he told the condensation to take it away. He went to the Academy of Sciences in person, and he wanted to cut off some of the currently useless and resource-consuming research projects. Make every effort to raise the level of science and technology.

Although cutting down promising research projects, it makes the scientists responsible for various projects very depressed. But under Xiang Qian's flicker. It is said that if the scientific and technological level of the fourth-level civilization cannot be reached within 5000, the Earth Federation will be in danger of being destroyed.

Those scientists didn't say anything, they obediently returned to their respective discipline research centers and gathered all their strengths to start scientific research.

After persuading the scientists, Xiang Qian began to adjust other aspects. For example, the problems of upgrading their respective equipment and the manufacturing of war weapons have all been adjusted. In terms of the inclination of resources, it has begun to increase its strategic direction.

With the orders of Xiang Gan, the atmosphere of stability of the Earth Federation can be a little nervous. Even ordinary people have begun to consciously strengthen their militarization training and not watch entertainment programs doing nothing.

It can be said that without realizing it, the Earth Federation has entered a state of combat readiness, but it is not as nervous as during the war.

Days passed, and soon the Earth Federation reached the third wormhole.

Also because of insurance, the detector was launched first, but at this time Xiang Qian's mood was different.

Because at this resource point, the Earth Federation needs to supply enough materials to sail 800,000 light years, and the time cannot be too long. This is really a test for the Earth Federation.

In an instant, three years passed. After receiving the signal from the detector, the galaxy battleship quickly entered the wormhole.

After passing through the wormhole and reaching the resource point, hundreds of millions of spaceships flew out of the Earth Federation. These spaceships carried various equipment and started collecting resources frantically.

Xiang Qian sighed deeply after seeing the resource points of only 600 stars and 2.2 million resource planets on the big screen.

This time, the supply of the Earth Federation is much more than the previous two, which also represents the civilization and race behind, and the supply of waiting is much less, then the final resource war will certainly be more violent.

Although all of this was Xiang Qian's unwillingness to see, the Earth Federation now has no ability to help them. In order to survive, the Earth Federation can only take away all the stars.

This time the supply was carried out for more than 20 years, all of the 600 stars were placed outside the stellar ring, forming a formation force field with the galaxy battleships. And the resources of more than 100,000 resource planets ~ ~ have also been pushed on the back of the earth's federal continent, integrated with the steel city on the back.

"Zhang Ying, predict if these supplies will be enough for the Earth Federation to reach the Andromeda Galaxy." Xiang Qian confirmed for the last time before leaving.

"No problem, these resources are enough." Zhang Ying quickly answered.

"Then the Earth Federation starts."

There are more than 800 stars hanging around the galaxy battleships. After the launch, just before the Earth Federation reached 200 times the speed of light, it had already consumed one-fifth of the energy of a star.

Seventy years later, after the first echelon of thousands of civilized races reached the resource point through the wormhole, they were stunned by the empty hollow in the middle of countless special rare metal planets. Counting carefully, the Earth Federation took away 600 stars and more than 100,000 resource planets. When they collapsed the most, the Earth Federation didn't even leave a star for them, it was heartbroken.

After seeing such a scene, the man in black was speechless. (To be continued


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