With the six yuan baby fruits under the belly…

The golden light on Lu Shu’s body became more and more prosperous!

Those three Fa-phases suddenly hummed, and seemed to interact with the Dao of Heaven and Earth in this direction.


One after another mythological buildings suddenly erupted into a hazy glow, and the sky above the Sacred Tree Island condensed seven-colored aura, showing a sign of auspiciousness, turning three thousand silks of aura into a waterfall and landing on Lu Shu’s body, making the cultivation on his body soar rapidly and his strength greatly improved!


Suddenly, a thunderous roar sounded!

The avenue trembled with a bell-like sound!

Three Dharma bodies, treasure solemnity!

The golden light is overflowing, and the cultivation is straight up!

When I open my eyes again…

The cultivation on Lu Shu’s body had already gone from the third order of the Yuan Infant to the fourth order of the Yuan Baby!


There was a glint in his eyes.

Lu Shu’s current divine consciousness seemed to be able to capture a trace of Dao rhyme, and there was a Dao rhyme flowing.

Such a realm, placed in the Yuan Infant Realm, is a rather rare thing!

Even if you reach a higher realm, you may not be able to glimpse the Dao Rhyme.


The Celestial Machine Map of the Sacred Tree Island, the connection with other mythological buildings, and the enlightened attributes of the Bodhi Tree, under the superposition of various opportunities, the progress speed of The Lu Tree is beyond ordinary people’s expectations.

It was actually the realm of the fourth order of the Yuan Baby, and the first sight of Dao Yun!

“It’s time to go to the Divine Pavilion!”

Lu Shu murmured softly.

The Divine Pavilion, with its connotations, can help you further consolidate your breakthroughs.


Step into the Divine Pavilion.

It’s like coming to a different place.

It seems to have been influenced by the Celestial Chart…

The Dao Rhyme inside the Divine Pavilion was even more natural!

Lu Shu took a deep breath, sat down, and entered the meditation as an enlightenment.

That flower and grass fell into Lu Shu’s eyes and was no longer ordinary.

It is like a picture scroll of saints, there is a different flow of Dao rhymes, and by understanding its natural laws, you can feel the mysteries of the Heavenly Dao!

Of course.

Lu Shu’s current realm was like looking at a flower in a fog, and he had not yet been able to glimpse its true meaning.

But to be able to see, it is already a big breakthrough!

“A flower contains a world…”

“A grass can cut the sun, moon, and stars…”

“See the macro with the microscopic, and derive the Heavenly Dao from all things!”

Suddenly, Lu Shu opened his eyes.

The next second.

He gently pointed forward.

A lingran sword intent burst out from his fingertips, and when it was a little bit in this square world, it actually burst out a vicious crack!

Sensing the way of nature’s laws, Lu Shu learned how to compress the aura into one point, releasing ten times the attack power in an instant!

At that moment, Lu Shu also comprehended a small divine power, and his attack power soared!

“This trick, used to deal with bosses who are not immune to the attack of the physics department, has a great effect!”

Lu Shu took a deep breath, tried this mystery of understanding the divine power, nodded slightly, and his eyes were calm.

For this breakthrough, he did not feel too much surprise and surprise.


Leave the Divine Pavilion.

My mind is moving.

Lu Shu suddenly sacrificed the Immortal Sword.

He felt that although his current cultivation had not yet met the requirements, it seemed that he could already initially control this Excalibur!


A strange sword sound suddenly flowed through this square world and earth.

The Immortal Sword seemed to recognize Lu Shu and was caught in his hand.

“Such a strong sword!”

Lu Shu showed a look of surprise.

This Excalibur, just holding it in your hand, only needs to gently swing forward, it seems that there is an incomparably terrible attack, bursting out from the tip of the sword, with the ability to destroy the world and the earth!

Open the [Divine Soldier] panel——

【Immortal Sword】

Type: Weapon

Grade: Mythical

Attributes: Attack +10000, Puncture +1250, Critical Strike Chance +80%, Immunity Ignore +50%, Counter Damage Ignore +50%, Restraint Ignore +50%

Skill: A sword and a fairy

Usage time limit: 10 minutes

Cooldown: Seven days


“Such a strong attribute!”

The moment you see the attributes of the Immortal Sword panel…

Lu Shu’s eyes moved slightly, and he was shocked by the terrible attributes of the Immortal Sword.

The five-figure bonus of that attack power alone is scary enough!

The basic attributes are not weak, all are ridiculously high…

The various resistance and immunity in the back show that this sword does not have a monster that can avoid its damage.

As long as you sacrifice the Immortal Sword, whether you are the Nine Heavens God Buddha or the Abyss Demon Lord, you will be cursed with the Excalibur!

“That’s right!”

“If only this sword were to match the little magic I had understood…”

“The power of the play may be incomparably terrible!”

Lu Shu’s eyes lit up, and the small divine power he comprehended in the Divine Power Pavilion could instantly condense all the attacks into one point and obtain an incomparably terrible penetration!

With the [Immortal Sword], it can ignore the physical resistance of the enemy and be used to kill the boss, which can be described as a divine help!


The power of this sword is too strong!


At the current stage, Lu Shu can only control a maximum of ten minutes of time.

If it is repaired to an increase in the future, the duration of use can be increased a lot.

Open the Sacred Tree panel.

Since the end of the last product, the product of the Sacred Tree has been renewed again——

Products: Enlightenment Fruit x1, Yuan Baby Immortal Law Fruit, Yuan Baby Body Method Fruit

Production cycle: 6 days (3900/650)

Glanced at the product…

It was not difficult for Lu Shu to guess that the next product was related to the various high-level skills of the Yuan Infant Realm…

However, the Immortal Fruit made Lu Shu feel a little interesting.

And is the fruit of enlightenment still the fruit of enlightenment?


Wait a while and you’ll know the answer.

That’s when it happened.

Lu Shu’s ear once again heard a hint——

【Ding! Your Premium Growth Fruit Tree reaches the production cycle, Premium Growth Fruit +100! 】

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