
Name: Necromancer

Level: Extraordinary First Order (up to Ninth Order Upgrade)

Attributes: Spirit +1000, Perception +300, Mana +2000, Special Perception +50

Available Skill Points: 20

【New Skills】

Extinction (Lv1): Specifies an area where the Grey Monsters will disappear in the river of time. If the existence of the region were in the form of the past, it would be completely disintegrated. (Range 10 meters, cooldown time 30 minutes)


“Fading skills can also deal damage to monsters in the reincarnation area…”

See how useful this skill is…

Lu Shu tried to add a little skill point to ‘Disappear’.


The range became twenty meters, and the cooldown became 28 minutes.

“That’s a good bonus!”

Lu Shu’s eyes lit up slightly.

Use ten skill points in a row…

The cast range of ‘Disappear’ has become 100 meters, and the cooldown has become only 10 minutes!


When using a skill point again…

In addition to the range becoming one hundred and ten meters, the cooldown became nine minutes, which was reduced by only one minute.

Think for a moment…

Lu Shu continued to add five points.

However, when the cooldown time reaches five minutes, it will no longer decrease later.

Of the remaining four points, Lu Shu all focused on the Undead Magic.

Check the Careers panel again ——


Undead Perception (Lv2): You can sense the breath of the undead within a range of five kilometers.

Undead Magic (Lv9): Consumes psychic and mana to summon an undead with a danger factor of SS.

Undead Control (Lv8): You can control undead with a hazard factor of SS and below.

Storm of the Undead (Lv8): Controls up to 4,500 surrounding undead with a hazard factor below SS level and attacks the corresponding target.

Undead Refining (Lv4): You can collect the newly dead souls of the living and refine them into undead to control. The higher the level of the living, the stronger the refined souls. You can refine undead with a maximum danger factor of S.

Undead Rider (Class-only): Defeat an undead and use your psychic power to completely control it and cultivate undead monsters.

Extinction (Lv17): Designate an area in which everything will disappear in the long river of time. If the existence of the region were in the form of the past, it would be completely disintegrated. (Range 160 meters, cooldown time 5 minutes)


In addition to the cooldown time that disappears becomes short, which can be used repeatedly in one battle …

Lu Shu’s undead magic also summons SS-level black shadows.


SS-level black shadows can also copy some of the skills on Lu Shu’s body.

Among them, the Shadow Killing skill of the Night Assassin can be copied from the past!


The realm of cultivating immortals is not enough.

This also shows that the cultivation of immortals has a special nature.


That’s when it happened.

Wu Tong Feng suddenly spat out a divine fire.

The Divine Flame glowed with more divine attributes and slowly floated into Lu Shu’s hands.

The attributes contained in this divine fire would not have any impact on Lu Shu.

“Divine Fire Source…”

Lu Shu’s gaze moved slightly, and then he took out the search source of fire and fused it with the divine fire source bred by the Wutong Phoenix.


With a strange sound reverberating in all directions…

This source of fire fused together, and suddenly burst out a mighty divine fire, enveloping all directions and spanning the heavens!

At this time, the angel beast came to the side of Lu Shu’s divine fire and actually absorbed it!

“The divine flame of these little guys can also obtain the attribute of divine fire?”

Lu Shu felt a little surprised.


If the angel beast follows itself to the reincarnation area, it can deal damage to the enemy!

“Let Yumi possess the Angel Beast, most of the attributes of the Angel Beast should be able to reach S-level.”

“And the potential of the angel beast can almost reach the level of S+.”

“Go to the reincarnation area and fight, it’s not a big problem.”

Thinking of this, Lu Shu immediately used his spiritual power to communicate with the doppelgänger of the Grey Realm, and engraved a teleportation array, sending both Yumi and the Angel Beast over.

Although Pikachu and the little white fox also want to go, considering that the monsters in the reincarnation area are too special, these attacks will not work against the monsters.


A teleportation curtain descended.

A hundred angelic beasts arrived at the reincarnation area.

Open the panel ——

Countdown: 6 days

The time left for Lu Shu to explore is not much.


Grey World.

Reincarnation area.

A hundred angelic beasts, bathed in divine flames, appeared from the teleportation array!

These little guys came to the battlefield for the first time, although they didn’t know much about the surrounding situation, but they evolved to the angel beast, and the war intention flowing in their veins made the angel beast have a good sense of combat.

Under Yumi’s guidance, he can quickly adapt to the rhythm of battle in the Grey Realm.

Eyes are on the source of the fire.

【Divine Fire Source】


[Attributes: Divinity +12, Divine +2, Immunity Ignore +10%, Fire Attribute +100]

That’s when it happened.

A guard is suddenly attacked…

Lu Shu’s gaze probed away and saw a priest in a gray robe chanting obscure incantations.

When the curtain of light fell on the guard, the figure of the guard disappeared instantly.

“High-level monsters in this area?”

Although Lu Shu’s resonant vision disappeared, from the last picture, he saw the face of the monster.

The sanctuary, located two kilometres ahead…

“Angel Beast, you follow me.”

Lu Shu turned his head and said a word to the angel beast, and then rushed in the direction of the Sanctuary.

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