The Grey Realm invaded, and there was still one day left.

Pikachu’s attributes, distances have been comprehensively enhanced.

The newly unlocked Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, as well as stronger powers, can now be released casually!

Sweeping the monsters of the Gray Realm will become much easier.

Lu Shu opened the [Sacred Tree] panel——

Product: Fruit of Life, Fruit of Divine Growth x3

Production cycle: 4 days (3900/650)

“There is the fruit of life again!”

Lu Shu’s gaze revealed a hint of joy.

I don’t know what the next pet will be like!

The Nether Army of the Grey Realm has completed the exploration of the gates of reincarnation.

Now, he has returned to Lu Shu’s doppelganger, retrieved through the Undead Bone Staff and the Imperial Soul Order, and returned to the Grey Realm.

“There are also thirty god-level growth fruits…”

Lu Shu’s gaze turned to the Gokudo Crane.

Of all the mythical pets, only this crane’s level remained at the fifth level.

The Crane broke through to the Golden Dan Realm, and the speed of cultivation also slowed down.

It’s time to take a wave of enlightenment.

Throw the God-level Growth Fruit to the Crane.

【The Goku Crane swallows the God-level Growth Fruit x1, Evolution Points +3000!】 】

Just swallow one fruit, and you can instantly get a bonus of three thousand evolution points!

You know, a [special growth fruit] can only add two hundred points…

Lu Shu’s gaze suddenly lit up: “It is worthy of being a god-level fruit, and the effect is good!” ”

Thirty [God-level Growth Fruits] can increase a total of 90,000 evolution points!

From the fifth to the sixth order, it is reasonable to say that 100,000 evolution points are needed.

However, during this long period of cultivation, the Enlightened Crane had accumulated ten thousand evolution points on its own.

As long as you swallow thirty Divine Grade Growth Fruits, you will soon reach the sixth order!

It didn’t take long…

Lu Shu fed all the Divine Growth Fruits to the Crane.

【The Goku Crane swallows the God-level Growth Fruit x1, Evolution Points +3000!】 】

【The Goku Crane swallows the God-level Growth Fruit x1, Evolution Points +3000!】 】


[The Evolution Point of the Goku Crane has reached 100,000 points, and it has evolved to the sixth order!] 】

Suddenly, the crane’s body erupted with a hazy glow!

Revealing a hint of heavenly chance, it filled the Sacred Tree Island!

Lu Shu was surprised to find that the promotion of the Enlightened Crane to the sixth rank had further enhanced his connection with the Bodhi Tree!

The bloodline that is inherited from mythology contains a natural variable.

The bloodline talent of the Goku Immortal Crane, unlike the Golden Dragon Koi and the Sycamore Phoenix, is related to enlightenment, which is naturally in line with the Dao!

When he evolved to the sixth order, Lu Shu discovered through his divine consciousness that Dao Yun appeared on the body of the Crane!

At a glance, the crane is like an island with the sacred tree, forming a whole, blending into the nature of this piece of heaven and earth, although it looks ordinary, but it seems more and more mysterious!

“Mythical creatures, perhaps really from the mythical era of the Sacred Tree Game…”

Lu Shu’s eyes moved slightly, from the Golden Dragon Koi to the GokuDo Crane, all of which brought him a different shock.

Subsequently, a [pet] panel appeared in front of Lu Shu——

【Goku Crane】

Species: Mythical creatures

Level: Sixth order

Cultivation Level: Jindan Third Order

Blessing Aura: Enlightenment +500

Skill: An epiphany

Evolution Point: 1000

Evolution points required to upgrade to the sixth order: 1,000,000



Lu Shu looked at the panel, and the newly extra skill of the Enlightened Crane——

[One-thought epiphany: During the period of cultivation, you instantly enter a state of one-hour epiphany, and the cooling time is seven days. 】

“It seems that the crane is taking off again!”

Lu Shu couldn’t help but sigh.

Originally, Xianhe’s cultivation talent was not bad.

You can still enter the stage of epiphany at any time!

If I don’t cultivate fast enough in the future, I’m afraid I’m not really going to be surpassed by the Crane?


Suddenly, Lu Shu remembered something.

Isn’t he a spiritually resonant power?

When the crane enters the state of epiphany, he uses spiritual resonance to connect to the crane’s body and share the effect of the epiphany with the other party…

In this way, Xianhe’s newly acquired skills are his own skills!

The next second.

Xianhe Pan sat down, and the rhyme flowed on his body.

The figure of the Confucian Elegance glowed hazy under the Bodhi Tree, as if entering a state of enlightenment, attracting the aura around it and transforming into a vision.


Lu Shu’s gaze suddenly moved.

The next second.

He unleashed the power of resonance!

The crane is his own pet, and with the Celestial Array of this square world, it is connected to the entire island as a whole.

Lu Shu naturally completed the resonance easily, and at the same time did not disturb the crane’s state of enlightenment.

When the resonance is done connecting…

Lu Shu suddenly felt that his thoughts seemed to merge with the Heavenly Dao and enter the natural state of the Dao!

At that moment, he felt the infinite rhyme of heaven and earth, so close, right next to him, reaching out to grasp!

Before the state of epiphany, these Dao rhymes were like mirrors, flowers, and moons, and no matter how Hard Lu Shu tried to feel it, it was difficult to touch the slightest bit.

After entering the state of epiphany, Lu Shu immediately entered the Divine Pavilion!

The next second.

On his body, three Fa-body shadows once again bloomed!

No, it’s more than that!

Those three Dharma bodies suddenly changed their hands and condensed the Dao Seal!

Sanhua Enlightenment!

It was as if the Dharma Body had come alive, able to connect with each other and cooperate with each other, and cast magic powers!

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