
It was at this time…

Lu Shu’s divine consciousness sensed the nearby sea, and there was the sound of plate collisions coming from the merger of the islands.

His mind was moved, and he came to the lookout.

The lookout has been upgraded to not only be able to see the situation in the sea, but also to detect the situation of other islands if there is a new Sacred Tree Master island nearby.

In view.

The two Sacred Tree Masters, after consultation, agreed to merge the islands together.

“Are there seven more Divine Tree Masters?”

Lu Shu silently read a sentence in his heart.

To be precise…

The island battle he encountered this time, plus Lu Shu himself, was a total of eight Divine Tree Divisions.

With so many Divine Tree Masters, there must be some Relatively Weak Divine Tree Masters who will choose to form alliances with each other.

After the alliance, there is a contract that cannot be hurt by each other.

In case of breach of contract…

The Sacred Tree will die instantly!

The islands are fused together, and as long as the other Sacred Tree Masters die, the soil of the island will wither in an instant!

In this way, it is equivalent to being bound to the fate of other Divine Tree Masters.

Unless it was a Divine Tree Master who had known each other for a long time and had a certain degree of cooperation, he would not easily choose to form an alliance.

Or some of the less powerful Divine Tree Masters, encountering such a scene today, there are too many nearby Sacred Tree Islands, and they have to choose an alliance for the sake of life safety.

Otherwise, how do you know, will there be a Divine Tree Master attacking next?

After the alliance, at least it seems that the words are a little bigger, it is not easy to provoke, and maybe it can avoid the thoughts of other Divine Tree Masters.

The two Divine Tree Masters who chose to merge with the islands thought so.

The other five Divine Tree Masters…

Three were still on the sidelines, wondering what the battle for the island meant.

There were also two talented Divine Tree Divisions, one of whom directly chose to take the initiative to attack, while the other did not intend to form an alliance, but also did not intend to attack, and posed as a defensive posture.

A look like no one is afraid!

“Let’s start with you.”

Lu Shu looked at the Divine Tree Master who was posing defensively and showed a death-like smile.

This sacred tree master’s island has gathered a huge amount of ore resources.

Moreover, the talent of the Divine Tree Master, although not a direct defense building upgrade, has the ability to control the five elements.

To put it simply, the other party’s ability is related to the five elements, which is almost a profession like a magician.

Although Lu Shu now does not lack the attack means of the element, he has a certain demand for the ability of the element type.

If you have the power of fire attribute, you can not only improve the ability of fireball, but also enhance the divine fire.

Simply put…

The Divine Fire that Wutong Feng gave to Lu Shu would have a stronger effect if he obtained the power of the Five Elements Element!

“Yumi, possessed by the Jenny Turtle!”

“Jenny Turtle, get ready to go out to sea and head to the islands of the other Sacred Tree Masters.”

“Pikachu, little white fox, angel beast…”

“You all have to keep up.”

As Lu Shu’s voice just fell…

These little guys, feeling they could do something, immediately came together!

That’s when it happened.

Lu Shu’s ears sounded a few prompt tones——

【Ding! You get the Fruit of Life x1! 】

【Ding! You get the God-level Growth Fruit x3! 】

As is customary.

Lu Shu immediately buried these fruits in the soil.

Subspecies spirit trees, rising from the ground——

【Fruit tree of life】

Species: Subspecies Spirit Tree

Product: Fruit of life

Period: 0.5 days (365/650)

Production times remaining: 1


【God-level growth fruit tree】

Species: Subspecies Spirit Tree

Product: Fruit of life

Period: 0.5 days (365/650)

Production times remaining: 1



Lu Shu did not choose to wait until the fruits were ripe before setting off.

The Battle for the Sacred Tree Island will only last for seven days.

It is best to solve these enemies and say!

Even if there is no favorite Divine Tree Master talent, it can expand the scope of the island, and it can also add a certain space for the deep sea exploration range behind the Jenny Turtle.

In any case, solving other enemies is a sure thing to make!

With Yumi’s blessing, the movement speed of the Jenny Turtle has been greatly enhanced!

The mighty pet army began to move towards the sacred tree island, advancing as fast as possible!


Five Element Islands.

A colorful teenager with rainbow-like hair sits hunched over the center of the island.

As his mind moved…

The five element elements in this island were immediately mobilized!

At first glance.

I really thought that this young man was like the gods of the island.

Calling the wind and rain, omnipotent.

Can control everything.

In fact.

The Five Elements Element Divine Tree has a certain realm aura effect.

It’s like a celestial array.

The Divine Tree Master only needs to stay in the island to enjoy the blessings of the realm and control the five elements.

The teenager summons the power of the wind and perceives the movement around him.

As soon as there is any situation around him, he will immediately control all the elements, form a five-element array, and instantly kill the enemy!

“Whoever dares to enter my field is looking for death!”

The corners of the teenager’s mouth were gently raised.

He didn’t want to be able to fight on the Sacred Tree Island and get too much.

But if someone dares to offend himself without knowing it…


He will let the other person know what is the pain of death!

The next second.

Beside the teenager, there were suddenly a hundred more Jenny turtles…

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