【Sacred Tree (Five Elements)】

Stage: Advanced Spirit Tree

Sunlight: 410/day (4.1×100)

Reiki: 340/day (3.4×100)

Product: The Fruit of Fire

Divine Tree Aura: The Five Elements Realm

Production cycle: 2 days (1300/650)

Growth point: 25500 (21.4×100 = 2140/day)

Next Stage: Sacred Tree (20,000 Growth Points)


With Lu Shu’s eyes, pop up this panel.

The Five Elements Divine Tree Island suddenly emitted a roaring sound!

It’s like rebuilding the world with the power of the gods…

The next second.

The islands have been merged!

The area of Lushu’s island has once again expanded by a circle!


The Divine Tree Division Island Battle, where the [remaining numbers] panel, the number on it jumped a little –

[The island of the Sacred Tree Master Linze has been successfully captured!] 】

【Number of Island Warriors:6】

【Remaining time: 6 days】


Sacred Tree Island.


A black-haired woman dressed in black, with a heroic posture and an ancient martial arts style, controlling the waves and flying in the vast sea.

When her figure skimmed the surface of the sea, it transformed into a sharp sword qi, cutting through the boundless ocean and dividing the sea into two lines.

It is enough to see that the black-haired woman’s extraordinary talent is extremely strong.

This time, she wanted to conquer the islands of other Divine Tree Masters.

Right now.

In front of the eyes of the black-haired woman, a prompt popped up——

[The island of the Sacred Tree Master Linze has been successfully captured!] 】

【Number of Island Warriors:6】

“How could someone have already completed the capture?”

In the eyes of the black-haired woman, a hint of surprise appeared.

It only took a day…

How could someone have successfully completed the island capture?

This speed is not fast!

“It seems…”

“This time in the Battle of the Sacred Tree Island, there are masters!”

The brunette woman didn’t flinch because of this…

On the contrary, her eyes revealed a strong sense of war.

Have to say…

In this woman’s blood, there is a talent for belligerence.

When you see the strong appear, even if you know that you will face more dangerous tests in the future, the blood in your bones will become more and more excited!

The next second.

The brunette woman continued to break the waves, heading farther away.


At the same time.

The other two Divine Tree Masters, who were watching, took a deep breath.

“In this scramble, a fierce character has appeared!”

“Sleeper, if you eat the island of a Divine Tree Master in less than a day, you won’t meet the leaderboard boss, right?”

“Do you want to make an alliance?”

“Forget it, let’s go for a while, can we not form an alliance, or don’t form an alliance first…”

At this time.

The Battle for the Sacred Tree Division on the other islands is also underway.

The experience that the big guy got was —

First, for the sake of your own future development potential, try not to form alliances with other Divine Tree Masters, otherwise you don’t know if the other party will drag you back;

Second, in the case of strength, you can attack the islands of other Divine Tree Divisions;

Third, if it is a relatively weak Divine Tree Master, try to stay in its own Sacred Tree Island, so that fighting with others on its own turf can make up for the lack of combat ability;

Fourth, if you encounter more than two Divine Tree Masters and join an island station, you can first explore each other’s information before making a decision. If you encounter a strong person, it is best to ally with other Divine Tree Masters, otherwise you may face the risk of being killed.

Of course.

Most of the Divine Tree Masters choose the third item.

It belongs to the middle way of thinking and practice.

As long as people don’t provoke themselves and hide in their own sacred tree islands, they will be very safe.

As for the two remaining Divine Tree Masters who were already allied…

“Ma Ya, there is such a big guy in the island war!”

“Fortunately, we chose to form an alliance!”

“In this case, the big guy should not choose to kill us…”


The island was expanded in new ways.

The range of islands that Lu Shu explored has become larger again!

It is already possible to sink below 10,000 meters in the abyss…

The Water God’s Palace was turned into an area to explore.

The island that wiped out the Five Elements Divine Tree…

In the very center of the island of Lu Shu, a new sacred tree is planted side by side with other sacred trees.

It only takes two days…

Wait until the fruit of fire ripens…

Lu Shu will be able to obtain the new Five Elements Ability!

“Next, kill the two allied Divine Tree Masters.”

“The other two Divine Tree Divisions can also send troops separately.”

“It is better to complete the capture in the shortest time.”

Lu Shu’s gaze moved slightly.


Soldiers are divided into three ways!

Fifty Jenny turtles, following Lu Shu’s doppelganger, went together to destroy the allied Divine Tree Master.

Fifty other Jenny turtles, each with half of the pet army, went to destroy the two Sacred Tree Divisions that chose to defend.

The Last Sacred Tree Master…

The woman in black…

Lu Shu sensed that the other party was heading towards his own Sacred Tree Island.

Since the other party came to send people’s heads, then Lu Shu would save himself the trouble of going to someone else’s Sacred Tree Island!

Anyway, if you kill the other party’s Divine Tree Master, the corresponding Divine Tree will also belong to you!

The large army of The Jenny Turtles marched majestically towards its destination.


The nearest island of the Allied Divine Tree Master appeared in Lu Shu’s field of vision.

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