
With a loud bang…

The sacred tree island, once again integrated!

The area of Lushu’s island has expanded to 15 million square kilometers!

“I have to say…”

“Capture the islands of the other Divine Tree Divisions…”

“It’s the fastest way to expand the scope!”

Sigh inside.

This is the elimination of a few Divine Tree Masters, and the scope of the island has increased a lot!

The exploration range of the sea can now be divened to 12,000 meters!

And the two [Divine Tree] panels also popped up in front of Lu Shu.

They are all divine trees with talents around the B level…

Doesn’t seem to have much effect on keeping it?

“If you decompose the Sacred Tree, what will you get?”

At this moment, this thought appeared in Lu Shu’s heart.

The excess sacred tree is useless to keep, but it has decomposed itself!

Maybe what can be broken down?

[Sorry, your decomposition skill map is not enough level.] 】

[Requires a master-level decomposition skill atlas.] 】

[Decompose the Divine Tree to obtain the Divine Life Essence and accelerate the growth rate of the Divine Tree.] 】

“Do you even need master-level decomposition…”

Lu Shu’s brow frowned slightly.

Exploring so many areas of the Grey Realm…

It seems that both rarely get a decomposed skill atlas.

“Forget it, keep it for now, and see it later.”

Lu Shu secretly said in his heart.

The Sword God Tree can produce some sword-related skill fruits, and even produce weapons.

Of course, the level of these weapons cannot be compared with the Immortal Sword, and at most it will be hung up to the [Trading Interface] to exchange for a little thing.

The Daoist Divine Tree is relatively pure, that is, the fruit of the special ability, but the B-level special ability is of no use to the Lu tree, but it can plant a subspecies spirit tree, and maybe you can change something more!

If only it had been before…

Lu Shu would worry about whether the other Divine Tree Masters would get the Fruit of Extraordinary Energy, become very strong, and roll up snowballs.

But now, if it was only a B-level extraordinary fruit, then it would not have any impact on Lu Shu at all, even if it could be matched with the special energy.

Lu Shu now had too many means.

Therefore, it is possible to sell the fruit of the special energy for greater profits.

After all, if you don’t change it yourself, others will change it!

It is better to maximize the benefits…

“It’s time to reach those two sacred tree islands.”

Lu Shu’s gaze moved slightly.

Through the resonance of the power, it is linked to the pets of other sacred tree islands.


“Where did these monsters come from?”


“How could they be so powerful!”

The two Divine Tree Divisions defending the Sacred Tree Island both showed a look of despair.

The next second.

The little white fox unleashed the ability of the Dark Fruit, instantly devouring their figures!

And all the defensive lines, after being seen through by Pikachu’s kaleidoscope writing wheel, most of them can rely on the water and water fruit of the Jenny Turtle to directly kill the interior of the Sacred Tree Island, giving the Sacred Tree Master in the most core area a second!

Wan Jun, as the Leader of the Divine Tree Division of rank strength, may not even be able to stop Lu Shu’s army, let alone these Divine Tree Divisions with relatively average strength and talents between Level B and Level A.

Although their means are still quite numerous, the upgraded Divine Blazing Angel Beast, Little White Fox and Pikachu are even more accompanied by the possessed Yumi, as well as the Jenny Turtle who has swallowed a lot of growth fruits and gained new skills…

These means, placed in front of the top powers, are completely useless!

Not to mention, these pets with top abilities are not one or two, but a large army of hundreds!

The defensive line of any Sacred Tree Island is something that can be destroyed by destroying the decay!


In front of Lu Shu, two prompts popped up again——

[You killed the Divine Tree Master Li Sledgehammer and got the Sledgehammer Divine Tree!] 】

[You killed the Divine Tree Master to create dreams and get the Dream Divine Tree!] 】

【Sacred Tree +2! 】

[Your Sacred Tree Island is merging…]

[The area of the Sacred Tree Island has been expanded to 20 million square kilometers…]


With the sound of a vision…

The next second.

The sacred tree island of Lu Shu has once again gained tremendous expansion!

And the exploration range of the abyss sea directly reached 15,000 meters!

This means that Lu Shu can explore a larger area in the abyss sea again!

Lu Shu opened the panel ——

【Number of Island Warriors:1】

【Days remaining:4】

It only took three days…

Lu Shu solved five enemies at the same time!

But the number of people left on the island station is only one person!


The other side of the island war.

Among them, another Divine Tree Division also successfully completed the capture of an island.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

Lu Shu smiled.

He sensed that the other person was a woman.

This is not the enemy Divine Tree Master, who appears near him.

It was because she had come to her own sacred tree island.

Through the lookout, Lu Shu’s vision already appeared in the appearance of the Divine Tree Master—a dark-haired, cold woman.

The other party’s panel information is also revealed in front of himself-

【Sacred Tree Master: Purple Night】

【Ability: Battle Will Transformation Form】

【Comprehensive strength: S+ level】

[Talents: Battle Spirit Fruit (S Level), Top Skill Illustration Fruit (A+), Battle Spirit Field (S Level)]



“The fruit of war…”

“Is it possible to take the form of war will and condense the power of war will to become stronger?”

“There are also abilities similar to the Overlord Color Domineering!”

“It’s kind of interesting!”

Looked at the panel for a while…

Purple Night had already stepped into the range of his own Sacred Tree Island.

Lu Shu had to sigh, this girl is really not afraid of death!

Battle will is certainly the source of her strength…

But too belligerent, that’s not a good thing!

Even if her pet army had not yet returned, the nether army on the island was not something she could handle!

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