When the shadow of the dao, the moment when it entered the eyes of the purple night…

Unnecessary answers are no longer needed.

The peerless figure sat hunched over the sacred tree.

It was as if the temperament of the whole person was integrated with the Sacred Tree Island.

He was here, as if it were nature.

He’s here, as if he’s the Lord!

Purple Night even had an absurd illusion in her heart…

The Divine Tree Master who appeared in front of him seemed to be the Heavenly Dao of this Heaven and Earth!

As long as he stands here…

It is the omnipotent God!

“Didn’t he go and take over the other Divine Tree Master Islands?”

“Why did you come back so quickly?”

“And he never shot at me?”

In The Purple Night’s gaze, countless doubts emerged.

The next second.

Lu Shu opened his eyes slightly.

That moment…

Look into each other’s eyes…

Inside Purple Night’s heart, an unparalleled sense of oppression arose!

It’s like going against the Heavenly Dao that can never be fought!

For a moment, Purple Night felt that everything she had done before, in the eyes of the other party, looked like the struggle of the ants, insignificant.


Because of this…

From beginning to end, Lu Shu had allowed Purple Night to wander around on his own Sacred Tree Island.

He didn’t take the Purple Night in his eyes at all.

It’s like breaking into an ignorant ant in your own realm.

How could a god who was high above make any waves about what an ant did?

For the first time in Purple Night’s life, he felt this kind of moment, and even the battle intent seemed to be unable to be condensed.

When the figure opened his eyes for a moment…

The flow of time throughout the world seems to have come to a standstill!

The oppressive feeling that was as thick as the Heavenly Dao, with this light glance, fell on Zi Ye’s body, making her feel unable to even breathe…

“Are you going to die?”

In Purple Night’s mind, there was only one thought left.

But the figure seemed to only slightly open his eyes, glanced at himself, and didn’t bother to look at anything.

Gods, how can they care about the fate of sentient beings?

In Lu Shu’s eyes, as long as he waited for his nether army to return and solve the Purple Night, it was only a matter of minutes.

No more.

Next to the little white fox and Pikachu, casually move their hands.

Purple Night couldn’t block any blow at all.

That indifferent look, like the last needle, stabbed Purple Night’s consciousness deeply, causing her mind to suddenly regain consciousness and wake up.

“Concentrate all your fighting minds!”

“Burst out with the last force…”

“Either be born again in a desperate situation or die in a desperate situation!”

Behind him, there were the sounds of countless demons wailing.

At this moment, Purple Night clenched his teeth and urged his consciousness with all his strength, erupting into the last wave of war.

If you just sit here and wait, you will only die faster than ever…

As a Divine Tree Master with the talent of war will, at the most desperate moment, he was most likely to burst out with unprecedented power!


The next moment…

The combat power on Purple Night’s body suddenly exploded to a brand new fifth stage!

Battle Spirit Fifth Layer!

It was a state she had never reached before!

The majestic battle spirit turned into a golden light that penetrated the sky!

The surging wind and clouds swept around the heavens and the earth, wanting to seal the heavens!


In Purple Night’s eyes, there was a hint of joy.

She sees hope!

This last chance is that his war will can break through to the unattainable fifth layer in the most desperate situation!


This is the highest level of war will!

With enough ideas, you can be indestructible and run through everything!

As for whether there is a sixth layer in the back, it is already unknown.


The fifth layer of war will is the highest realm that can be reached by the known war will system ability!

Zi Ye took a deep breath, felt the vigorous combat power in her body, felt the transformation of the life level, and she was full of confidence!

It was a powerful force she had never felt before!

Even the power of the heavenly gods and Buddhas may not be able to do so!

With such terrible fighting power…

In The purple night’s gaze, the war spirit was even stronger.

“No matter where you are sacred…”

“Today, I will crush you!”


Lu Shu raised his eyelids and glanced at Zi Ye.

Sigh nodded.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

“The power to break through the fifth layer is barely strong.”

“Although it is not very helpful to me substantially, it seems to be a good thing to have such potential and be adopted as a sacred tree of collection.”


The palm of a god that covered the sky and the sun shot from above the Nine Heavens towards the Purple Night!

That palm carries infinite power of heaven and earth!

It’s like the palm of a god and a Buddha!

A slap falls!

A second ago, the battle spirit was still endless, as if it was going to be a purple night side by side with the sky…

The next second, like a pug, it was slapped deep into the dirt by this slap!

Along with the endless battle intent, it was shattered by this slap in an instant!

“Rulai God’s Palm”

This was a divine power that Lu Shu had recently consulted in the Divine Pavilion.

Communicate the general trend of this world and earth, turn into the palm of the gods, and suppress everything!

Deep underground.

Where is purple night’s body where there is still half a point of war will?

Now she has even been scattered with the first weight of war will!

The whole person was like waste, lying on the ground.

The pupils also show a deep color of despair.

“How… How can it be…”

Purple Night crawled up on the ground in fear…

Right now.

She just wanted to leave this devilish island!

That guy…

Not human at all!

Only God deserves His description…

Before he could climb a few steps, an electric current sounded nearby.

Pikachu next to him yawned and completed the final repair.

The Purple Night, who had no resistance, encountered Pikachu’s Thunder Alien Attack, did not have any means of resistance at all, and was directly killed by the second.


Several prompts also popped up in front of Lu Shu——

[You killed the Divine Tree Master Purple Night!] 】

【Get the Battle Spirit Tree!】 】

【Sacred Tree +1! 】

[The islands are merging…]

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