“Black Sea Ghost Eye?”

Lu Shu’s eyes moved.

The eyes of the Black Sea Ghost Fish turned out to be a gift from the Black Sea!

No wonder it has such a powerful ability!

However, to Lu Shu’s surprise…

Kill the ghost fish and get the same gift!

“Maybe it’s related to my possession of [The Gift of the Sea God]?”

“After all, this is the God Clan of the Black Sea.”

“It’s not surprising to have the gifts of the Black Sea.”

Lu Shu secretly said in his heart.

He has the gifts and personality of the sea god lineage…

Receiving the gifts of the Black Sea was not unexpected.

“Let’s see what the ghost’s abilities are.”

My mind is moving.

In front of Lu Shu, a panel quickly popped up——

【Black Sea Ghost Eye】

【Ability: Class A】

[Function: Spiritual power can penetrate the Black Sea, and can also launch spiritual interference attacks.] 】

【Next Level: Black Sea Ghost King】

【Evolutionary Conditions: Collect Black Sea Ghosts x10】


The next moment.

Lu Shu sensed the center of his eyebrows and slowly opened the third strange vertical pupil.


Everything around the Black Sea became clear!

Lu Shu sensed that his perception range had changed from four or five hundred meters to fifteen hundred meters in an instant!

Enough to increase the perceptual range of 1,000 meters!

“Worthy of being a Black Sea Ghost Eye!”

“Directly increases my range of perception!”

“That way, my activities are much easier!”

Lu Shu smiled softly.


Move towards deeper seas.

Encounter a ‘Black Sea Ghost Fish’, and when you see it, you will catch and kill!

After all.

Quickly upgrade your “Black Sea Ghost Eye” to “Black Sea Ghost King Eye”, and you will have stronger combat ability!

With the Black Sea Ghost Eye, it is much more convenient to move and kill!

Lu Shu’s spiritual power reached the SS level, directly released a magic spell, controlled the opponent, and then let a hundred Jenny turtles launch a million tons of boxing, all killed and finished!

It’s extremely easy!

[You killed the ‘Black Sea Ghost Fish’ and got the Black Sea Ghost Eye x1!] 】

[You killed the ‘Black Sea Ghost Fish’ and got the Black Sea Ghost Eye x1!] 】

[You kill the ‘Black Sea Sabertooth Shark’ and get the Sabertooth Shark’s Heart x1!] 】


Sweep all the way away.

When the effect of Lu Shu’s heart was almost over, he went to find a saber-toothed shark, killed it, and used the heart to last it.

Although he killed the ghost fish, he gained higher perception ability…

But the saber-toothed shark’s heart allows itself to hear farther and perceive information deeper into the sea!

It’s like adding an extra layer of insurance!

No one knows whether there will be any terrible existence in the sea below 10,000 meters, and it will suddenly attack!

The perceptual range of 1,500 meters is certainly unsafe!

With the perception of the saber-toothed shark, even if he encounters any unexpected situation, Lu Shu can react in time.

[You have put together the ‘Black Sea Ghost Eye’ x10, have you evolved into the ‘Black Sea King Ghost Order’? 】

Is this still a choice?

Of course, Lu Shu chose to evolve!

【Ding! Your ‘Black Sea Ghost Eye’ has evolved into the ‘Black Sea King Ghost Eye’! 】

With this prompt pop up…

Lu Shu suddenly felt the vertical pupil on his brow, and an abnormal change had taken place!

The pupils of the ‘Black Sea Ghost Eye’ became deeper.

It’s as if you can cross the Black Sea without hindrance and explore all the situations in this area!

The moment it evolved into the ‘Black Sea King Ghost Eye’…

The whole sea was shaking slightly!

Lu Shu unexpectedly found that his spiritual power could be further used in this sea!

Although it is not as easy to use as the divine consciousness…

However, it can already play a big role!

For Lu Shu, who has SS-level spiritual power, his combat effectiveness in the Black Sea will also be further enhanced!


A panel popped up in front of him —

【Black Sea Ghost Eye】

【Ability: S Class】

[Effect: Spiritual power can penetrate the Black Sea, and can also launch spiritual interference attacks, and you can make the surrounding fish fall into chaos. 】

【Next Level:Black Sea Ghost Emperor】

【Evolutionary Conditions: Collect black sea ghost king order x100】


“The next stage, it’s going to be hard.”

Lu Shu couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

However, his current range of perception had reached five thousand meters in the Black Sea!

Even if it is a god clan, it may not have such a large range of perception!

If you want to explore the sea, it’s enough!

Moreover, to Lu Shu’s surprise, the Ghost King’s Eye also possessed the skill of creating chaos!

Simply put…

It can allow the monsters around them to create a chaotic sense and confuse each other’s true perception.

If the use of spiritual power is mature enough, then it is possible to create large-scale chaos in this sea area.

Just then…

A warning prompt pops up in front of you ——

【The Black Sea God Clan appears in front of you!】 】

Lu Shu immediately unleashed the Ghost King’s skill!

Block the other person’s perception of themselves!


A creature that looked like a sea god, followed by several followers behind him, came here.

“Strange, there seems to be an anomaly here!”

Poseidon sent out a mental wave, and in a mysterious language, frowned, expressed a doubtful opinion about the situation here.

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