After Lu Shu finished speaking, he walked towards the depths of the quasi-nightmare-level copy.

He wasn’t obligated to explain much to these people.

Whether or not they want to follow them is a matter for these people themselves.

“Captain, let’s not go in, shall we?”

A teammate exhorted in Brother Long’s ear.

However, Brother Long fell into hesitation.

He gritted his teeth and said, “We follow him!” ”


The other guild members had a look of disbelief on their faces.

The second-ranked Dragon Auror, even had to follow others?

In fact, if Brother Long had challenged this copy himself, he would probably have gone back like this.

The reason is simple…

Strength is not enough!

Rush directly to kill the boss, is to find death!

However, the mysterious Divine Tree Master in front of him gave Brother Long a different feeling.

First of all, Lu Shu was the only one in the audience who recognized the monster type and could easily kill it.

Secondly, his indifferent look, in the case of already knowing the raiders, still rushed directly to kill the boss, indicating that there was enough confidence.

Most importantly, hole cards!

That’s right!

The means that Lu Shu showed were really difficult for Brother Long to understand.

At first, everyone thought that the other party was an Elemental Divine Tree Master with Thunder Attribute and Dark Attribute, but so far, the other party had not used the corresponding means, but instead the three golden lotus flowers made everyone in the Wind and Cloud Guild feel surprised after seeing it!

Moreover, being able to know the relevant information of this copy shows that Lu Shu may also have a special ability in his hands – after all, the other party did not know this copy before, and it was impossible to do the raid in advance.

Combining all the factors…

Brother Long was sure that he had reached his thigh in the Gray Realm!

But why hadn’t I heard of this person before?

The other members of the Wind and Cloud Guild, seeing that even Brother Long had followed up, they couldn’t always go against the captain’s insistence and be a deserter, right?

In desperation, the crowd could only follow.

They really don’t understand, why does Brother Long, who ranks second in the ranking, have to obey an outsider?

It didn’t feel like the captain they knew!


After a while of hurrying…

Everyone found that as long as they followed Lu Shu’s side, it was simply how safe it was!

The three golden lotus flowers seemed to be like a mesh of electric mosquitoes, and the monsters that came over were all a group of mosquitoes, and when they fell on the net, they were automatically shot to death!

“What kind of power does this guy have, and he’s so invincible?”

“I don’t understand, I feel that this big guy’s ability has already involved my blind spot.”

“Sister Bai, can you see what that person’s lotus flower is?”

The leading teenager quietly came to the white-haired girl’s ear and asked secretly.

The pupils of the white-haired girl emitted a slight burst of white light.

But then she quickly shook her head: “I can’t see it.” ”

“You can’t see it either?”

The boy who led the way was a little surprised.

He knew that the power of “White Sister” was not so simple, and he could discern the energy source of any kind of power.

However, Lu Shu’s abilities could not even be analyzed by her eyes, indicating that they were indeed special enough!

The white-haired girl’s heart also felt a little depressed.

A skill that you can’t analyze at all, and this is still the first!

In fact, Brother Long on the side also secretly used the pupil magic ability of the white haired girl, and his spiritual power was the same level as the white haired girl, so he was also one of the few strong people in the team who could share the high-level power.

He also couldn’t analyze the source of Lu Shu’s powers…

This made Brother Long even more determined to follow Lu Shu’s idea!


As the team continued to move forward for some time…


The thunder and lightning in the sky are becoming more and more dense!

At the same time, Lu Shu’s eyes also became a little solemn.

The level of the nearby Natural Disaster Beast is getting higher and higher.


In the thunderous sound of the explosion, a roar that ran through the heavens and the earth suddenly overwhelmed the thunder, and the shock made people’s minds faint!

The footsteps of several people in the Wind and Cloud Guild began to float up, except for Brother Dragon and the white-haired girl whose faces were more beautiful, only Lu Shu was the only one present who was not affected in the slightest.

“The level of the Celestial Beast here is stronger.”

Lu Shu said lightly.

Just at this moment, several Lei Kai beasts with huge bodies like mountains rushed towards the team!

Every time it fell, the whole ground shook violently, and the terrain was as majestic as mountains and seas, making people feel powerless to resist.

“The level of this monster, I’m afraid it can reach the S level, right?”

The faces of the people changed.

The S-level monster, in the eyes of the Divine Tree Master, was already the level of the Lord-level monster!

But in fact, Lu Shu and others only came to the inner area.

The energy of the Natural Disaster Beast encountered, the energy place near the core area of the Natural Disaster, the level was naturally much stronger!

But monsters of this level can barely be counted as the elite monsters of nightmare-level copies.

All the people in the Wind and Cloud Guild couldn’t help but feel a sense of suffocation!

They subconsciously looked at Lu Shu.

But he saw that Lu Shu didn’t move, directly controlling the Golden Lotus and crushing it!


The moment he was crushed by the Golden Lotus…

Even the incomparably large Lei Kai Beast was tragically killed at this moment!


The crowd was dumbfounded.

Kill an S-class monster?

This…… That’s too strong, isn’t it?

You know, the S-level monster is also a lord-level monster, but in Lu Shu’s eyes, it is not enough to see!

Brother Long took a deep breath.

He knew that Lu Shu’s ability was much stronger than he had imagined!

At this time, the other members of the Wind and Cloud Guild also knew why Brother Long would choose to follow others.

One hundred percent to the thigh!

At this moment, everyone was secretly rejoicing in their hearts.

If they had just let them go back on their own, facing these Heavenly Disaster Beasts, the danger was really not necessarily less than following Lu Shu!

The decision made by Brother Long was still quite wise!

Lu Shu’s pace did not slow down, but accelerated.

This makes others feel a little struggling to keep up with each other.

Brother Long urged his teammates behind him:

“Keep up!”

His eyes moved.

The other party is walking so fast, maybe it is perceived something!

At this moment, the natural disasters around them suddenly became violent!

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