“You will pay the price for your ignorance!”

The angry roar of the Lord of Natural Disasters wanted to tear the eardrums apart.

The whole abyss began to shake violently!

The next second, the energy field appeared with endless thunder!

The sheer nature of nature will cover all those present.

“Be careful!”

Brother Long felt the destructive aura contained in it, and his face changed suddenly.

Although he knew that the boss of the quasi-nightmare-level copy must be terrible, he didn’t expect it to be so powerful!

The natural disasters that spread in front of me seemed to destroy everything around us!

“Quick, swing the defensive formation!”

“Dodge this first injury first!”

The white-haired girl was also desperately yelling at her teammates at this moment.

In the hands of the people, there were mysterious items such as oriental charms, sword magic weapons, and Buddhist dao jade beads.

Suspended in each corner.

At the same time.

These objects gather energy and intertwine the incomparable veins of the mysterious.

Condensing the Dao Magic Formation, a layer of golden light barriers suddenly appeared around it.

When the surging force of natural disasters touched the Fa Formation, it made a cracking sound!

Brother Long and the white-haired girl’s faces were both pale.

Several other members couldn’t help but cough up blood.

The boy who led the way almost fainted!

None of the members of the Wind and Cloud Guild had expected that the Quasi-Nightmare Level Lords would be so terrible!

In fact, they have been sheltered by Lu Shu too well!

If you let these people feel the attack of the Natural Disaster Beast Group head-on, even this formation will not be able to resist.

Not to mention a head-on blow from the Scourge Lord!

Brother Long subconsciously cast his gaze towards Lu Shu.

However, he found that a sword light suddenly appeared on the other party’s body!

Sword light?

Brother Long’s brain was blindfolded.

This guy…

Is there still the power of the sword cultivation system?

A terrifying sword qi suddenly soared from Lu Shu’s body!

The thunder light in the sky was shattered by this sword qi!

Radiant with divine light, a Divine Sword that seemed to possess the power to open up the heavens appeared in Lu Shu’s hand.

The tip of the sword flickered slightly, and the void around the sword body cracked every inch!

This scene fell into the eyes of the people of the Wind and Cloud Guild, which made them collectively sluggish.

The momentum that bloomed from Lu Shu’s body even faintly pressed down on the Heavenly Disaster Lord!

That’s an exaggeration, isn’t it?

The power that emerged from a Divine Tree Master could suppress the S+-level Lord-level monsters?

It can only be described as outrageous!

“Stupid human, you are challenging my bottom line!”

The voice of the Lord of Natural Disasters was shocked and angry.

In fact, it had already felt Lu Shu’s strength above itself.

But arrogance and hatred for humanity make the Natural Disaster Lords not bow down to humans at will.

This harsh word is even more a manifestation of timidity.

“There are so many words.”

Lu Shu’s eyes were cold, he didn’t bother to say any nonsense, and directly slashed out with a sword!

The quasi-nightmare-level Heavenly Disaster Lord is not as powerful as the Nether Lord!

He had even synthesized the Nether Lord, a small Natural Disaster Lord, could he use it in his eyes?


The Heavenly Disaster Lord only felt this terrible sword qi at this moment!

However, it was too late!

The Immortal Sword erupted with a mighty sword, instantly engulfing the entire body of the Heavenly Disaster Lord!

It was only in the light curtain that spread across the abyss, in just ten seconds…

When the sword light dissipated, the surrounding area became clean!

“What’s going on around?”

At this moment, the members of the Wind and Cloud Guild were all confused.

It’s just a short moment of time, such a big lord-level BOSS, where to run?

The Scourge Lord is gone!?

With disbelief, the crowd looked at the area where the Heavenly Disaster Lord was originally located, and Ding Qing took a look.


There was nothing there, only a deep pit!

It was as if this was originally an abyss, and at this time, there was another abyss!

There is no doubt that this amazing attack was created by Lu Shu!

That guy…


With only one sword, he killed the Natural Disaster Lord in a second?

Brother Long and the others had not reacted until now!

Those three enlightened lotus flowers, giving everyone the feeling that they were already mysterious and wonderful, could be called the strongest offensive and defensive means seen in the Gray Realm.

Originally thought that this was already Lu Shu’s pressure box bottom stunt…

But I didn’t expect that the power of this enlightened lotus flower would appear so small and vulnerable under this sword!

This time…

A prompt pops up in the ears of the crowd —

[Congratulations on killing the S+ Level Lord BOSS – Natural Disaster Lord!] 】

When this prompt appeared, a hint of embarrassment appeared on the faces of the members of the Wind and Cloud Guild.

They didn’t seem to have done anything, and they passed this quest!

At the same time…

Lu Shu’s eyes also popped up a series of rewards for this copy –

[Get the Scourge Lord’s Staff (Legendary Level) x1!] 】

[Get the Scourge Lord’s jewelry, necklaces, pendants (legendary level) x1!] 】

[Get the Scourge Lord’s armor, boots, arm guards, trousers, plate armor (master level) x1!] 】

[Get the Heart x1 of the Scourge Lord, x1 of the Scourge Lord’s Soul, and the Shard of the Scourge Lord x10, and the Scourge Lord’s Crafting Route has been unlocked!] 】

【Get Searchlight Holy Fire x1!】 】

【Get the Abyss Key x1!】 】

【Unlock the Natural Disaster Skill Atlas – Natural Disaster Summoning!】 】

【Do you want to study?】 】

Lu Shu immediately chose to study.

The next second, there was an extra [skill] picture book in front of me——

【Natural Disaster Summoning】

[Function: Consumes spiritual power and summons natural disasters.] 】

Lu Shu glanced at it, and he felt that he was barely strong.

After he had the Five Elements Divine Tree, he possessed more powerful powers than summoning natural disasters.

But what’s interesting about this skill —

Being able to turn spiritual power into an energy field also has a certain effect on changing the energy field in the gray world!

“Big Guy, (222, 222) coordinates, has been determined to be a super-nightmare copy…”

At this time, Brother Long walked over to Lu Shu’s side and said excitedly.

After some explanation and exchange, Lu Shu knew that the entire Divine Tree Game already knew about the occurrence of the reincarnation abyss!

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