“Joan of Arc, hold on!”

King Arthur let out a soft cry.

Joan of Arc nodded with difficulty and raised the flag in her hand again.

Although the divine power in her body had been lost a lot…


A will to fight, but burning in her eyes!

“I will never let you step into our great land!”

“All warriors will, with indomitable spirit, build this line of defense that belongs to the light of human reason!”

“O gods! O heroes of the ages! ”

“Please lend me your divine powers and drive away all the monsters!”

At that moment, the divine power in Joan of Arc’s body burned like the sun!

A brilliant sunset-like light scattered from her body, turning into a mighty light, swallowing up the surging monsters around her!


With the glow of the sun wheel, it engulfed the surroundings like a tidal wave!

Countless abyss monsters, completely devoured…

There was a series of terrible screams!

If the number of these kills is stacked up, even a hill can’t be filled!

By the time Joan of Arc had finished the move, the surrounding field had become empty and the monsters around him had been swept away.

The surrounding warriors, dressed in armor, were engaged in a battle.

Their physical strength had reached the lowest limit…


Joan of Arc unleashed this skill, killing countless monsters, giving them more respite.


Shift your gaze to the horizon…

Wave after wave of monsters is still coming one after another…

“How can this be…”

Joan of Arc’s eyes showed a look of despair.

She was half-kneeling on the ground, because of her lack of physical strength, it was no longer able to support the will to fight, and the war will in her eyes had also faded a lot.

Full of tiredness and vicissitudes after a difficult battle.

“The number of these monsters is really too much!”

“Even if Lord Yingling himself took the shot, wouldn’t he be able to kill them all?”

“Is it said… Is our kingdom really going to perish on this day? ”

Looking at the wall gradually collapsing…

Looking at the ruined castle…

At this moment, the warriors present were actually a little shaken!

The number of Abyss Monsters is too many, like too many to kill, and it is simply not something they can handle!

No matter how brave and good they are warriors, people’s physical strength and energy are always limited!

Not to mention humans…

Even if the soul has been sublimated into a god, the divine power is still a limited energy.

When they ran out of last bit of strength…

Can we only watch this piece of homeland being wantonly trampled and destroyed?

Unwilling and angry emotions continue to surge into the heart!

But the ensuing physical burden and tiredness caused this last flame of war to be extinguished in the endless darkness.

“What to do?”

Joan of Arc struggled to stand up.

Looking up slightly, she saw the figure, still fighting with the monster in front of her.

He pulled out the sword that vowed victory, and the brilliant sword light constantly swept around the monsters, but qingxiu’s girl-like countenance was full of the firmness of being a king, and there was no half-point flinching.

This will… When will I inherit it?”

Joan of Arc thought silently in her heart.


Countless abyss monsters, dragging their huge bodies, killed!

Destroy the Demon Dragon!

The huge body was thousands of meters high, like a hill, driving the incomparably exaggerated body, trampling step by step!

The city walls, in front of the Exterminating Demon Dragon, looked as small as a child!

As its footsteps trampled on the earth, the surrounding surface began to crack, the walls began to collapse, everything, under absolute power, turned into dust and ruins, and human civilization no longer existed…

“Is it a monster that is almost mythical…”

Arthur gritted his teeth, he knew that this monster, at this stage of his own, it was difficult to kill it with the sword in his hand!


Use the power of that treasure against the city!

However, with the divine power he had left now, he could only concentrate the thoughts of sentient beings slightly on the tip of the sword, but he couldn’t cut it out!


All the warriors saw their king, and gradually lost the last resistance, and the swords in their hands fell.

The Knights of the Twelve Round Tables, fighting power at the forefront of the city wall, with large and small wounds all over their bodies…

They haven’t stopped fighting yet…

However, it can only be the instinct that continues to drive them to kill the monsters around them step by step.

Their gaze gradually changed from being full of flames at the beginning, as if they were constantly extinguished by drops of cold water.

Will the power of the will gradually retreat?

Tired of being physically…

Defeated monsters…

Thundered!!! 1

The Exterminator Dragon has already entered the city walls!

Strong defensive line, several gaps appeared at the moment!

Arthur gritted his teeth, still trying to fight the last strength and fight the Exterminator Dragon!


The huge monster’s casual grasp made this heroic spirit’s body suddenly seem to be hit by a mountain, and its body flew out in an instant!


Arthur could only grit his teeth and watch with a look of disbelief as the monster wreaked havoc on his kingdom and slaughtered the inhabitants around him…

Just then…

A ray of Immortal Sword Light came across!

Cut off the head of the Exterminator Dragon!

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