Chapter 12

The communication between Lin Ci and Master Ci Hai lasted for a whole afternoon.

Master Ci Hai looks very aloof, but he is actually a talkative person at heart.

Lin Ci and Ci Hai really felt like they had met too late. The two chatted about everything under the sun. In addition to Buddhist scriptures and teachings, during these few hours, Lin Ci also gained a certain understanding of Master Ci Hai's past.

Master Ci Hai became a monk at the age of twenty-three and stayed in the White Horse Temple for fifty years.

He witnessed countless ups and downs...

Although the chat lasted a long time, Lin Ci himself did not find the conversation boring at all.

So the chat continued until the sunset, and Lin Ci said goodbye to Master Ci Hai. At this time, the ratings of the live broadcast had dropped significantly...

The person in charge of the program was anxious as he looked at the declining ratings, and kept scratching his head.

Judging from the frequency of his scratching his head, he was probably about to pull his hair out.


"Has the director’s application been reviewed yet?"

"Long-winded chats like this must definitely be cut off!"

"Urge the review, we can't go on like this!"

In addition to the director, the program director also began to urge the feasibility of"switching perspective".

Although this may increase the workload, it is better than such a sharp drop in ratings!

In fact, the entire program team is looking forward to the implementation of"switching perspective".

Instead of listening to Lin Ci's chat, it is more reliable to watch beautiful women!



The sun sets and the moon rises.

Several monks cleaned Lin Ci's room very clean, but even though it was clean... the mountain was full of mosquitoes.

Jiang Yu and Chen Weiwei usually lived a life of luxury, how could they have experienced such a thing?

But for the sake of filming, the two of them had to grit their teeth and bear it.

The family of four lay on the big bunk bed, and the candlelight had long been extinguished.

Listening to the cicadas chirping outside the house and the faint sound of the wind, Lin Ci was thinking about what he would do next.

And Jiang Yu's voice came over


"How long will we stay in the mountains?"

"When will we go down the mountain tomorrow?"

Lin Ci replied casually,"Don't worry."

"I have already asked about the bus that came this morning."

"They are the last train tomorrow night."

"Five o'clock in the afternoon, we can go down the mountain at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Jiang Yu was silent.

She thought to herself,"Why do we have to stay on this broken mountain for so long?"

She said,"It's a bit stressful, let's not stay on the mountain, right?"

Lin Ci did not agree with Jiang Yu's statement

"These pressures must be overcome"

"The pressure will only get bigger in the future.

Jiang Yu wanted to say something else, but Lin Ci didn't give her the chance to speak.

"Okay, go to sleep."

"There will be a vegetarian dinner tomorrow"

"Master Ci Hai said that he would prepare the most sumptuous vegetarian feast for us."

When Lin Ci said this, Yi Yi was already snoring slightly.

This girl was crazy enough in the afternoon.

After all, the child is still young, and everything she sees is fresh.

She ran and jumped with the dog in the mountain for a whole afternoon.

Now she is really tired.

Lin Ci listened to his daughter's snoring, and his heart was inexplicably at peace.

Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.



The next morning,

Lin Ci woke up slowly to the sound of sutra chanting from the temple.

He opened his eyes and met Jiang Yu's eyes.

He noticed that Jiang Yu's eyes were a little dark.


"Didn't sleep well?"

Jiang Yu smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Yes, you, Lin Ci, and your baby daughter, Lin Yiyi, snore like two subwoofers, one big and one small.

Who can sleep well?

This is really a bit torturous...

But Jiang Yu relied on his strong willpower to hold on.

It was just like when he was listening to the sutra yesterday.

The family got up and washed up. Jiang Yu and Chen Weiwei lay down on the bunk bed again after tidying up for a while. I almost didn't sleep all night last night. I was too tired!

I don't know how long I lay there...

Dong Dong Dong!

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The voice of the little monk outside the door came

"Donor, the vegetarian food is ready, please come and eat."


The abbot himself cooked for Lin Ci's family, which was enough to prove the importance the mountain attached to Lin Ci's family.

The White Horse Temple was not too big, but Master Ci Hai was happy to have a friend who was close to him and had a close relationship with Buddhism.

In his mind, this was also a good thing.

"Donor Lin."

Master Ci Hai looked at Lin Ci's family with a kind look and said,"All the vegetarian dishes here are made from mountain products."

"Soy products are also ground by the monks in the temple……"

"Although not as tasty as outside, it still has its own flavor."

"Please use it."

In the studio, the director looked at the situation in front of him and began to think about it.

"Is this the transition from"A Longing for Life" to"A Bite of China"?"

"Never mind……"

"I can't care so much.……"

He cleared his throat.

"Let the music start!"

"Just use"Spring, Summer and Autumn of Labor"》!"

"Position No. 3 cuts into position No. 1 and runs towards the dining table from a bird's eye view!"

"The visual effects team, bring up a filter!"

The scene moved away from Lin Ci, flashed back a little, then pulled to the roof, and slowly moved towards the table.

The food on the table looked good. Although it was not as oily and salty as outside, it was indeed as the abbot said, with a unique flavor.

Accompanied by melodious music... at this moment, this artistic conception seemed to make people feel the aroma of the food on the table.

However, in the director's room... looking at the multiple camera lenses in front of him, the director suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He noticed another point……

"Get ready to switch back to position three!"


"Three, two, one...cute!"

The audience watching the live broadcast also expressed their opinions.

"This show is getting weirder and weirder."

"It looks really good! I didn't expect the abbot to have such skills!"

"Well, I don't expect to see anything exciting, this is fine……"

However, when the food perspective switched again, and suddenly switched to the face of the person, the people watching the live broadcast were shocked.

The one that appeared on the screen was Lin Yiyi's cute face with a little baby fat!

The girl was staring at the table full of dishes!

"I looked at Yiyi...why did I feel like I was hungry too?"

"Yiyi is so cute!"

"Regardless of anything else, Lin Ci is indeed a winner in life!"

"Being able to share a bed with Jiang Yu and having such a lovely daughter! Envy!"

Lin Ci is of course a winner in life.

In addition to his beautiful wife and daughter, he also wants the 50 million.

And today's meal... can be said to be a crucial part of his plan.

""Okay, let's eat."

Lin Ci said,"Try the abbot's cooking!"

The family of four sat down.

Yiyi was obviously very hungry, but she waited until Lin Ci started eating before she started.

After taking a bite, her little face turned red.


"This tofu is so delicious!"

Lin Ci smiled and said,"Why don't you thank the abbot?"

Yiyi nodded, looked at Master Ci Hai and said,"Grandpa monk!"

"This tofu is so delicious!"

Master Ci Hai said kindly,"It's good if it tastes good, it's good if it tastes good."

But a gleam flashed in Lin Ci's eyes.

Words like this...

Master Ci Hai needs to remember them more.

ps: It is not easy for a new writer to write a book. I will try my best to update every day. If the daily data increases significantly, I will stay up all night to finish the book. Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, rewards, and all kinds of support. Thank you all, thank you!!!

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