Chapter 56

Lin Ci is involved in a real crime?

Too many fragments flashed through Guan Hongshan's mind in an instant.

In the past month, they deliberately avoided paying attention to Lin Ci's actions.

After all, it was not fair for them to use their positions to pay attention to Lin Ci's whereabouts before the eighth episode of"Perfect Evidence" was about to begin.

But maybe Lin Ci took advantage of this and started a cooperation with"Chris"! ?


Guan Hongshan asked Song Chen.

Why did Lin Ci choose to participate in this level of crime?

Didn't he know that this was a serious crime!?

However, Song Chen shook his head.

"I don't know why……"

Song Chen's face was very nervous, and he immediately said:"Captain Guan!"

"I know what kind of tough guy 'Chris' is!"

"I want to apply for protection!"

"I must not let Chris find me!"

Guan Hongshan looked at Song Chen's face, stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled.

"Who knows who this little character of yours is?"

"Don't worry, he doesn't have to kill you."

Hearing this, Song Chen's eyes revealed a little despair.

Then he shook his head heavily and said

"If Ringo tells Chris about this……"

"Then I'm really screwed!"

"Really...! Captain Guan! I must apply for protection!"

Hearing this, Guan Hongshan suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Song Chen with a solemn expression and a slightly cold voice.

"Take him back to the station"

"If there is anything... we can talk about it when we get back."

Then he picked up the intercom and said

"Qin Ming, go negotiate with the program team"

"Tomorrow's live broadcast may have to be terminated."

If Lin Ci is really related to Chris, how could this matter be known to the people in the"Perfect Evidence" program?

"Lin Ci……"

"What on earth are you thinking!?"



《In the"Perfect Evidence" program group.

After receiving the news, the head of the program group, Chen Zhaoyang, looked extremely unhappy.


"Lin Ci was involved in a true crime?"

"How is this possible!?"

"Qin Ming, did you guys make a mistake?"

Qin Ming's voice was very cold:"There is no room for negotiation on this matter"

"This case is confidential and must not be leaked.

Chen Zhaoyang was silent for a moment.

Then he continued

"After all, if the broadcast is really terminated, the backlash will be huge."

"In addition, people were not very satisfied with the program setting.……"

"This will only discredit you."

"You should understand the purpose of this program."

Qin Ming did not agree, he just continued:"We don't care about smearing or not."

But Chen Zhaoyang interrupted Qin Ming and said:"I have a way"

"People don’t know the truth of the case……"

"I can regard this as a fictional environment created by the production team."

"Moreover, there have been news reports recently that hackers are trying to break into NASA to steal files related to aliens."

"The man you caught was originally Lin Ci's assistant."

"The program can be broadcast normally"

"As for Chris, the popularity of"Perfect Crime" will make him difficult to trust."

"This way, your pursuit will also be meaningful."

"This kind of highly intelligent hacker, after performing a difficult operation... needs to let people know."

"No one can completely erase himself."

"The probability of his exposure will become very high."

Hearing this, Qin Ming fell silent.

If this is used as the background of the story, it is not impossible.

This can paralyze"Chris" and the organization he belongs to.

Chen Zhaoyang is the leader of the program team, and his background is the Chinese Crime Data Center.

He also has certain attainments in criminal psychology.

The possibility he proposed at this time... is indeed possible.

Qin Ming said coldly:"I need to think about this matter again"

"It needs to be approved by the higher-ups, but first it has to pass the customs clearance."

Hearing this, Chen Zhaoyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm waiting for your good news"



On the other side,

Guan Hongshan looked at Song Chen who was sitting in the interrogation room through the one-way glass in the observation room.

Qin Ming told Guan Hongshan about his negotiation with Chen Zhaoyang behind him.

Guan Hongshan nodded silently.

This is indeed feasible.

The image of Chen Zhaoyang with a big belly appeared in his mind.

"It's really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.……"

He thought so.

The only problem was... this was not very fair to Song Chen... this kind of live broadcast would expose Song Chen to everyone.

However, he also had a solution to this injustice.

The witness protection program did exist.

If you want to fight against the darkness of this world, you must have enough power to protect those who have turned from darkness to light.

And this happened to be applicable to Song Chen.

"Then prepare for the live broadcast."

Guan Hongshan said

"There's no time to wait until the 25th."

"Today, the eighth issue begins"



During the live broadcast, people were still watching the replay of the seventh episode.

But the scene in front of them suddenly stopped.

In the black, countless bullet comments floated by.

"What's going on?"

"Is there any problem with playback?"

"The results were just announced this morning, and I'm still here! The replay is gone?"

However, just as countless question marks were flashing across the screen, the picture was lit up again.

People looked at the unfamiliar faces in the interrogation room and felt even more puzzled.

At this time, the voice-over suddenly sounded.

"《Hello, friends of the audience of"Perfect Evidence","

"Due to some unexpected events, the eighth live broadcast of"Perfect Evidence" will start ahead of schedule"

"Next is a summary of the previous events."

After a short pause, the explanation screen appeared on the live screen.

"In the setting of this program, Lin Ci and his fellow suspects will be arrested for network information security and confidential intelligence leakage."

"The program team arranged another character this time, who is also a hacker."

"The hacker codenamed 'Chris’"

"At this time, the detectives exceeded our program team's expectations and discovered the cooperation between Lin Ci and the"Chris" in advance."

"The person in the interrogation room was Lin Ci's assistant, Song Chen."

"The solver will gradually obtain information related to Lin Ci through interrogation."

"Then catch Lin Ci and the suspects in one fell swoop!"

At this time, Guan Hongshan was sitting opposite Song Chen.

He said in a cold voice:"Speak"

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