Chapter 59

The audience watching the live broadcast were all stunned.

They had never seen Guan Hongshan so stern and aggressive!

What was going on?

"Why do I feel a little cold? What did Lin Ci do?"

"This Song Chen... seems a little afraid of Lin Ci?"

"I said, are we watching a documentary? It feels a little different from the previous one."

Not only the spectators.

Even Jiang Yu's expression changed a little.

She and Chen Weiwei sat together with the food, but their expressions were full of amazement.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening.

But they still didn't leave.

"This…what’s going on?"

Chen Weiwei looked up at the live broadcast and looked at Jiang Yu in surprise.

But Jiang Yu also shook his head in confusion.

However…although Jiang Yu didn't say anything, her heart was already filled with surging waves!

"What has Lin Ci prepared? It feels like he has changed……!"



Guan Hongshan frowned and looked at Song Chen in front of him.

Then he suddenly stood up.

"You sit here first."

Then he immediately ran to the other side of the interrogation room.

That side... of course, was the observation room.

The four members of the investigation team gathered here, as well as a technical support member of the investigation team, the policewoman Tang Xiao.

"How do you see it?"

Guan Hongshan asked this question.

Qin Haoran shook his head:"No... no evidence, no... no way to see it."

Then, Wu Zui said:"I don't understand it, it feels real."

Wu Zui is considered to be the one with the most fighting power, and he speaks straightforwardly.

Qin Ming thought about it, then looked at Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao was stunned, and then said:"There is definitely no problem technically."

"I can tell from the sound that he is really good at it."

"But...if you want still have to investigate further."

After all, there was no rush, so Guan Hongshan nodded immediately.

After Tang Xiao left, Guan Hongshan spoke again:"Do you feel there is a problem?"

Qin Haoran nodded:"Yes...there is a problem"

"But first...let's listen to what he has to say..."

"If we can... catch a clue, then... that would be the best."

Because it was a live broadcast, Qin Haoran spoke cryptically.

The clue in this sentence was naturally"Chris's clue."

Wu Zui smacked his lips and said,"Captain Guan, this kid is being watched."

"It's easy to say in the bureau, but it's not certain if you go out."Although Wu Zui doesn't have the brains of Guan Hongshan and Qin Haoran, he has been through a lot and is very capable.

He said this in an equally obscure way.

Being seen by Chris means that he is exposed to Chris.

If he goes out, his safety is uncertain.

Guan Hongshan nodded:"This is a bargaining chip. Although it will be given to him in the end, he has to work harder to get it."

"There is more information than this."


At this time, there was a sound of a door opening.

Tang Xiao came in with a document and said,"That's right……"

"The database of the University of Science and Technology did show signs of being copied on the night of December 16"

"At the same time, it was copied……"

At this point, Tang Xiao's tone paused for a moment.

Then he continued

"It's not just the papers."

Guan Hongshan nodded.

He glanced at the time. It was already 9:30 in the evening.

But he felt that they were moving step by step towards the truth.

Since what Song Chen said was correct, the interrogation could continue.

After drinking a sip of water, Guan Hongshan walked into the interrogation room again.



Seeing Guan Hongshan coming in, Song Chen looked at him expectantly and said

"Team Guan!"

"How about it?"

"Can you give me protection?"

Guan Hongshan snorted coldly, without giving a direct answer.

"Go ahead"

"Once you’ve resolved the situation, what’s next?"

"What did you do next?"

Song Chen opened his mouth, but finally sighed.

Then he continued to talk about what he did after leaving school.

"After the final exam……"



December 20th.

The exam week at Jiangbei University of Science and Technology is over.

The small group finally got together again.

These students who were looking forward to appearing in"Perfect Evidence" experienced another operation of stealing test papers under the command of Lin Ci.

It looks like the agents in those movies!

The division of labor is clear! The plan is clear!

This made the children who already admired Lin Ci even more admired him.

But soon, Lin Ci proposed the next action.

The excited students agreed without saying a word.

But when Lin Ci said he was going to the Municipal Bureau, the state of several people became a little wrong.

Xiao Zhang, who is very talented as an actor, shook his head:"Brother Lin... That's the Municipal Bureau, isn't it bad?"

A Jing, whose family is a locksmith, immediately denied:"You rubbish, this is"Perfect Evidence"! You will never meet it in your life, and you are still here to say it!?"

"If you do well, your name will go down in history! With your poor grades, you still want to find a good job after graduation?"

The suspect Xiao Wu did not express his opinion.

Several people naturally took him as his tacit consent.

Song Chen, who was a little timid at first, became firm because of A Jing's statement.

Then several people began to act.

At first, they waited in the car and didn't know what happened.

But after the signal was connected, they knew what Lin Ci and Xiao Wu had done.

Song Chen looked at this interface and immediately knew what Lin Ci had done.


"Steal the city bureau's account?"

Song Chen looked at the laptop interface in front of him in surprise.

Lin Ci left a wifi signal transmitter at the city bureau.

This wifi transmitter can copy nearby wifi signals and then brute force them.

If someone uses a mobile phone or computer to connect to the transmitter's wifi... then this person's terminal device will become a zombie.

""Zombie" is a hacker term, which means that the PC device has become something that hackers can use to access data at any time.

Then, after using this transmitter to steal the server account and password of the Municipal Bureau, the few people waiting outside to crack the information can enter the Municipal Bureau's server to intercept information.



Hearing this, Guan Hongshan's eyes widened!

This is also possible! ?

Not only Guan Hongshan was stunned, but everyone in the program group was also frozen.

The director opened his mouth, not knowing what to do at this time.

"Lin Ci……"

"What is in this guy's head!?"

Guan Hongshan didn't finish listening to Song Chen's words, he immediately rushed out of the interrogation room and walked briskly into the observation room next to it.

However, Tang Xiao had already started to detect the wifi signal at this time...

Everyone present, including Wu Zui who reacted slower, began to have beads of sweat on their foreheads.

What kind of character are they facing!?

This is not a junior high school Chinese teacher!

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