Chapter 63

Guan Hongshan's brows were furrowed more and more.

After hearing what Qin Haoran said, he immediately thought of the problem.

But when those things were put together, it was like a mess!

This mess was tangled together, and it was impossible to find the end of the thread in the ball!



"take an exam……"

He silently recited a few key words.

In the already quiet observation room, Guan Hongshan's performance made the atmosphere, which had just calmed down, even more heavy!

This matter... seems to be far from over!

Guan Hongshan was already pacing in the room while thinking.



"But what is the problem?"

Guan Hongshan stroked his forehead.

He ran through one question after another in his mind with great difficulty.

However, these questions seemed to confirm each other, and it was impossible to solve the other questions through any one of them.

And this kind of thinking not only did not make the situation simpler, but made it more complicated!

This kind of thinking even made Guan Hongshan feel that his breathing became difficult!

Although he knew that the reason was the lack of oxygen due to the direct supply of blood to the brain, he became more and more nervous at this time!

He breathed heavily, and his teeth biting his lips harder and harder.



"What went wrong?"

Guan Hongshan paused as he paced, and suddenly turned his head to look at Qin Haoran.


He did not shy away from asking directly.

"What do you think! ?"

"What's the problem?!"

"What went wrong?"

Qin Haoran shook his head and said,"Captain Guan……"

"If I had thought of the crux of the matter, I would have……"

It was obvious that Qin Haoran was indeed thinking, and the fact that he did not stutter at this moment said it all.

However, his voice stopped halfway through his speech.

That was because Guan Hongshan's eyes were already looking directly at Tang Xiao.

"Xiao Tang, check!"

"Find out the situation!"

"Who is this Song Chen? What is his major at the University of Science and Technology? Who are the people around him?"

"Check it out!"

Hearing this, Tang Xiao, who had just felt relieved, nodded immediately, and her eyes fell on her computer screen again.

The sound of keyboards rang out, and Guan Hongshan walked towards the interrogation room again!

His steps were even more urgent than before!

The action of pulling the door open was even more violent!


With the bang of the door closing, the interrogation began again!

"Song Chen, you are not telling the truth……"

"You should know!"

"The witness protection program will never provide protection to a lying witness!"



Inside the live broadcast room, the comments that were originally discussing"whether Chris really exists" immediately changed their minds after hearing what Guan Hongshan said! They were even more shocked to hear Guan Hongshan actually say that Song Chen's previous testimony was false!

After all, they originally listened to these things as a script!

What exactly is this development?

"Song Chen was sitting in the interrogation room and telling lies? No way? Looking at him like that, how could he be lying?"

"Holy shit, what's the twist here? When Captain Guan left just now, he looked so relaxed, he didn't look like he was cheated!"

"Is there a dictionary for me to look up? I want to know what a fucking surprise is!"

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

The western restaurant where Jiang Yu and Chen Weiwei had just dined had closed. At this time, the two beauties were sitting in a supercar, putting their heads together and watching the live broadcast on their phones.

After all, they were people related to Lin Ci, and their views were completely different from the atmosphere in the barrage.

They didn't know who Chris was.

But what they knew was that catching Chris didn't mean that Lin Ci would fail.

However, when they saw Guan Hongshan's undisguised anger, they were also surprised.

Chen Weiwei felt that her brain was a little confused for a while.

Just ten minutes ago, Guan Hongshan said that he would fulfill his promise to provide him with protection.

But ten minutes later, there was such a sudden change?

What happened to Captain Guan?

What went wrong here?

"What is going on here?

Chen Weiwei looked at Jiang Yu in confusion.

However, Jiang Yu also opened his mouth slightly, feeling that his brain was a little out of order.



Song Chen was also confused by Guan Hongshan's sudden question.


"What does this mean?"

However, when he understood the situation, he suddenly reacted.

Song Chen's eyes suddenly became a little manic.

"Guan Hongshan!"

"You want to regret it?"

"Do you want me to die!?"

"I don't care whether Lin Ci lives or dies! This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"I'm helping you catch someone!"

Guan Hongshan clenched his fists and looked at Song Chen who suddenly became angry. His eyebrows twitched a little.

Guan Hongshan is definitely the top character in the criminal investigation detachment.

His sensitivity to clues is almost innate.

Looking at Song Chen's appearance at this time, he suddenly seemed to think of something.

However, facing the other party's arrogant attitude, Guan Hongshan has his own set of methods.

"Not cooperating, right?"


"There are still sixteen hours left. After sixteen hours, you will get out of here."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

But Song Chen was not willing to let him go.

Guan Hongshan had just turned halfway when he heard Song Chen's voice coming from behind.

""Captain Guan!"

Guan Hongshan stopped and looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

At this time, Song Chen seemed to be deflated and very frustrated.

He said,"But I really didn't lie.……"

"Team Guan……"

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"You can't just watch someone die without helping him, right?"

Seeing Song Chen's desperate and helpless look, Guan Hongshan frowned again.

What's wrong with this little guy?

This doesn't sound like a lie...

What went wrong?

At this moment, Tang Xiao's voice appeared in the invisible headset.

"Team Guan……"

"According to what Song Chen said before, he should be a student of information technology in the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering."

"If you are taking a programming course, and it is a relatively elementary course, then it should be……"

""I'm a freshman or sophomore."

Tang Xiao's voice paused for a moment.

She seemed to be full of disbelief at the answer she found!

Then, she spoke again in amazement.——

"Team Guan……"

"Not to mention freshman and sophomore years... I even searched the entire School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and couldn't find such a person!"

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