Chapter 65


The sound of a lighter was heard.

A wisp of green smoke drifted out from Guan Hongshan's mouth.

The interrogation room was very quiet.

It seemed that the sound of tobacco burning could be heard.

It seemed that the second hand of the watch could be heard.

It seemed that... the sound of my heartbeat could be heard.

Guan Hongshan glanced at the time.


Then he looked at Song Chen and continued to speak.

"You should be clear about your problem."

"Otherwise you wouldn't be behaving like this now."

"But now I don't doubt you so much."

Guan Hongshan said:"That's right……"

"I admit now that you did not lie."

"But that's the whole problem"

"Because you created a real world for yourself"

"This is also the reason why Lin Ci chose you."

Hearing this, Song Chen's eyes widened.

But his sight... became a little dull.

As if he had become absent-minded.

He didn't say anything, so Guan Hongshan continued to speak.

"The reason why I found problems with you is actually very simple."

"We did not find your student status at Jiangbei University of Science and Technology"

"And your stealing of the answer can actually be refuted by itself."

"The reason you and Lin Ci went there wasn't a test...but you treated it like one.……"

"Because in your personality, you are actually a student of Jiangbei University of Science and Technology, right?"

Song Chen did not answer this question.

At this point, Guan Hongshan suddenly smiled.

A bitter smile.

He continued:"In fact, your performance has been very obvious, isn't it?"

"You said that you leaked that IP to us."

"You said you are a hacker expert"

"But in reality you are nothing at all"

"When I asked you if you leaked to us, you nodded."

"But you said before that you are very sensitive to numbers"

"I deliberately angered you, so your personality at that time was not the one that was sensitive to numbers."

"However, your irritable personality did not realize that there is no such number as 256 in IPv4."

"The largest decimal number in an IPv4 address is 255."

Guan Hongshan knocked off the ash, took a deep puff, and continued

"You are not a hacker."

"But one of your personalities is sensitive to numbers."

"So when we catch you, you will subconsciously report that IP address"

"In the story you tell……"

"Xiao Zhang is good at acting, Xiao Liu is good at circuits, and A Jing is good at lock picking.……"

"They don't actually exist"

"These people are actually you, your other personalities."

"From 9:40 on December 16th, when he tricked the security guard away, to 10:00, when he entered the server room……"

"This took too long."

"Because there are only you and Lin Ci, and you certainly can't split yourself"

"Plus, when you tell your story, you seem to act out everyone's tone and expression."

"There is also the USB drive on your keychain, plus the lock picking tool on your keychain..."

"Circuit modification and unlocking……"

"I should have thought of it earlier."

Guan Hongshan said so calmly... but he didn't know how shocking his words were!

These things emerged from his mind, and then came out of his mouth.

It shocked countless people who were watching the live broadcast!

But Guan Hongshan seemed to be determined to shock people, and he continued to explain everything.


"This is the situation when Lin Ci entered the Municipal Bureau"

"What you said was the dispute between you, Xiao Zhang, and A Jing"

"It is a reflection of your own heart"

"You are easy-going, Xiao Zhang is timid, and A Jing is a bad-tempered guy."

"But you convinced yourself and took action with Lin Ci."

These words seemed to be imprinted in Song Chen's mind word by word.

He lowered his head in some pain.

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes as he watched this scene.

He knew that this should be the pain caused by the wrong information in Song Chen's mind when it was corrected.

This is very radical in the treatment of mental illness...

But Guan Hongshan's voice did not stop

"Then on the day of action……"

"You said that you wrote the code together with the guy named Wu."

"But in fact, you should only be responsible for the disguise of the wifi transmitter"

"So when Mr. Wu was operating, you just stood behind and watched."

"This also fits your statement."

"The person who is actually responsible for the hacking technology should be the suspect surnamed Wu."

"You only know that they left a backdoor, but you don't know that they left at least four backdoors"

"This should be because you only heard their words, but only remembered the backdoor, but didn't know the exact number."

Hearing this, Song Chen's face became even paler.

"While you were arrested, in order to protect yourself……"

"The broken memories are reorganized, and some boundaries are blurred."

"You invented several companions."

"You want to be released, you know what Lin Ci is doing is dangerous"

"So you want to be protected!"

"You mentioned the IP address, but in the final confrontation with Chris, you did almost nothing."

"I just used that USB drive to activate the backdoor.……"

"The most important thing you did was to say with disdain,"Chris is nothing special."’……"

"But this is your acting personality at work"

"Am I right?"

At this time, facing this question, Song Chen roared out with a ferocious face.

He spoke with great excitement.��

"You fucking bullshit!"

"I am who I am!"

"I caught Chris for you!"

"You should provide me with protection!"

But Guan Hongshan ignored his roar and just kept talking to himself.

"And this is why Lin Ci chose you"

"Because you will turn lies into truths, and once you are arrested, the news you give us will be a mixture of truth and lies.……"

"It makes us believe... but also full of confusion"

"This kind of confusion is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"To some extent……"

"You are indeed the best person to assist."

"Betraying Lin Ci for one's own benefit is a good choice."

"But you didn't betray Lin Ci after all."

This time, Song Chen didn't speak.

He buried his head under the table, his shoulders hunched.

He looked very painful.

But Guan Hongshan just looked at him deeply, and looked a little indifferent when he saw Song Chen falling into confusion and pain.

After a moment of silence, Guan Hongshan spoke again.

"What do you remember now?"

"tell me"

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