Chapter 84

Jiang Yin's clear voice echoed in the courtroom, but there seemed to be a flash of madness in Sun Cheng's eyes.

That chill was simply not something that ordinary people could understand.

With the title of the cuckold king, even at this moment, he felt extremely humiliated.

The long-suppressed hatred filled every cell in his body!


At this moment, Sun Cheng smashed the wooden railing of the witness stand with an incredibly strong force.

It was as if he was really crazy!

His hysterical roar suddenly rang out in the courtroom!


"Lin Ci is a fucking scumbag!!"

"I hate him!"

"I hate this beast!"

"Is that all right?"

"It’s good that Liu Yan died! I wish Lin Ci’s whole family would die!"

"Such a scumbag doesn't deserve to live in this world!"

"Is that all right?"

"Are you satisfied?"

Song Yin seemed to be unconcerned about this hysterical madness.

She looked at Sun Cheng and continued to ask:"When you saw Liu Yan who was already unconscious……"

"What did you do?"

Sun Cheng thought for a moment, then answered:"I……"

"I shook her……"

"Then she...she didn't respond."

Sun Cheng's voice was a little vague at this time.

He seemed to be in a very confused state.

But Jiang Yin's questioning was not over.

She continued to ask:"You walked closer to Liu Yan and shook her head to see how her injuries were.……"

"Is that right?"

Sun Cheng said vaguely:"Yes... yes……"

"Then you saw her in a semi-comatose state?"

Sun Cheng continued to nod:"Yes... yes."

Jiang Yin pressed on step by step!

"You see again a bare nail next to her head!"

"Then you grabbed her head and slammed it against the nail!"

"Am I right!?"

Sun Cheng was still in a daze.

He was still troubled by his green hat.

At this moment he nodded:"Yes."


The whole court was boiling!


Everyone was shocked by what they heard at this moment!

In the live broadcast room, the audience also stared with wide eyes when they saw this scene!

"Holy shit! It's actually possible!"

"It turns out that the real murderer is this cuckold king! ?"

"It’s really interesting!"

"That's not right. This cuckolding happened later. Was it Lin Ci's plan?"

"Lin Ci and Jiang Yin devised such a reversal! ?"

"Holy crap! This is too awesome!"

"It turns out that Lin Ci went to the hotel and called Sun Cheng for this scene!"

Chen Weiwei looked at Sun Cheng standing opposite her with a confused face.

She had no idea what had happened.

So many things happened after she hit Liu Yan?

It turned out that Liu Yan was not killed by herself?

Song Yin's voice rang again:"You... killed Lin Ci's woman"

"The scapegoat is Lin Ci's daughter again"

"You know, for Lin Ci, the most important thing is her daughter."

"Letting her daughter go to jail is more painful than letting Lin Ci die!"

"So you took advantage of the fact that no one knew and the surveillance cameras couldn't see you and killed Liu Yan!"

"You did take revenge on Lin Ci."

"You seized this golden opportunity."

Song Yin looked at the situation in front of her, her expression as cold as ever.

People never expected that there would be such a reversal.

It turned out that the driver, Sun Cheng, also had a perfect motive and timing for murder.

And under Song Yin's step-by-step induction, he even admitted it!

However, Guan Hongshan's expression was not nervous at this time.

Because he knew very well that the testimony obtained by Song Yin's inducing speech at this moment had no legal effect.

So even if she asked these questions, it would be in vain. What

Guan Hongshan was considering in his heart at this time was actually:"Is this Sun Cheng the real murderer?"

"If Sun Cheng is the real murderer……"

"So what exactly are Lin Ci and Chen Weiwei's positions?"

The relationship here is complicated and confusing.

And what was unexpected to Guan Hongshan was that Song Yin's question was not over yet.

As a doctor of criminal psychology, Song Yin was naturally familiar with this kind of induced speech.

But of course she also knew that this could not be used as testimony.

So her questioning was not over yet.

Even if it could not be used as testimony, these words could still be used.

Jiang Yin said

"You also have children"

"You know very well that Chen Weiwei and Lin Ci are not independent individuals."

"If you still have a conscience……"

"Don't involve this kind of kid."

"Did you kill Liu Yan?"

"Be a man who dares to act and take responsibility, at least... your child will still have some dignity."

Jiang Yin's voice echoed in the court.

The court, which had just been noisy, became quiet in the clear and light voice of Jiang Yin.

People were looking at Sun Cheng.

Waiting for what kind of answer Sun Cheng would give.

At this time, Sun Cheng took a deep breath.

Then he said as if relieved:"Yes……"

"I killed Liu Yan."

"She was not dead, just unconscious, but I hit her head against the nail!"

The field was silent, dead silent!

Guan Hongshan did not speak.

Qin Ming had a complicated expression.

Wu Zui was looking at Lin Ci.

Lin Ci suddenly stood up, seemed to be out of control, and broke the dead silence.

He raised his hand and pointed at Sun Cheng's face, shouting angrily:

"Son of a bitch!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"I treated you well and gave you and your wife a lot of money. It's just that I slept with your wife, and you dare to frame my daughter!"

As he spoke, Lin Ci's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his aura was very strong, as if he really wanted to kill Sun Cheng with his own hands.

However, the audience was speechless when they heard this...

What do you mean by 'it's just that I slept with your wife'? Look, is this what a person would say?

With this green hat, it's not surprising that he framed you.

At this time, many bailiffs surrounded him and tried to stop Lin Ci from losing control.

But the scene was already in chaos.

At this moment, Guan Hongshan seemed to see that Lin Ci glanced at him inadvertently.

His eyes were full of provocation and disdain.

He was actually provoking himself, the solvers!



The director in the studio also saw this scene.

He was very careful in observing people's expressions, and when he saw Lin Ci's look, his eyes widened.


"Give a close-up!"

"Camera No. 3 moves forward!"

Lin Ci's eyes appeared on every screen that was watching the program.

People looked at this look, as if their hearts were suddenly struck!

Although this look only flashed by... but the meaning it carried was very profound!

This also made those who were originally unsure of all this suddenly determine the result at this moment!

"It was Lin Ci who planned this! Really awesome!"

"This driver was arranged with Lin Ci!"

"It seems that Lin Ci had thought of all this long ago and arranged it all together with Jiang Yin!"

"This driver actually has cancer. I read the synopsis of the ninth episode on Bilibili, and Sun Cheng is indeed dying!"

"So this is why he went to Hilton? Damn, Lin Ci is really a wise guy!"



Jiang Yin looked at the boiling and chaotic courtroom with a blank expression.

She was still thinking about the text message she received on her phone before the trial.

The picture on that text message was a photo.

It was a selfie of Lin Ci and Sun Cheng's wife in bed.

Based on this photo and the intelligence she had obtained in the past month, she naturally had another plan in her mind.

So when the presiding judge asked her many questions, her reaction was a little slower.

After all, these inferences had to be formed in her mind, and she had to pay attention to the changes in the court...

All this was not easy.

But fortunately...

Jiang Yin finally caught this point.

She certainly knew that this was Lin Ci's doing.

But in a situation like this...

As a"neutral" lawyer, she naturally shouldn't know.

But Jiang Yin also knew that this would not end like this.

Guan Hongshan...

How could such a person admit defeat?



Guan Hongshan gritted his teeth, his heart was gloomy.

It seemed as if a thick layer of clouds covered it.

"Lin Ci……"

"Looking for a scapegoat, huh?"

"But how long can this perjury be delayed?"

"What on earth do you want to do!?"

【Chapter 4, there are at least three chapters left tonight!】

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