Chapter 88

There are still two days until the second court session.

Jiang Yin is still thinking about Lin Ci's actions at this time.

Although she doesn't know if Lin Ci has any preparations... but as a lawyer, as a"special" guest of the ninth episode... she asks herself that she has done everything she should do.

However, the message that Jiang Yu conveyed to her that day made Jiang Yu have some different thoughts.

In any case, before the end, neither the solver, the actor, nor her has revealed the last card.

Jiang Yin is very confident that Lin Ci will not give up.

It is impossible for the program team to let Lin Ci win the ninth episode so easily.

Whether it is for the effect of the program itself or for the blow caused by Lin Ci's winning streak, this is beyond doubt.

"Although I know these……"

Jiang Yin was rubbing his brows, and he seemed to have a headache because of thinking for too long.

"But what is Lin Ci’s trump card?"

"How is he going to win?"

"The existence of this driver is simply the program team���His standard answer……"

"Can't he see it?"

Jiang Yin had also taken the initiative to ask Lin Ci what exactly he was going to do next.

But Lin Ci's attitude was that he had no plan for the next step.

Jiang Yin would not believe a word of what Lin Ci said... but this did not hinder her own plan.


At this moment, Jiang Yin's phone made a slight ding sound.

She was a little surprised.

She opened the phone and took a look, but found that it was a video email.

"This is……"

The video inside was a video recording.

When Jiang Yin saw the video for the first time, she felt her heart tremble violently!

Countless scenes from the court appeared in Jiang Yin's mind.

The words that Lin Ci had said seemed to suddenly echo in her ears.

"So that's how it is?"

"Is this the reason why he does nothing?"

"I see……"

The video screen froze there, and Jiang Yin's expression remained in a state of amazement.

The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Only Jiang Yin's slightly heavy and rapid breathing echoed in the room.

Huh - huh - she finally saw the truth.

"Lin Ci……"

"You are such a scumbag."

"Is this your reason for winning?"

Jiang Yin's mouth was covered with a faint smile.

No wonder Lin Ci didn't prepare anything.

"No wonder the program team's requirements were like that before."

"Help your daughter escape from punishment without getting arrested yourself"

"turn out to be……"

"All fell into this place."

Jiang Yin's mind began to emerge with that scene.

The scene when Lin Ci failed.

Jiang Yin couldn't think of any chance of Lin Ci winning.

The current situation... no matter how powerful Lin Ci is, there is no chance of a comeback.



At the same time, on the other side, in the room of the Jiangbei Municipal Police Department, the case solvers were making final preparations for the trial in two days.

Wu Zui yawned, obviously very sleepy.

"Captain Guan... I don't think there's anything more to say."

"Without the scapegoat Sun Cheng, Lin Ci no longer has a chance to turn the tables."

"According to the surveillance footage, the murderer can only be Chen Weiwei"

"Even if he made up a story, the ending was already doomed."

That was indeed the truth, but Guan Hongshan did not respond to Wu Zui's words.

He still felt something was wrong.

At this time, Qin Haoran's voice also came out.

"It can't be that simple"

"Because Sun Cheng's existence itself is a problem"

"Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a person to exist who is close to Lin Ci, is terminally ill, and is willing to be a scapegoat."

Qin Haoran's brain was working rapidly.

So he did not stutter when he spoke at this time.

Qin Ming's voice also came:"But such a person who is prepared to be a scapegoat exists."

"This is the problem.

Guan Hongshan nodded and said,"This is indeed the problem."

"And it is impossible that Lin Ci did not consider this point"

"But where does his confidence come from?"

Although Wu Zui had not thought of this before, after hearing what the other three colleagues said, he certainly understood the current situation. After thinking about it for a while, Wu Zui said:"Maybe he just didn't consider this?"

Guan Hongshan, Qin Haoran, and Qin Ming refuted in unison.


Wu Zui was stunned and smiled awkwardly.

"What else can we do?"

Guan Hongshan continued,"No matter what, this second court session can at least refute Sun Cheng."

"We still have more than ten days to investigate before finalizing it."

"Now I continue to think like this, and I can't figure out what the real reason is."

"Haoran, if there are any problems in court……"

"Whether we can win this time, the final possibility lies with you."

Qin Haoran nodded solemnly.

At present, it seems that whether they can defeat Lin Ci in the ninth round is still an unknown.

However, they have reasons not to lose.



The audience watching the live broadcast and following the analysis of the case solvers began to think about the situation in the ninth episode.

"Sun Cheng's existence does seem like the standard answer prepared by the program team"

"But is the ninth issue really that simple?"

"No matter what, Sun Cheng's perjury has been exposed, and Chen Weiwei will have to go to jail in the end."

"Maybe Lin Ci didn't want to win at all? Did he want to give up the ninth round and move on to the next round?

People were still discussing this.���

Although they saw that Lin Ci did nothing, people still had hope in Lin Ci.

Their hope was right.

This episode would be more exciting than they imagined!

Lin Ci's game had just begun!

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