Chapter 94

Jiangbei City No. 1 Prison.

Visiting room.

Jiang Yin, as Lin Ci's defense lawyer, sat opposite Lin Ci.

Lin Ci looked at Jiang Yin and asked,"Why did you come to me?"

Jiang Yin did not answer Lin Ci's question, but also asked,"Are you admitting your guilt just like that?"

Lin Ci smiled and did not answer.

Jiang Yin then said,"As your lawyer, I should know your situation."

"What is going on now?"

"Did you kill the person?"

Lin Ci laughed:"The physical evidence is all there, what else can I say?"

When he said this, Lin Ci's face always made people feel a little haggard.

Indeed, the video recorded by the handheld device is enough to explain the problem.

No matter what, Lin Ci is the real murderer, and the case has long been concluded.

But Jiang Yin still did not give up:"No"

"You and I both know that you are not the kind of person who would give up so easily."

Lin Ci smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He looked at Jiang Yin and said,"How do you know what kind of person I am?"

"It seems that you have a big misunderstanding of me."

Listening to Lin Ci's words, Jiang Yin's expression remained calm and unchanged.

As soon as Lin Ci finished speaking, Jiang Yin continued


"It doesn't matter"

"It is important that you know why you are in the witness box and not in the dock."

"Do I need to explain this in more detail?"

The tired smile on Lin Ci's face froze.

Then he looked at Jiang Yin and asked,"What do you want to say?"

Jiang Yin's eyes flashed with helplessness.

She cleared her throat and continued,"If the fourth exhibit is actually usable, you should have been standing in the dock when you appeared in court today."

"But you didn't. After Guan Hongshan got the evidence, you still stood in the witness stand."

"This shows that the fourth piece of evidence cannot be used as ironclad evidence to determine the case."

"Lin Ci, don't tell me you didn't think of this"

"You still have a chance to defend yourself.……"

"Why give up?"

Jiang Yin was right.

The fourth exhibit at the trial on February 15th was the video that Guan Hongshan obtained this morning.

Although it was not forged according to technical testing and there were no signs of editing, it could not be used as a solid piece of evidence to some extent because the specific source of the video could not be provided.

Otherwise, Lin Ci would have been arrested long ago.

At this moment, when Jiang Yin made this matter clear, Lin Ci's eyes changed a little bit.


Lin Ci smiled and said,"Why did I give up?"

"Maybe it's because I want to give up"

"What does it matter if we win or lose? Isn't this the outcome Guan Hongshan wants?"

Jiang Yin frowned:"You don't want to win?"

Jiang Yin's words were very obscure. She asked if he didn't want to win, but in fact she was asking Lin Ci if he wanted to achieve a double defeat.

Facing this question, Lin Ci nodded slightly without leaving a trace.

"Since you don't want me to win……"

"Losing a game is not unacceptable."

"The key is...even if you don't want to lose……"

"There is nothing we can do, right?"

Jiang Yin narrowed her eyes.

Of course, she did not believe what Lin Ci said, but now, hearing what Lin Ci said, she had no way to refute it.

Lin Ci said again:"Of course, I will not give up so easily."

"After all, there are still thirteen days left, I will find a way to break through in these thirteen days!"

Jiang Yin was surprised, staring at Lin Ci for a few seconds, and finally said seriously:"It's difficult!"

"You have been trapped here, how can you break out?"

"It can't be a jailbreak, right?" Lin

Ci was stunned, then shook his head and said nothing more.

But just when Jiang Yin wanted to ask something else, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"The door opened with a click.

The prison guard pushed the door open and looked at Jiang Yin:"Visiting hours are over."

Jiang Yin frowned.

But of course she couldn't say anything more at this time.

Although this trip was fruitless, she could only leave.



Jiang Yin left Jiangbei City No. 1 Prison.

While driving away, her mind kept thinking about the things that had happened before.

For example, Jiang Yu suddenly came to visit her, and for example, the timing of the sudden appearance of the video.

After watching the video, Jiang Yin suddenly understood why Jiang Yu said"Lin Ci is a scumbag".

After all... using his own daughter to get away with the crime... such a person is simply the scum of scum!

It seems that the program team has already hinted at her!

But apart from this point... the appearance of this video almost confirmed Lin Ci's failure.


"As Lin Ci said……"

"No matter what he wanted to do, he would be doomed to fail in the face of such irrefutable evidence.

Jiang Yin took a deep breath.

"It seems the detectives did a good job this time.……"

"I seem to have taken a ride"

"But this time the script is a bit too difficult for Lin Ci, right?"

"The program team set up the existence of this video, so what chance does Lin Ci have to turn the tables?"

She thought so, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.


"The solvers won.……"

"It's like I won."

"There is nothing wrong with this."

Yes, Jiang Yin is not just a lawyer's tool in the ninth episode of"Perfect Evidence".

She is a hidden person set by the program team.

Otherwise, a role with strong autonomous activity, a role that can influence the case and the trial... whether it is for the actor or the solver, there is too much uncertainty.

So the existence of this hidden person can be said to be an inevitable choice.

However, these are no longer important.

For Jiang Yin herself, since Lin Ci has already pleaded guilty and the evidence is irrefutable.

Then in the next thirteen days... she can relax a little.

At this time, some doubts emerged in Jiang Yin's mind.

"I just didn't expect it.……"

"The real murderer……"

"Is it Lin Ci?"

"If the person who solved the case didn't receive my video, then Lin Ci would definitely win, right?"

Jiang Yin took a few deep breaths and put these thoughts behind him.

"It is not ruled out that Lin Ci still has the idea of breaking through"

"After all, there are still thirteen days until the next sentencing court session!"

"During this period, Lin Ci will definitely try every possible way to get away with it!"

Thinking about this, Jiang Yin shook her head.

It's very difficult! There is basically no hope!

The level set by the program team this time is really scary!

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