Chapter 98

The eastern suburbs of Jiangbei City.

The dilapidated gate of the huge factory building has collapsed on the ground.

Qin Haoran pushed open the door of the car and got out, fanning away the smoke caused by the dust while squinting his eyes and looking into the factory.

Then, his coughing and the sound of his palms clapping stopped.

Guan Hongshan looked at the scene in front of him and his eyes widened.

Qin Ming stood behind Guan Hongshan, with his mouth slightly open, as if he didn't know how to describe the situation in front of him.

In order to ensure that they can confirm who the real murderer is before the end of the ninth issue... the time they have is already very tight.

But the scene in front of them... is really too horrifying!

"Oh... my God!"

Qin Haoran exclaimed.

His voice echoed through the empty factory and reached Guan Hongshan and Qin Ming's ears again.

And this finally awakened Guan Hongshan who was in shock.

He took a step and walked into the factory.

What he saw... was a dilapidated and empty factory.

And in the center of this empty factory... it turned out to be a parking lot!

To be more precise - this is part of the parking lot, a perfect replica of the crime scene they had seen.

It perfectly reproduced the place where Liu Yan died, from the decoration to the parking situation of the vehicles, to the light and the marks on the ground... all the details are exactly the same!

This is a film set!

Guan Hongshan looked at the scene in front of him and gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to suppress the shock in his heart.

Many pictures suddenly echoed in his mind, and countless details surged into his mind!

Lin Ci's every move, the words he had said

"My daughter, I'm sorry."

"Yes, I killed Liu Yan"

"I will die behind the Dragon Back Wall."

These words suddenly flooded into Guan Hongshan's mind.

He covered his cheek with his palm, felt the beating of his heart, and felt his forehead was a little hot.

At this time, Qin Ming's slightly trembling voice came out

"Team Guan……"


Guan Hongshan gritted his teeth and didn't speak.

Qin Haoran's voice came over at this time:"This……"

"The video we saw...……"

"Is it fake?"

Guan Hongshan still didn't speak. He raised his wrist and looked at the time.

There was still an hour and a half left.

In this hour and a half... he must find out who the real murderer is!

Guan Hongshan turned his head suddenly and looked at Qin Ming.

"When will he arrive?"

Qin Ming was stunned for a moment when he heard this question.

But he immediately reacted, glanced at the time, and said,"He should be here soon.……"

As they were saying this, the roar of the engine had clearly reached their ears.

The three of them turned around and looked behind them.

The person they had been waiting for, the most critical clue figure, was finally about to appear.

As the sound of the engine got closer, Qin Ming suddenly asked:

"Captain Guan, what is going on?"

"What's your purpose in asking me to call him over?"

"Calling us here at two in the morning... I am still confused now."

Qin Ming looked at the situation in front of him. Although he had realized something... but there was still a fog in his mind.

Many puzzles have not been solved at all.

At this time, with the approaching sound of the engine, they are about to reveal the final truth...

Then at this time, after being busy all night, they finally have time to ask Guan Hongshan what he found.

Facing Qin Ming's question, Guan Hongshan also nodded.

He took a deep breath and spoke in a serious tone.

"The most critical starting point is to start with Lin Ci's words"

"Later I understood……"

"Lin's words"I will die behind Longbei Mountain" are not a hint to us."


"A tip for Chen Weiwei."

Qin Ming and Qin Haoran listened to Guan Hongshan's explanation very seriously.

When Guan Hongshan finished speaking, with their intelligence, they immediately found the key to the problem.

Qin Haoran asked in surprise:"That is to say……"

"Lin Ci is... going to take the blame! ?"

Guan Hongshan nodded and continued

"As locals from Jiangbei, the two people are very familiar with the legend of Longbei Mountain."

"And this is exactly what inspired me"

"The legend of Longbei Mountain is a legend about fatherly love and redemption"

"Thinking of Chen Weiwei's actions in court, I can clearly explain the situation at that time."

"So Lin Ci should not be the real murderer."

"Taking this as a suspicious point, it means that the video that suddenly appeared on our mobile phone……"

"It's also fake."

At this point, the factory suddenly became quiet.

Even the breathing stopped.

Qin Ming felt a little suffocated when he heard this result.

If he hadn't been looking at the fake parking lot in front of him... then even if he heard that the video was fake, he probably wouldn't believe it, right?

Thinking back to when Lin Ci silently pleaded guilty and said,"I will die behind the Dragon Back Wall"... he felt even colder all over.

Lin Ci is Lin Ci after all...

He actually set up such a big game!

And Guan Hongshan's voice continued to come over.

"After having this idea……"

"I started thinking again, where exactly is the problem?"

"Then I started comparing the two sets of videos"

"Although it looks exactly the same……"

"But... there are still some loopholes."

Guan Hongshan frowned and pulled out two photos on his phone.

One of the two photos was taken from the surveillance video, and the other was taken from the video. The same person was in the picture - Sun Cheng.

Even the location was the same, but... at the same location...

In the two photos, Sun Cheng landed with his left foot first in one photo and his right foot first in the other.

Qin Ming and Qin Haoran looked at this extremely simple photo, but they felt shocked from the bottom of their hearts!

Although it was not fancy, the sensory impact was no less than that of a visual blockbuster!

Guan Hongshan continued:

"Since this video is fake, then Lin Ci is not the real murderer."

"The real murderer……"

"It must be Chen Weiwei without a doubt."

"Lin Ci's plan was indeed very impressive...but in the end, we were the winners."

"As long as he arrives and identifies who built this place, then……"

"This ninth issue is over."

As soon as Guan Hongshan finished speaking, the engine sound outside the door stopped.

The sound of brakes sounded outside the factory wall.

Footsteps sounded.

A figure stood by the broken door of the factory.

Looking at this figure, the three people were stunned at the same time.

The person who came was not the one they had been waiting for!?

Qin Haoran looked at the figure that appeared at the door and asked in surprise:


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