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Chapter 82 Royal Guard Style, Have You Heard Of Thunder And Lightning?

An Cheng took the time to pay attention to the battlefield where Shimo Asada Shino and the trial girls were.

Although the five lightning bat demons have all mimicked the lightning mirror images of the tester girls, they have not yet begun to split and proliferate.

The replication ability of the lightning bat demons can only replicate the appearance of the tester girls and their attack methods.

As for the power of the powerful magic tools held by the girls, it is impossible to completely reproduce them.

Especially in the team of the trial girls, there is also Tacheng Kitten, a genuine demon family member from another world.

In terms of hard power, the lightning bat demon summoned by the vampire queen Nie Fan can't keep up with the demon family member Tacheng kitten.


Even if the appearance of the tower city kitten is copied.

The thunderbolt bat demon, which copied the Tacheng kitten, raised its powder fist with this petite loli with white hair and brown eyes, and had a fierce head-on collision.

It is still irreparable and has fallen into a state of defeat.

The body made of lightning was suddenly shattered into crashing arcs flying all over the sky.

Possesses a powerful magic tool that is far more powerful than the lightning bat demons, and there is also a powerful demon teammate 25 tower city kittens.

Those five lightning bat demons were only able to cause some troubles for the trial girls, and they wouldn't make them completely unable to deal with them.

"If you really can't handle it, use holy water on them."

After determining the battlefield on the other side, you don't need to worry too much.

An Cheng made a final exhortation to Asada Shino and the others.

Then he slowly clenched his hands equipped with Beowulf's gloves.

He focused his attention on the vampire queen Nirvan, who was standing still in the distance.

"Descendants of Sparta, are you sure you want to resist me, just for that inferior human woman?"

As An Cheng slowly clenched his fists, he poured magic power into the Beowulf gloves equipped on both wrists.

Because of the huge magic power in An Cheng's body, the powerful power of the magic tool itself was stimulated on Beowulf's gloves.

The terrifying magical power of light that emerged out of nowhere was a silver-white light that completely illuminated the entire dark room in an instant.

As a result, Nirvana, who is the queen of vampires, slowly disappeared from that glamorous face with a calm expression.

Instead, it was a serious and serious look.

Nirvana's race of demons are vampires.

Although the vampires in the demon world are different from the vampires in the public perception to a certain extent.

However, being afraid of the light will be restrained by the light attribute and the sacred attribute, but it is exactly the same.

As one of the powerful demons sealed by the legendary magic swordsman Sparda himself.

The demon Beowulf is a demon with the attribute of light, which is quite rare in the entire demon world.

As a light attribute demon, more or less possesses the demon Beowulf who restrains and attacks other demons.

Before encountering the strongest demon Sparta, he had always been rampant and invincible in the demon world.

Beowulf's gauntlet, a magical tool condensed by the power of the demon Beowulf, naturally possesses a powerful weapon that restrains special attacks against dark attribute demons.

And Nirvana, who is the queen of vampires, is naturally an undoubted powerful dark attribute demon.

As a result, she will suffer from the powerful restraint effect of the powerful light magic power of Beowulf's gauntlet.

【She's in a hurry, she's in a hurry!】

【I knew that the magic tool brought out by the demon hunter master must be able to restrain the demons in front of me in all directions! Sure enough, the face of this vampire queen changed instantly when the demon hunter master activated the power of the magic tool! 】

【Let this vampire taste the wrathful iron fist of human beings! Come on, demon hunter master!!!】

Facing the Beowulf gauntlet that was guided by the magic power of blazing light by An Cheng, the vampire queen Nirvan's glamorous face showed a look of fear.

It was keenly captured by the audience in the live broadcast room.

After realizing that the vampire queen is very afraid of the gleaming silver magic gauntlet in An Cheng's hand.

Even though he knew that An Cheng himself could not see the barrage messages in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

But the audience in the live broadcast room still crazily cheered and cheered for An Cheng without sparing any effort.

"Come on, ma'am, I will give you a warm experience like the sun, please try to relax~~~"

An Cheng opened his posture, and with the right hand of Beowulf's gauntlet, he made a provocative move towards the vampire queen Nirvan, successfully igniting the anger of the red-haired queen.

"Well, since you insist on this...... Son of Sparta, then you, together with these meaningless human women, will be buried in front of me!"

All the invitations made before were resolutely rejected by An Cheng, and even made provocative words and gestures to her at this time.

On the fists and feet, even Nie Fan, the vampire queen, was equipped with a glove-shaped magical equipment that contained powerful magic power of light, which made Niefan, the vampire queen, feel a strong sense of threat.

At this time, the patience of the vampire queen Nirvana was finally completely exhausted.

She chose to face An Cheng who was posing to her in a fighting pose, unreservedly showing her majesty and terror as a vampire queen.

A swarm of pitch-black bats surrounded the vampire queen Nirvan, making dizzy screams.

Nirvana in a pitch-black evening dress [surrounded by a swarm of pitch-black bats dancing their wings at high speed.

The black bat wings behind him vibrated suddenly, and the body suddenly rose to a position high in the sky, standing on the void at the highest point of the theater room.

"Accept Thunder's punishment, poor son of Sparta!"

The vampire queen Nirvan Gogh overlooks the figure of An Cheng on the ground.

In her blood-colored eyes, there was no trace of emotion, only endless coldness and deep anger.

The moment the vampire queen Nie Fan's voice fell, a thunderous roar suddenly resounded through the entire theater room.

With Brahma itself as the center point, a terrifying thundercloud storm suddenly burst out like the wrath of the god of thunder!

Accompanied by the rumbling sound of thunder and thunder, huge thunder pillars as thick as buckets, one after another, like continuous waves, descended crazily towards An Cheng on the ground.

Under the control of the vampire queen Nie Fan, the huge and dense thunder pillars locked onto his figure, gathered and gathered towards An Cheng's body from all directions.

It was as if they were using a huge net woven by lightning beams 280 to capture An Cheng, the restless demon hunter.

"The beam of lightning that fell from the sky? It's interesting, but the girl on it..."

Faced with the terrifying thunder and lightning storm beams that roared from all directions and surrounded him like a catastrophe.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space had already yelled out for An Cheng in panic in advance.

But An Cheng himself, standing in the very center of this terrifying thunder beam giant net, has always maintained a calm smile.

He raised his head gently, looking up at the vampire queen Nirvan standing above the void.

The eyes with a relaxed smile made the vampire queen Nie Fan's brows twitch fiercely.

A feeling of humbleness and insignificance suddenly appeared in her heart, although she was standing on a high place, she felt inexplicably humble and insignificant being looked down upon by An Cheng.

This inexplicable state of mind was quickly rejected by the vampire queen who became angry.

And because of being too angry, he took the initiative to increase the level of magic power poured into the thunder storm.

Even though the vampire queen Nie Fan has increased the output of magic power against the thundercloud storm giant net.

But An Cheng, who was besieged in the center of the Thunder Pillar's giant net, still seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

An Cheng unhurriedly stretched out his hands forward, as if he was using the Tai Chi Cloud Hands of four or two strokes in the legend of Shenzhou, and he seemed to be transformed into an immovable statue of a mountain.

An Cheng, who made a royal guard-style opening gesture, turned to the vampire queen Nirvan above the void, and continued the previous sentence with a chuckle.

"... May I ask, have you ever heard of what is called thunder and lightning return?".

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