Play As Dante At The Beginning, Pointing To The Trial Of Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 97 Complete Spartan Blood! Alastor Is Demonized!

Suddenly stabbed the scarlet bloody demon chess piece into the position in his chest.

An Cheng opened his eyes slightly, feeling the moment when the king's chess piece touched the Spartan blood flowing in his body.

The devil chess piece itself was immediately wrapped in the blood of the powerful Spartan devil.

And then transformed into an incomparably pure high-quality magic power.

An Cheng's body was as hot as a melting pot, and there were rays of red magic power visible to the naked eye one after another.

The devil's blood surging in the body, under the action of the pure magic power decomposed from the king's chess piece, completely boiled!

The blood of the Spartan demon wrapped in the pure energy transformed from the king's chess pieces, circulated at high speed over and over again in An Cheng's body that turned into a furnace.

Every time the blood circulation carrying the magic power of the king's chess piece makes An Cheng's physical strength increase suddenly.

Transform the half-human, half-devil blood in his body into a pure demon!

And it wasn't the blood of the devil who transformed into the world where Rias was.

Under the strong coercion of the blood of the Spartan devil, the direction of the transformation of the human body by the king's chess piece.

It was completely fixed in the direction that the human blood in An Cheng's body was completely transformed into the blood of the other half of the devil in his body!

In other words, it is different from Dante who only inherited half the power of his father Sparta.

In terms of bloodline purity.

An Cheng will be very close to the legendary strongest magic swordsman Sparta, as long as he grows normally, he will be able to inherit all the power of Sparta.

Even, on top of that, you can take a wider step forward and see a more peak scenery!

This is the act of purifying one's own Spartan blood using the king's pawn.

Or in front of the trial girl and the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space, perform the act of stabbing the Spartan family.

It also made An Cheng Dante's acting speed as a template advance to the 80% mark in one go.

And successfully unlocked the strongest form of the legendary demon hunter Dante——True Devil!

An Cheng, the traditional unconventional props of the Spartan family, uses the poison of the wolf wolf to occupy Rias in the live broadcast room of the trial space in the Master Academy.

The blood of the Spartan devil, wrapped in the pure magic power of the king's chess piece, circulated in An Cheng's body at high speed.

Race transformation, or the efficiency of blood purification is very fast. After all, the strength of the blood of the devil and the blood of humans is as great as the abyss.

And before that, the two bloodlines belonged to An Cheng's own power, and there would be no conflict.

In just two or three breaths, An Cheng's transformation from half-human, half-devil to pure demon has been achieved.

The crimson magic halo that overflowed and flowed around his body suddenly returned to me and gathered inside his body.

Immediately afterwards, like a big bang in the universe, it erupted suddenly with terrifying momentum, turning into a dark red magic beam of light, rising vigorously and straight up.

The violently fluctuating dark red magic light beam emerged violently from An Cheng's body.

The entire fourth floor of the Devil's Tower was illuminated like the dusk of the doomsday, and everything was forced to be covered with a layer of blood-like brilliance.

It's like the reappearance of the previous moment of awakening of the rebellious magic sword.

The thick magical light waves that burst out from An Cheng's body penetrated the barrier of the tower of the devil's tower in a mighty way.

Unreservedly vented the breath of magic power to the highest position, and strongly announced An Cheng's own transformation to every demon in the upper area of ​​the Devil's Tower!

Feeling the absolutely powerful magic aura as if Sparta himself was present, the powerful demons in the upper layer of the Tower of Demons.

While there was more than enough anger, a strong sense of fear rose in his heart.

In order to cover up the fear and weakness in my heart.

The guarding demon bosses on the upper floor of the Devil's Tower once again began to provoke and curse Ancheng Kong, who was on the fourth floor, full of resentment.

However, there was a Tower of Trials with relevant processing experience.

As soon as the gatekeeper demon bosses spoke collectively, they cut off the channel of their voice transmission in time.

So that An Cheng and others who are challenging the fourth floor will not be affected by other evil bosses from other upper floors.

【Is the power of the king chess piece so powerful?! The reaction of the demon hunter master after using the chess piece is too exaggerated?!】

【Is there a possibility that it is not the king's pawn that is stronger, but the demon hunter Yinshen himself?】

【I heard the roars of the upper demons again just now. It's different from last time. I seem to hear their fear from the roars?】

[Now it seems that the king chess piece is very effective for the demon hunter master, good! Seeing the demon hunter master becomes stronger, I feel happier than I krypton gold to draw cards and ship!】

The audience in the trial space live broadcast room.

After An Cheng used the King Piece, the magic beam of light burst out from the depths of his body, straight into the sky.

Feeling extremely happy and excited.

Especially after hearing the fear-filled roars of the upper-level demons, they were forcibly cut off by the trial space just after one sound.

I am extremely looking forward to the future scene in which An Cheng breaks into the upper level of the Devil's Tower, simply chopping melons and chopping vegetables, and wipes out all the demons easily.

But it is different from the audience in the live broadcast room.

The trial girls who were at the scene where An Cheng's blood power was further purified and strengthened were already suffering unspeakably.

When An Cheng awakened as a pure Spartan bloodline.

The violent hurricane of magic power set off around the body broke the huge torso of the magic tree that was as strong as steel and broke one after another.

Demon eggs one after another, the Kemira demons on the ground, were drawn into the crimson storm one after another, like pieces of meat in a meat grinder.

Those who had no power to resist were completely crushed and divided into magic light spots by the extremely violent high-pressure magic storm, which quickly dissipated.

The slender and delicate bodies of the tester girls struggled to stay fixed on the ground.

He was almost engulfed by the extremely powerful crimson magic storm, together with the Kemira demons beside him, and was dragged into the chaos and torn to pieces.

Fortunately, that crimson magic hurricane seems to be able to be controlled by An Cheng.

Even though there were huge demonized giant trees being sucked into the sky, and none of the slender and thin girls who were experimenting was swept into the red magic storm.

It's just that, erupting from An Cheng's body, the terrifying magic power permeated the entire space of the fourth-floor Devil's Tower.

It makes the entire forest of demons look like the bottom of a deep sea, filled with indescribable pressure of magic power.

A human girl like Shino Asada lives in such a high-pressure environment full of fiery magic and strong personal style.

Even breathing, there is a feeling of heaviness and discomfort like drowning.

Among the four human trial girls, only Yotsuya Miko showed a certain degree of adaptability under the high pressure environment of magic power.

However, in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

Yoshitani Miko's performance, among the four human tester girls, is the most unbearable one.

This pretty girl with long black hair and golden pupils seemed to have given up struggling completely.

A dull expression was written on her delicate and pretty face, and her eyes were so blank that she stared blankly at the center of the red magic storm.

That is, the direction An Cheng himself is in.

"Jianzi, what did you see again?"

Yukinoshita Yukino gasped twice as if she was having difficulty breathing, and when she noticed the strange behavior of Yotsuya Miko, she felt a sudden movement in her heart.

Recalling that An Cheng once said that Yotsuya Miko has yin and yang eyes Yukinoshita 060 Yukino.

In the sound of the howling red storm, he mustered up all his strength and shouted out his doubts to Miko Yotsuya who was standing beside him in a daze.


It's just that Yoshitani Miko has not yet responded to Yukino Yukino.

Yukinoshita Yukino has already witnessed the unveiling of the answer to the question.

The dazzling and vast thunder and sword light burst out suddenly from the very center of Zongse Storm.

It easily tore apart the violent magic hurricane that shattered the bodies of countless Kemira demons, making the tester girls unable to even stand.

The heavy magical breath that fell on his body like a heavy pressure finally dissipated.

Yukinoshita Yukino staggered suddenly, as if she had completed some diving challenge, panting heavily regardless of her image.

While greedily breathing in the air, Yukinoshita Yukino slowly raised her delicate face and looked up into the sky.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes reflected An Cheng's stalwart figure who broke through the red storm with the majesty of thunder.

Looking at the figure of An Cheng standing impressively above the sky, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but fell into a state of silence for a while.

The silver-gray demon wings flapped slowly in the air.

The sapphire-like crystals are arranged extremely regularly on the silver-gray human-shaped body, giving people an inexplicable and thrilling aesthetic feeling.

There are goat-like sharp demon horns on the head, and the center of the chest radiates blue lines like a magic furnace.

The surging powerful magic power, accompanied by the jump of the blue magic furnace, was transmitted to every corner of An Cheng's body.

Every part of his body can become an absolute weapon of death!

Synchro Demonization Alastor Demon!!

An Cheng at this moment is unprecedentedly powerful!!!.

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