The next morning, in front of the palace.

A large number of rebels gathered in front of the palace, and the royal army inside was always on alert, ready to meet the enemy.

King Cobra stood on the palace wall and shouted to the rebel leader Kosa from afar.

“Kosa, is this really necessary?”

“Once the war starts, how many people will die!”

Cobra was excited.

He regarded the people as his relatives and could not bear to see them killing each other.

“Your Majesty, things have come to this point, and it is no longer something I can stop.”

Kosa did not have the high spirits of a rebel leader, and his face was very ugly at the moment.

Originally, he was fine yesterday. He learned that Crocodile’s conspiracy was made public, and he was overjoyed and wanted to negotiate with the royal army.

But overnight, the middle-level rebels went crazy and incited the emotions of the entire rebels.

No matter how much he talked, those people still put the shit pot on Cobra and wanted to attack the palace.

Kosha is now being controlled by the will of the rebels and cannot make his own decision.

“Chief, why bother with him? Kill this tyrant!”

A middle-level rebel was filled with righteous indignation and shouted loudly.

On his hat, there was the logo of Baroque Works.

“Kill that tyrant!”

“Kill that tyrant!”

Suddenly, the entire rebel army was boiling with murderous intent and ready to move.

“Your Majesty, order a counterattack!”

Seeing that the rebels were about to enter the palace, Jaca said to Cobra anxiously.

It has come to this point, and we can no longer be soft-hearted.

“No, I can’t hurt them. Alabasta belongs to all citizens!”

Cobra closed his eyes and said painfully.

Facing his own people, he really couldn’t do it.

If his death could calm the war, he would not hesitate to die.

“Haha, what a good monarch.”

Crocodile suddenly appeared behind Cobra with Robin, saying sarcastically.

He was very disdainful of Cobra’s soft-heartedness, but now he could take advantage of it.

Seeing Crocodile suddenly appear, Gaga turned into a hunter and Bell turned into a birdman, as if they were facing a great enemy.

“King Cobra, take me to see the historical text.”

Crocodile ignored Gaga and Bell and spoke directly to Cobra.

“Kill if you want to, don’t even think about the things in it!”

Cobra refused without thinking.

The secrets that their family has guarded for generations, such dangerous things, cannot be obtained by such ambitious people.

“You don’t care about your own life, what about those people outside?”

Crocodile showed a cruel smile and said lightly.

He just dialed a Den Den Mushi, and the rebels outside immediately became excited.

The rebels kept approaching the palace, and the king’s army was forced to fight back.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Cobra closed his eyes, his face trembled, and he struggled. On one side was the secret guarded by generations, and on the other side were thousands of lives, which made him extremely entangled and painful. “Okay, I’ll take you there!” Cobra said helplessly. He really couldn’t bear to see his people killing each other. After saying this, he seemed to be drained of all his strength, and the whole person looked a little older. “Your Majesty, you…” Gaka and Bell were very anxious to stop Cobra. “No need to say, I have decided.” Cobra shook his head and stopped the two. This was his own decision. “Very good, let’s go.” Crocodile smiled and said happily. Cobra looked back at the battlefield below, and took Crocodile and Robin to the place where the historical text was hidden, the funeral hall under the palace. After the three left, several people in the resistance suddenly smiled and began to incite emotions again. The next moment, the rebels launched an attack on the king’s army, and the war finally broke out.

Jaka and Bell wanted to catch up with Cobra, but they were entangled in the battlefield and couldn’t get away.

When Lowen and his men arrived at the palace, the two sides were already killing each other, and there were soldiers fighting each other everywhere.

“How could it be, everyone has already started fighting.”

“No, I’m going to persuade them to stop.”

Weiwei looked at the fierce battlefield in front of her and said anxiously.

“It’s useless, they are already killing each other, who are you going to persuade?”

“To deal with this situation, it’s better to be direct.”

Lowen stretched out his hand to stop Weiwei and said calmly.

Weiwei looked at Lowen in astonishment, not knowing what he meant.

The next moment, the domineering aura of the king rushed out from Lowen’s body, covering the whole field.


All the soldiers felt that their heads were hit by a hammer,Buzzing.

As if being stared at by a tiger, cold sweat oozed from his back.

The battle between the two sides stopped instantly, and the weapons in the hands of the soldiers fell to the ground with a clang.

All eyes were focused on Luo Wen.

After using it yesterday, Luo Wen’s control over the Conqueror’s Haki has improved a lot, and he can already accurately control the power of the Conqueror’s Haki.

Luo Wen nodded with satisfaction, and in the eyes of everyone, he took Wei Wei to the center of the battlefield.

“It’s Luo Wen, and Princess Wei Wei, everyone stop!”

Kosha, who was originally sidelined and invisible in the resistance army, shouted loudly, and Luo Wen’s domineering appearance gave him hope.

Under the deterrence of Luo Wen’s Conqueror’s Haki and the order of the leader, the manic resistance army calmed down.

“It’s Princess Wei Wei, and the bounty hunter Luo Wen, we stop too!”

Gaka and Bell were very surprised and ordered the King’s Army loudly.

Seeing Luo Wen and Wei Wei come out to save the situation, the two were extremely surprised.

When the King’s Army saw Vivi, they all knelt down to show their loyalty.

“Explain it to them.”

Loven whispered beside Vivi.

Vivi nodded, took a step forward, and told everyone Crocodile’s conspiracy with her head held high.

“Great, your Majesty is wronged!”

The soldiers of the King’s Army cheered and cheered loudly.

“What, how could this happen!?”

The rebels were like bereaved parents, and their faith collapsed in an instant.

At first they were unwilling to believe it, but when their leader Kosa stood up, they had to believe it.

With Loven’s domineering aura and Vivi’s explanation, this last rebellion was completely eliminated.

“In order to protect the people, King Cobra was threatened by Crocodile to take him to see the secrets hidden by the royal family.”

Gaka and Bell came to Vivi and Loven and said heavily.

“What, Dad…!”

Vivi’s eyes were filled with tears, and she was extremely worried.

“Lead the way, and find Crocodile.”

“Your father is fine now, but he may be fine later.”

Lowen picked up Vivi and said calmly.

It’s not okay to walk slowly now, we have to speed up.


Vivi nodded vigorously and pointed out the direction for Lowen.

Lowen held Vivi and moved quickly towards the funeral temple.

As for Nami and Tashigi, he left them in the palace to wait.

Vivi was in Lowen’s arms, feeling his heartbeat, and her uneasy heart slowly calmed down.

She believed in Lowen, and Lowen would never let anyone down.

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