Chapter 115 Chu Chen Eight Items? The best of extreme sports! Groove! It’s finally about to start!.

It was early in the morning.

After the last training goal is achieved. Chu Chen didn’t even care about eating.

After arousing the system, he immediately took out the golden task card from the system’s backpack. Clicked lightly!

Next second! A golden light suddenly appeared! In an instant, the vision blurred! Followed by.

After about three seconds!

Lines of gray-white imitation Song characters appeared in front of Chu Chen!

[Mission Name]: Extreme Eight Articles of LifeofWind Surge, Tianmen Mountain Wingsuit Flight! 】

[Mission Details]: 1, at the top of Tianmen Mountain, which is inaccessible in China, take a wingsuit flight! 2. During the live broadcast, accumulate 80 million reputation!

3. According to the system prompts, complete at least three difficult gliding movements!

[Mission Level]: Epic!

[Task timeliness]: 10 days!

[Completion]: 0% [Number of missions increased]: 3 times [Mission Category]: Wingsuit Flight!

[Mission Reward]: Unknown!

[Failure Penalty]: Unknown!….

I skimmed through the mission details. Chu Chen nodded solemnly. Took this task without saying a word!

Wingsuit flight is divided into two categories: powered wingsuit flight and unpowered wingsuit flight. The wingsuit flight mentioned in the eight challenges is the most primitive unpowered wingsuit flight!

In the previous life, unpowered wingsuit flight was also known as flying squirrel suit gliding!

When challenging, athletes need to wear equipment such as goggles, flying squirrel suits and parachutes! Then, jump down from planes, hot air balloons, cliff cliffs, tall buildings, and more.

After that, only the movement of the body is used to control the glide direction, and then achieve unpowered air flight! When the flight reaches the safe limit, the athlete opens the parachute and lands smoothly.

After the unpowered wingsuit flight enters the ideal flight condition! The flight speed can easily reach 200 km / h! The downhill ratio is about 3:1.

In other words, every meter of descent at the same time. The corresponding will advance by three meters!

It is precisely because of this.

This sport is known as “the best of extreme sports”! The mortality rate is super high!

The mortality rate of wingsuit flight is absolutely well-known on Earth. According to legend, the mortality rate in this sport is as high as 30%.

When describing wingsuit flying, it is often heard that only 15 people finished the race, only 1,000 people, only 600 people, only 100 people dared to try this adventure and other similar words!

The purpose of saying this is nothing more than to emphasize its danger and difficulty! And in fact.

Wingsuit flying is also very dangerous.

In the previous life, even paratroopers, who were born with danger, could not fly wingsuits! Because before playing wingsuit flying, you need a lot of skydiving experience!

For example, a minimum of 500 free-fall skydives must be completed.

Or complete 200 freefall skydives in the last year and a half!

This alone exceeds the training intensity of paratroopers from various countries [the training intensity of paratroopers is not as large as wingsuit flight]. Of course, how dangerous wingsuit flying is depends not only on the sport itself!

Also depends on the way, route and location of the challenge!

As a holy place for wingsuit flight, the low-altitude wingsuit flight path of Tianmen Mountain is definitely second to none! The Tianmen Mountain in this life is still in an undeveloped state!

Surrounded by mountains, there are thousands of twists and turns!

Flying in such places, the challenger’s flight altitude is often very limited! And so it goes.

The time used to adjust the posture and open the parachute will naturally be very rushed! That’s exactly why.

The danger and difficulty are naturally great!

In the [Extreme Thief] movie, the line of the Alps is the relationship between son and father in front of it! The two are not at all the same level!

Previous life.

The final of the 3rd Wingsuit Flying World Championship in 2014 was held in the Tianmen Mountain View Area! Back then, there were many flying gods who broke the halberd and sank in the sand!

Die here! Thus!

The danger and super difficulty of this line are really not casual!……………..

For wingsuit flying this sport. Chu Chen himself is no stranger.

Before being reborn, he had been abroad and played several high-altitude wingsuit flights. In all respects, he is a relatively experienced pilot.

However, in comparison, similar to the challenge of flying low in the mountains, Chu Chen rarely operated. First, because the danger is too high.

Second, for practitioners of such high-risk sports, many countries have very strict regulations, and they are not allowed to fly without relevant documents.


Chu Chen has always wanted to try to fly low. But there was never a chance!


This opportunity has finally come! Now or never! Come to think of it. Chu Chen didn’t say a word.

Immediately spent less than two million reputations to upgrade his wingsuit flying skills from Lv1 to full Lv9! And in the next second!

Countless knowledge about wingsuit flight, suddenly attacked! It’s like a flood that bursts the levees!

All of them poured into Chu Chen’s mind!

Flight basics, jumping posture, parachute opening timing, crisis handling, emergency response and much more! The knowledge is very comprehensive!


In just a few seconds, Chu Chen became a gliding god from a beginner pilot with only Lv1! Feel the changes brought about by skill upgrades!

Excited, Chu Chen called Chen Xu as soon as possible and told him that he would return to China now. Start broadcasting on time the morning after tomorrow!

“Okay! Good! I’ll go get ready right away! ”

Received a call from Chu Chen.

Chen Xu nodded like pounding garlic!

A trace of nervousness and anticipation can be heard in his tone! Followed by.

After the call, Chu Chen sent another meager message: [At eight o’clock the day after Chinese time, Tianmen Mountain, the wind is surging! ] 】

Underneath the meager ones.

There is also a picture!

It was a close-up photo of Chu Chen wearing a black storm suit, standing under the chief’s rock and a landscape picture of eight challenges! It looks very eye-catching!

In the photo, Chu Chen looked directly at the camera, his eyes were very cold!

As soon as this meager one was issued, it instantly set off a wave on the Internet!

[Groove! ] First! 】

[Is this about to start?!] 】

[Digging! ] The surging wind of Chu Chen’s eight items? 】

[The surging wind of Tianmen Mountain? Is Chu Shen going to challenge that wingsuit flying? 】

[In other words, what is wingsuit flying?] 】

[I don’t know! 】

[Wingsuit flying, it should be wearing a wingsuit and flying, right? ] 】

[Good guy, your explanation is amazing! ] 】

【Finally about to start! 】


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