Chapter 196 Tunnel in the Sea! Gorgeous underground ride! Not gentle tubular waves!.

The churning waves.

Rolling on the sea. But here.

But he never saw Chu Chen’s figure!

The whole person seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the world, leaving no clues for the audience! See this scene.

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly increased.

[Groove! ] What’s the situation??? 】

【Groove!!!! 】

【What about people???? 】

[It won’t be that, right??? 】

[Don’t scare me! Chu Shen! 】

[Okay, it’s finally time to open the table!] 】

[Can you guys please stop talking nonsense! ] 】

[It is! ] 】

Meanwhile! Inside the wave tube.

Due to objective reasons such as topography and climate. This tubular wave is not gentle. Just got in.

Chu Chen realized that something was wrong. Its shoulders are rolled very low!

The space is also very tight and narrow! It’s a veritable trail.

Because the space is compressed so much.

The whole wave tube looks like a bottomless underwater tunnel!

Only through the gap at the top of the wave, the faint sky light pouring down, can barely see the situation inside! Be in the middle of it.

It’s like being in a dark sewer. It’s very depressing!

There is no goal. There is no end point.

I don’t know where I’m going.

Only the churning waves and the roar of the sea sounded around, constantly stimulating Chu Chen’s eardrum! Very disturbing.

At the moment of drilling into the wave tube.

Chu Chen lowered his center of gravity for the first time!

Right now, two-thirds of his entire body’s center of gravity is placed in the center of the board. Only a few.

Still at the end of the board.

The reason for this distribution of the center of gravity. It is to facilitate the adjustment of the tail rudder. Maintain orientation.

Because the wave tube is not static. It’s also in motion.

When gliding, you have to rely on your back foot and constantly adjust your direction to keep your surfboard on the right track! Otherwise.

It’s easy to fall overboard.

This trick of assigning the center of gravity is suitable for any moment of surfing. is the foundation within the foundation.

It’s like bending the knee in a base slide. Seemingly simple.

But too little has actually been done.

If it weren’t for the coach on the side to remind me, most of them were bending over. And not in real knee bending.

Because it’s not easy to bend your knees down. I’m afraid that only those who have stepped on a surfboard can understand this deeply. But.

These essentials are just the premise of drilling wave pipes!

The most critical skill of the drill pipe wave is “low starting”! Just like Chu Chen is now.

Keep your head down, keep the correct starting movement, open your arms, and point your left hand forward for forward guidance! In the face of smaller pipe waves.

Starting from low is the only way to succeed. Because only bow your head.

In order to directly recognize the changes in the waves.

Conversely, if you raise your head, you may lose your balance because you can’t notice the wave changes under your feet. Of course, this is just surfing tips for small tube waves.

If you are dealing with large pipe waves, this is not necessary.


Over time.

Chu Chen’s figure was still not seen in the live broadcast room. See this scenario.

Many viewers couldn’t help but worry! All kinds of barrages also came out at once.

[Groove! ] Brothers, something really can’t happen, right? 】

[Huh? No way! 】

【????? 】

[Oh my God, is it still useful to call the police now?! ] 】

[Don’t worry, I think Chu Shen will be fine… 】

[Just came, what’s the situation?] 】

[Chu Shen? One second!

Two seconds! Three seconds!

Soon. Another three seconds passed. But still nothing. The waves are still in the picture! But. Next second.

Just when many viewers were about to give up, the perspective of the drone suddenly changed! Immediately followed.

A familiar figure appeared in the picture! Not Chu Chen or who?



He was gliding at extreme speed in a narrow wave tube! White waves.

Neat. Keep surging behind him!

All around, the swirling wave tubes look like a colorful kaleidoscope in a fairy tale. The faint light of the sky shines through the thin gauzy wave tops.

Poured down.

A bright red color on his shoulder with Red Bull 1ogo. Get out of the ordinary!

It looks very magnificent…

Seeing this magical scene in front of him, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned on the spot! In the next second, the barrage painting style changed and broke out again!

【Groove!!!! 】

[Groove! ] Groove! Groove!!! 】

【I’m in the middle of the Qiqi Qi!!!! 】

[I thought…” How did he do this? 】

[Awesome! ] My brother! And this operation? 】

[I know that Chu Shen must be fine! ] 】

[It’s so showy, right?] 】

[Quickly bring the Zen staff for the master, I want Xiu’er to roll out cakes and eat it!] 】

[Nima, can you still play like this?! ] 】

【Groove!!!! 】

【Ancient city: The boy in white was injured and presented to the anchor Fish Ball x21330! –Bull batch! What a bull batch! 】

[Big head big head rain don’t worry about giving away to the anchor rocket x12! ] Can anyone explain to me how he did it! 】

[Shen DaoChang 999999 presented the anchor Super Rocket X999! ] –Show my scalp numb! 】

[Chasing the wind in the wind with the wind presents the anchor Super Rocket x999! ] –Chu Shen’s core is really strong!!! 】


Gorgeous tubular wave gliding.

In an instant, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room!

In the face of such a high wave, many people thought that Chu Chen had fallen 100% into the water. Outcome.

Never expected.

This guy even has such a hand!

A man worthy of being a mortal body!

It’s just not too showy!


1.9 Next second.

Just when the audience was amazed. The end of the wave tube.

It’s just around the corner! Normally.

When challenging tubular waves.

One of the most common mistakes that ordinary ronin make is to focus on entering the tube wave without thinking about how to finish it! The finishing of the tubular wave is crucial!

Difficult. Limited operating space.

It is a rare life-threatening critical moment in extreme surfing! Because you can get in.


After getting in, you can come out unharmed.

Successfully taking the next wave is a real master!

[Thank you guys for your tips! ] New month kneeling for monthly passes, flowers, evaluation tickets!! Auto Subscribe Plus 1 Chapter!! 1 chapter plus a tip!! Monthly pass plus 1 chapter! 】。

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