After receiving the order, Lin Shen and Gu Xu were ready to set off immediately.

After Gu Xu gathered the people, he gathered at the airport with members of the Tie Bing organization.

Dozens of helicopters are also at the ready.

The two helicopters took off one by one and flew in the direction of Waterdeep City. That scene was so spectacular.

With the sound of propellers.

Lin Shen on the helicopter looked at the tall buildings passing by below. The wind blew his hair, but it did not mess it up.

Seeing that the helicopter was flying too slowly, Lin Shen was a little dissatisfied. He held his face indifferently and ordered his subordinates who were flying the plane:

"Get them all up to speed."

The subordinates responded:"Yes!"


The venue for the Winning Championships is adjacent to the city center of Waterdeep.

Mainly because they are worried that the battle between superpowers will affect the life in the city center.

Although Mrs. Qingyun has great strength, she can block some powerful powers. But people will be careless sometimes, and she can't ensure that she protects herself outside the arena every time.

Instead of spending a lot of money to repair the city center afterwards, it would be better to establish the competition venue outside the less prosperous city center.

There are many risks involved in watching the competition, and most ordinary people choose to watch it on the big screen.

Only ordinary people who are not afraid of death and those with supernatural powers who are confident in themselves will go to the scene.

There is no admission fee for the competition, but the people who arrive can only fill the empty seats.

When Wen Yin and Shadow Envoy arrived at the arena, the first row was empty. But in order not to attract attention, Shadow Maker recommends choosing the middle position.

Wen Yin, who had something to hide, agreed.

There is an"8"-shaped seat on the scene, which is divided into two arenas.

The two of them sat sideways and could see the two competition areas at the same time.

Some people gradually sat down around, some were indifferent or excited, all waiting for the competition to start.

Wen Yin asked the shadow envoy:"Are you looking forward to it?"

The shadow envoy replied:"What are you looking forward to? It's just a competition between superpowers."

Wen Yin sighed helplessly,"In front of the superpowers, I can barely respect Leave them alone."

Shadow Messenger became familiar with Wen Yin, so he spoke more casually:"This kind of complaint is really irrelevant in this situation."

Wen Yin:"……"

The outermost iron sheet of the arena slowly changed from a railing shape to a pleated plate shape.

And it extends outward until it becomes another different platform. after that.

Several white platforms rose in all directions, and people in various costumes stood on them and looked down.

Wen Yin's face was a little surprised, he shrank back, and murmured in a very low voice:"What is that?"

The shadow envoy looked over,"What's wrong?"

Wen Yin asked his question:"It didn't happen in previous years. I have seen this platform and the people on this platform, they are……?"

She changed the topic and said,"Forget it, you are not a superpower, so of course you don't know him."

The Shadow Envoy's current persona is that of an ordinary outsider, so naturally he doesn't know what the white platform is.

He nodded pretending to agree.

The white platform is still moving until it is evenly dispersed across the various arenas, stopping just above the wrinkled flat plate.

It is about two meters away from the slab.

The shadow user seemed to glance at a white platform that had stabilized. The man in black on the platform also noticed him.

The man lowered his head slightly, very similar to looking down, but his intention was far different from looking down.

The shadow user quickly put away his gaze and turned his gaze to the arena as if nothing happened.

Those on the white platform were the invited representatives from each city.

As expected, none of the other invited city lords were present. The people standing on the platform were the confidants of the city lords of each city.

Although they are only the city lord's confidants, they still make the ordinary superpowers sitting or standing under the platform feel a mountain of pressure!

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