After taking this blow, Broly's saliva splashed and he screamed, but he still screamed, and in front of him, Gogeta was already rushing towards him with two blue light waves in his hand.


Broly shouted angrily, and a pillar of cyan light shot out from his open mouth, pouring out like money, spitting out towards the enemy in front of him,

The cyan pillar of light hit the ground and immediately caused a raging fire, and Sun Wukong, who was in front of him, burst into a roar, and suddenly rose from the ground, did a backflip in the air, jumped over the sparks, and jumped directly behind Broly.

"Ha, ha. "

Wukong threw out the two light bullets in his hand one after the other, and Broly, who had no time to dodge, could only watch as the light bullets hit him, and with a loud bang, blue smoke rose into the sky.

Gogeta didn't stop there, clasped her hands together, and blue bullets of light continued to shoot out like machine guns, hitting Broly inside, causing the latter to scream as if he was going through some terrible punishment.

Gojita changed his gesture, one hand raised high, and a light bullet that quickly changed color slowly condensed, and after Gojitaha's sound, it was thrown into the smoke.


Accompanied by Broly's fierce scream, a huge spark rose into the sky, and then, Broly's voice seemed to stop, and Gogeta also stopped at this time, as if he had no intention of putting the other party to death.

Suddenly, on the side of the spaceship that was forced to land, with a golden glow that soared into the sky, a long and huge cyan dragon slowly rose into the air, just like the dragon in Chinese mythology, with golden brilliance and crimson eyes.

It looked down at Manna and Mike and the others below, and between its mouths opened and closed, a serious male voice resounded through the heavens and the earth;

"Whatever you want, I can make one of them happen. "

Gogeta looked over, and so did Frieza, his face full of doubt, he didn't give the order to summon the dragon now.

Directly below the dragon, Manna pointed a pistol at Frieza's secretary and said, "Tell me, how to make a wish, hurry up." "

Although Frieza's secretary was unwilling, he immediately said under the threat of a gun behind him, "I know, I say, just say what you want." "

"Well, that's it. "

Manna complained in surprise, then took a deep breath and said, "My wish is,,,,。 "

At this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared, and Broly roared again and burst out with a powerful momentum, and the cyan qi rose into the sky, and even the golden light of the divine dragon was temporarily covered.

The next moment, Broly slammed on the ground, and his whole body rushed towards Gogeta like a cannonball, and he immediately jumped for life, raised his big foot and attacked the rushing Broly.

Broly immediately raised his arm to block it, but Gogeta immediately changed his footwork and kicked the opponent in the chest, and then the force of the shock caused Gogeta's figure to pull out some distance.

Seeing this, Broly raised his hand and condensed a cyan light bullet, and with a big push of his hand, a pillar of light several meters wide roared out, cutting through the sky and heading straight for Wujita.

Gogeta immediately turned sideways, allowing the pillar of light to pass through, and then stepped directly on the pillar of light, quickly approached the other party, and punched him directly in the head.

Although the latter flew out upside down, he quickly stabilized his figure in the air, and raised his hand to send out many cyan light bullets, and Gojita moved in the air, passing through the dense cyan light bullets, and with the force of impact, an elbow hit the opponent's lower abdomen.

Gogeta took advantage of the situation and took a few punches, and finally kicked the opponent away, and then the figure turned into a blue flash, and crashed into the opponent, opening a stormy combo, beating the latter to the point of helplessness, and completely reduced to a punching bag.

After detonating the blue light bullet on the other party's body, the two of them pulled apart again because of the explosion, but soon Gojita exploded again and rushed out, obviously not intending to give the other a chance to breathe.

Seeing this, Broly's shoulders were strong, his waist was straight, and his muscles bulged out, and he slammed out a punch, cutting through the air, and he actually made a violent impact with Gojita's fist in the air.

The ground under the feet of the two of them exploded directly at this moment, quickly spread out, and turned into red ground in a blink of an eye within a thousand miles.

Gogeta turned into a blue flash and slammed her fist into her opponent's lower abdomen through the burning ground, then sent her opponent flying with another punch.

If you have an advantage, you will beat the water dog, Gojita knows this truth very well, and immediately skyrocketed in speed again, followed up, and slammed a punch on the opponent's lower abdomen, and the cyan energy gushed out all over his body, entangling the other party.

Surrounded by blue energy, Broly slowly rose into the air, and he was seriously injured, unable to break free for a while.

Gogeta shouted, her hands raised in the air, and a pillar of blue light rose from the ground, enveloping Broly, and behind the pillar of light was a tall mushroom cloud.

The resulting flying swept thousands of miles, and Weiss looked at the big scene and said excitedly, "It's too bad. With one move, you may be able to tell the winner. "

The wind blew Gogeta's blue hair, and after the smoke cleared, he slowly calmed his palms, and a wave of energy suddenly condensed in his palms, and finally grew bigger and bigger;

"Turtle pie gas,,,,。 "

As Gojita roared, the cyan aperture of light continued to spread around him, the ground around him cracked, and the sky of rubble slowly rose into the air.

Feeling the terrifying energy in it, Broly showed fear for the first time, and his steps retreated.


With the last roar, a cyan five or six wide roared out, and the heavens and the earth instantly changed color, and where it passed, the earth shattered and sprayed straight out of Broly.

Broly could only let out a meaningless howl as he watched the pillar of light rush towards him, and not only did he retreat, but he was about to be hit.

At that moment, Mana's voice rang out, "Please send Broly back to his original planet." "

As Mana's words fell, Broly brushed the ground and disappeared in place just as he was about to be hit, and cyan pillars of light rose into the sky, breaking through the clouds until they reached the universe, like a supernova exploding.

At the same time, Broly's figure also appeared on his original planet, and after he came to his senses, he was about to go crazy, but after seeing the environment he was in, he was stunned for a moment.

Not only Broly was stunned, but many viewers were also stunned, this divine dragon can really fulfill people's wishes, and at this moment people only hate that they are not in the Dragon Ball world.

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