The consciousness space of Bofeng Shuimen is filled with soft white light, which makes people in it feel comfortable unconsciously.

After hearing Naruto's words, Bo Feng Shuimen smiled and said, "I left half of the chakra of the Nine-Tails and sealed it because I believe you will be able to control this power. "

"Because you are my son. "

Bo Feng Shuimen then changed his words, "There is a reason why I deliberately want to do this, sixteen years ago, when the Nine-Tails attacked the village, I knew something. "

"What?" Naruto's expression became serious.

Bo Fengshuimen said with a sharp look in his eyes, "At that time, someone deliberately let the Nine-Tails attack the village, and there was a mastermind behind the scenes. "

"Who's behind this?" Naruto opened his mouth wide.

"And he's quite a powerful ninja. Bo Feng Shuimen nodded and added, "If you don't have special strength, you can't compete with it at all, I'm afraid that guy will attack the village." "

Naruto said goodbye with sadness and self-reproach in his eyes, "The village has been destroyed. "

"Yes, I see it, from inside you. Bo Feng Shuimen said indifferently.

Hearing this, Naruto hurriedly asked, "See?"

"I also know about Mr. Jiraiya. Bo Feng Shuimen added.

Seeing this, Naruto hurriedly asked, "So,,, is Payne the one who used the Nine-Tails to attack the village?"

"Nope. Bo Feng Shui Men gave an unexpected answer; "It's not him." "

"Who the hell is that?"

"Xiaozhong, a guy in a mask. "

When Naruto heard this, he immediately remembered what kind of person he had ever met.

And Bo Feng Shuimen continued, "At that time,,,, he saw through all my ninjutsu, and he was definitely not a general, I'm afraid Payne was just used by him. "

Naruto immediately retorted loudly, "No, Payne has a feud with Konoha, and his own village used to be the same as Konoha today. "

"That's why it's being used. "

"You said he was being used? such a strong person,,,,, and what kind of masked ninjas, why did they all come to Konoha?"

Bo Feng Shuimen looked away, and said with a deep look in his eyes, "As long as there is a ninja system in this world, it may be impossible to establish true peace and order. "

"Payne asked you a question about peace, and it's very difficult to find the answer. "

At this time, Naruto's mind recalls Yahiko questioning him again;

"In order to have peace, how do you resolve this hatred. "

Bo Feng Shuimen said with a smile, "In order to save the cherished people, there will be war, as long as there is love, there will be hate, ninjas will be used by this hatred, as long as this ninja system still exists, the monster called hatred will give birth to a new Payne." "

"Although the person who killed Jiraiya-sensei was Payne, but if you think about it carefully, what produced Payne was the order of this chaotic ninja world, and this is the real murderer who killed the teacher, and ninjas are fighting against this hatred, and every ninja is fighting against this hatred, and Jiraiya-sensei has entrusted you with the answer to end this hatred. "

Naruto said firmly, "Even so, I can't forgive Payne, I can't forgive him." "

"Ahh Bo Feng Shuimen also felt that this was very normal.

And Naruto was already extremely confused in his heart at this moment, and hurriedly asked, "Fourth Hokage, tell me, what should I do?"

"I'll have to find the answer myself, and I don't know the answer. "

Hearing Bo Feng Shuimon's answer, Naruto scolded angrily, "How can I do something that even the lustful immortals and the four generations of Hokage can't do,,,。? "

Just when Naruto kept denying himself, Bo Feng Shuimen suddenly pressed his head and said extremely firmly;

"If it's you, you'll find the answer. "

Hearing this, Naruto's eyes moved.

"I believe in you. "

Naruto then asked, "Really, can I?"

"No matter what, parents always believe in their children. "

After Bo Feng Shuimen finished speaking, he let go of his hand, "Then, I should also go, and the chakra is almost running out." "

Naruto said with a look of disappointment when he heard this, "Ah,,, wait ,,,,、"

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at him and said with a smile, "I'll repair the seal, but it's also once." "

Bo Feng Shuimen, whose body gradually became illusory, placed his palm in front of Naruto's lower abdomen, and with a twist of his palm, the circle returned to its previous appearance.

After doing all this, Bo Feng Shuimen said with great conviction, "Konoha Village can still be rebuilt, please, Naruto!"

After speaking, the sound of Bo Feng Shuimen gradually blended into the light, and finally disappeared completely.

Thank you, Dad!

Naruto's expression became determined.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Half of the Nine-Tails' body exposed the ball, and kept struggling, trying to break away from the Earth Explosion Star, and the movement was terrifying, which made Yahiko below sigh with emotion;

"It is so powerful to be able to escape from the Earth Explosion Star, since this is the case, it can only create a greater ,,,,。 "

Just as Yahiko was about to continue to increase the seal, the Nine-Tails' body suddenly turned into smoke and disappeared, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

The huge pothole in the ball showed that all this really existed, and Yahiko was puzzled, "The Nine-Tails are gone?"

Yahiko's eyes moved and saw Naruto standing on the Earthburst Sky, his eyes were extremely firm at this moment, and Yahiko was puzzled;

"Is the confusion gone? What happened? Or are you able to control the Nine-Tails?"

At this moment, Nagato, who controlled Yahiko, suddenly coughed violently a few times, causing Konan on the side to run over very worriedly;


Knowing that the Earthburst Celestial Star was no longer useful, Nagato immediately lifted his power, and the Earthburst Celestial Stars without the support of his strength suddenly disintegrated one after another, quickly turning into pieces of rubble and falling to the ground.

Rubble rained down on the ground, causing the earth to shake and blow up puffs of smoke and sand.

Naruto kept moving through the rubble, getting closer and closer to the ground.

Because of the nine-tails, the chakra has become chaotic, and the shadow clones that store the immortal chakra have also disappeared, that is to say, the immortal chakra that can be used now is the only one left in my body.

Thinking of this, Naruto had already reached the ground, raised his head, and met Yahiko's eyes.

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