
In the world of the god of death, the void circle and the night palace, Lan Ran Duan sat on the throne and showed a weird smile.

This order surprised Lan Ran, who at first thought that he could rank in the TOP1.

However, TOP8 can also do it, at least let the entire dimension see its terrifying strength!!

To be honest, whether it is the picture of Ichigo Kurosaki vs Ulquiorra, or Straw Hat Luffy vs. Barrett, it can’t make the slightest wave in Lan Ran’s heart.

No matter how shocking it is, the gap between the strength of these people and themselves is still very obvious, and it is impossible to threaten themselves.

Regarding his opponent, Lan Ran did not care too much, he had an almost perfect confidence in his strength.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of all dimensional characters, the shocking famous scene ranked in the top 8 was officially played!!

“Goodbye, guys!!”

The video begins with an extremely cold voice.

Located above the blue sky of the Corpse Soul Realm, three proud and domineering figures are constantly rising into the air.

Lan Ran Yusuke, Ichimaru Silver, Tosen to !!!

Inside the cracked sky, strange creatures with huge bodies and empty gaps appeared one after another, opening their hands to catch them.

Big Void!!

This kind of monster with a white mask and a pure black body frightened the viewers of many worlds in an instant, when they had seen this deformed monster, and their hearts were weak and almost vomited.

On the ground below, a white-haired and weak man stared at the sky with an extremely angry expression and roared.

“Lan Ran, have you guy fallen? Unexpectedly, he will choose to join forces with the Great Void! Answer me, why would you do such a thing!! ”

Regardless of the captain of the thirteenth team, Ukitake Shirou couldn’t figure out what he thought.

Why did Lan Ran and the other two Captain of Death kill Room Forty-Six, take away Broken Jade, and betray the Corpse Soul Realm!?

The next second….

Under the surprised expressions of countless audiences, the brown-haired man who originally looked very quiet and kind, and even somewhat gentle, showed an extremely cold-blooded look of contempt.

“Ukitake, pay attention to your tone, you are too arrogant!!!”

“Of course, I do this in pursuit of a higher realm.”

Lan Ran said as she gently removed her glasses and combed her curls.

“No one is invincible in the beginning, and neither are you, so am I, all people, even God… But from this moment on, the unbearable blank period of this throne of heaven is also coming to an end! ”

With a click, the glasses in Lan Ran’s hand instantly shattered and merged into the wind.

His very mild-looking brown curls were like hairspray, combed into an extremely arrogant mess.

“I will replace God, and then… Standing in the sky!!!! ”

The words fell.

The picture freezes….

Three thousand worlds are silent.

A few seconds later, countless dimensions fell into a sensation.

In the pirate world, Anilu, the god of thunder, flashed crackling lightning and thunder all over his body, and laughed angrily, “Arrogant to the extreme!!!! Lan Ran, what an arrogant guy, actually looks down on God!? I want to replace God! At least you must have the corresponding strength! ”

“Hey, hey, this guy seems to look down on all of us? In my opinion, even Roger doesn’t dare to say such a big thing, right? The yellow ape whistled, and the yin and yang ridiculed.

In the video of TOP9, the yellow ape also appeared in an extremely exaggerated way, and unsurprisingly, his shining fruit and kick that claimed to be the speed of light also attracted the attention of many dimensions.

Now, the yellow ape is also more confident in his strength!!

And then what? Now there are actually people who claim to be invincible as soon as they appear, which is really a bit unsightly!

Lan Ran’s calm tone overlooking all living beings, as if he was narrating the facts, suddenly aroused the anger of many dimensional powerhouses.

Replace God?

Standing in heaven!?

At this moment, many strong people hidden in the depths were blown up.

“Oh? Is it called indigo dyeing? Human, I remember you thoroughly! “Digimon world, the face of the evil cherubie beast is extremely cold.

“What a mad demon, how arrogant, how arrogant, what kind of human beings who do not know the depths of such a low-level word can say such low-level words” Saint Seiya World, zodiac sign, shrouded in golden light, Virgo Saga sat cross-kneeled in the air, closed his eyes and said.

“Hahahahaha!!! Actually saying that I can replace God, this is the first time I have seen such an interesting human being! In the Enchanter World, the Demon Fox Princess of the Black Manglou laughed a few times in a soft tone.

“God!!!! Isn’t it stronger than a dragon!? Will he be afraid of the God Destroying Demon Mentor!! However, I really want to fight this strong man! “Fairy Tail World, Fire Dragon Natsu is burning again.

“This kind of brainless puppy, you should really let him taste the illusion of your pupil technique, let him know what it is called someone outside of people, there is a sky outside the sky, you say?” Itachi” Hokage World, Dry Persimmon Oni asked to his partner Uchiha Itachi on the side.

“Laughing dead, small ant !!!” The destruction beast world, just the calf part is beyond the earth’s atmosphere, and the emperor-type destruction beast bathed in the starry sky let out a disdainful laugh.

In any case, the classic phrase of blue dye caused an uproar throughout the anime dimension.

Everyone wanted to see for themselves how strong this self-proclaimed man could replace God was so unsightly that no one could !!!


At this moment, the anime characters of the various heavenly dimensional worlds have not yet realized.

This man, named Lan Ran Yusuke, will soon make all dimensions completely remember his existence and never forget it!!!



(PS: The new book needs support, the author is motivated, 3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 tips plus one change, kneeling to thank the family!!!!!! )

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