Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse
Chapter 134 The Tyrant And The Tramp
Haiden made eye contact with Veronica, giving the black-haired pixie a complex expression, before turning away.
Neither would say sorry to the other.
Veronica intentionally set her up to ruin her life.
The auburn-haired dissident tried to beat her up without knowing her strength.
It was awkward.
Regardless, the recently confirmed cabinet member pushed their past to the back of her mind.
She only wanted to know whether [she] should initiate the leadership or Haiden should.
At a glance, she knew that the two had the same role.
So it was an interesting dynamic.
After a minute of silence, the pixie walked over to the hand guide to setting up the tents and opened it.
"Are you all planning to sleep like that?" Veronica asked dryly, "I'm not."
Everyone dry-swallowed, looking around to gauge everyone else's expressions.
"If you need an order, remember that Evalyn told us that we have safe tents to sleep in." She argued bitterly, "That assumes we can sleep in them.
And to set them up, we need to talk.
Evalyn punishes us for being stupid in her eyes--sleeping outside is stupid, period.
So can someone help me set up the female tent?"
Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and a few women nodded.
Surprisingly, the first to go were the people on Jake's skycruiser, who were grateful to be there, punished for not thinking, and ordered to take the initiative.
"Thank you." Veronica said in a complex tone, "We'll get through this together."
Haiden walked up to her with an annoyed perspective. "I don't want to sleep outside, so I guess I'll help you.
Give me the handbook so I can give everyone instructions."
The black-haired woman's green eyes flashed with murderous intent before seeing Haiden give her a tense, annoyed expression, signaling her to play along.
She was stunned by the woman's admission and considered what she should do to play along.
"There's a second handbook--" Veronica announced dryly, pointing at the table.
"--and a second tent. I'll handle this one, so please help the other women."
"You act like I'm trying to boss you around like the tyrant." Haiden scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Whatever."
The auburn-haired woman strode to the table with an annoyed expression.
She snatched the handbook from the table and flipped through the pages, reading them carefully.
Everyone watched with interest, including Veronica, who noticed that the woman wasn't reading--she was acting.
"This tent needs a minimum of six people to set up." Haiden asserted boldly, "Two people to hold the frame, two to the new additions, and two to put up the fabric walls.
I'd like a minimum of six volunteers willing to listen to a [tyrant] to set it up.
It's not ideal, obviously, but it's better than sleeping on the ground."
She huffed at Veronica, mocking her for questioning her leadership.
The black-haired woman studied the woman carefully, trying to understand the woman's actions. She was being a total cunt, leaving her perplexed.
"They put her in the role she excels at." Veronica muttered under her breath, "I suppose she is half effective at it."
She laughed subtly in amusement at the profound implications of the situation.
"Yet this time, she has a real leader's intelligence and support." The pixie grinned, looking at Haiden, pretending to read the manual, "This is ruthless."
--June 1st, 2032 | Strategy Meeting | 6 Days Until the Rapture--
"Veronica, I'm making you a fixer to utilize your social skills best." The emperor announced.
"Fixer?" Veronica asked, "I'm unaware of what that is."
"You're someone who resolves problems or completes tasks through social skills alone." He smiled in response, "Diplomat, mediator, agitator, infiltrator, and spy."
Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, turning to the black-haired woman in interest.
Jake gave her a complex expression. Hearing that she'd lie for a job only exasperated his trust issues.
He was confident the emperor set the two up together during the party. That much was obvious, and he didn't have delusions about it from day one.
However, he was equally confident that the woman's interest in him was genuine, especially after the party.
"I understand. What do you need me to [fix], em-per-or?" Veronica smacked sarcastically, annoyed to be made a professional liar at that critical juncture.
"We need you to infiltrate the camps." The emperor replied straightly, "Naturally, those who didn't venture to Meridian City will be unduly aggrieved.
Their living situation is uncomfortable, and their food intake will be lesser or unequal.
They will get shamed as a caste, avoided for not showering, and many may have their belongings stolen.
Temporary as it is, it's a grisly social punishment all will seek to avoid.
Where there is discontent, there is dissidence and disorder.
We need someone arbitrary who can lead people, mediate problems, and give us a list of those who deserve punishment."
Veronica's eyes widened in surprise. "So my job is to be completely neutral, not be an agitator, sussing out those who are problematic from the shadows?"
"Correct." Kaze confirmed, "Exposing shadow politicians and dissidents is not [your] job.
You're only to be a neutral leader who periodically takes the side of the people against us, but in a way that demonstrates governance."
She was floored, surprised her role was strictly benign.
So were the others whose roles were brutal, callous, and manipulative.
Veronica didn't question it. "I can do that."
"I have high expectations." Kaze smiled.
--June 2nd, 2032 | The Concentration Camp | 5 Days Until the Rapture--
"I guess this is what that man meant when he said it wasn't [my] job." Veronica chuckled spitefully, "But...."
"Thanks for having common sense and not being petty." Haiden said bitingly, "We need everything in the open and organized to get this done asap."
The woman's curly ponytail swayed as she walked over to the tent bag and began pulling items out.
"We need the long poles in one area, the L bars beside them, and two sets of big and small tarps.
The smaller straight poles get a pile next to the clips.
Lastly, the small ropes go with the small tarps, and the large with the main tarp."
When the two began organizing the equipment, another two joined.
They didn't like her bossy, petty behavior, but she was getting things done confidently, and they didn't want to stand around forever.
"Thanks for joining the tyrant." Haiden smiled, pointing to the piles, "Place a rubber head on the poles and attach two L poles at 45-degree angles, making a V."
Within two minutes, the four finished setting up a wall when Veronica's team was still busy setting one up, having a four-minute headstart.
"This is necessary." Veronica chuckled under her breath, "If a bunch of traumatized people came under my control, there wouldn't be any problems.
Without problems, no one would learn anything.
They wouldn't learn how to handle situations properly.
It's a sign of faith in my social skills and competence. If it wasn't...."
She watched Haiden for a moment with an amused expression.
The auburn-hair ex-dissident was reading off a script; everything she did, from organizing to dictation, was practiced.
Veronica grinned and looked around at the frustrated women helping her with wry smiles. She had already learned how to accomplish everything but the top watching the woman.
It would be easy to pick up as they went, so it was time to get serious.
"As you can see, tent two's leader has a firm grasp on setting up the tent." She told the twenty people loosely surrounding her, "So let's follow her example."
Everyone nodded nervously.
"What are your names?" Veronica asked a brunette and a blonde.
The brunette dry-swallowed, still afraid to speak. "Miley."
"Jenna." Her blonde subordinate followed.
"Nice to meet you two." The black-haired woman smiled, "Miley, your job is to observe the other teams and see how we can improve.
Jenna, your role is to organize the equipment. You four, what are your names?"
"Nice to meet all of you." Veronica nodded, "You four are to pre-build the walls and set them up.
Everyone else, your role is to stabilize the tent, which is a problem for both teams.
If one of these six asks you to do something, you must listen and follow their instructions.
We're just setting up a tent for a half hour."
Everyone nodded and immediately set to work on the tents.
To Haiden's shock, the group's speed setting up the wall was horrifyingly effective.
"You're the worst." She scoffed loudly, "You're rude to me, then steal my team's productivity to make yourself look good.
It's disrespectful to those who showcased good insight."
Her team was bitter, feeling vitality return to them when they released it on someone else.
Their expressions made the black-haired pixie shiver, seeing how fast Haiden manipulated negative emotions to break people free of their trauma shells.
"You're indirectly leading everyone here because of your leadership and productivity." Veronica replied dryly, "So what are you dissatisfied about?"
Haiden's flash flushed with annoyance when everyone turned to her with expectant gazes.
It's rare for people to publicly praise someone after they were a total bitch.
So she couldn't express dissatisfaction when she got all the credit.
Her team was still bitter and expected a fight, but if she snapped back, the other hundred people would turn against her.
"Well, at least you admit your wrongdoing." Haiden arrogantly declared.
A hundred people turned to Veronica immediately, many fearful, nervous, or excited there would be a juicy fight.
"I'm sorry for my wrongdoing." Veronica replied so dryly people couldn't distinguish if it were genuine or sarcastic, "Jenna, are you done organizing?"
"Yes...." Jenna dry-swallowed.
"Good work." The black-haired woman nodded, "Please go around asking the wall setters how people could help them.
Then relay that to free bodies, ensuring smooth communication."
"Of course. I'll do that right now." Her subordinate replied.
Within minutes, the wall builders were working even faster.
Haiden watched in horror as her flexible communication pipeline shredded her flimsy dictator system.
"Michelle, go watch them and see how we can improve." The auburn-haired woman ordered, "We can do that too."
The dark-haired brunette nodded and immediately went to infiltrate their competing group, still burning with indignation.
"Hello... Veronica, right?" Michelle asked.
"That's me." Veronica smiled, "It's nice to meet you...."
"Michelle." The brunette nodded, shaking her hand.
"What can I do for you?" The mediator asked, "Are you here to help? Or do you need support?"
"Both." Michelle smiled, "Haiden's asking me to help you and get insights to improve."
Veronica smirked inwardly, enjoying the petty [refuse me and you're petty] dynamic.
"Of course." She replied with a kind smile, "Our productivity has skyrocketed due to the stabilizers standing awkwardly against the tent.
Ask them what they're doing. You'll get a better perspective of what we're doing.
If you wish to take over a management spot in the future, let me know, and I'll let you jump in."
Michelle's eyes widened in surprise at the black-haired woman's relaxed attitude. It seemed she was genuinely willing to help them. "Um... yes. Thank you."
The dark-haired brunette turned around in a haze and walked to the stabilizers to ask what they were doing.
Everyone immediately replied kindly, even when she informed them she was learning for the other team.
"Would you like to switch out?" A blonde asked.
"Um... sure." Michelle replied.
Veronica's subordinate moved out of the way, holding her arms stead so she could move in. "All you're doing is holding it in a balanced way. It prevents rocking."
Haiden's infiltrator nodded and tried it out. "Like this?"
"Kinda." The blonde replied, "You're a bit shorter than me, so it's off balance and shaking.
Ask Cindy here how best to hold it so she can adjust."
Michelle dry-swallowed and looked at the light-haired brunette. "How can I... hold this better?"
The latter smiled and gave her tips, and soon they stabilized.
Everyone was so friendly!
She couldn't believe how pleasant it was to be in Veronica's group and secretly wished she didn't need to go back. But she did, so--
"Hey everyone, thank you so much." Michelle said in a downcast voice, "I have to go help the other team to ensure everyone can sleep tonight."
"No problem!"
"Happy to have you. See you soon!"
She walked away with a hazy expression, moving back to the [actual] tyrant.
"Hey, V." A redhead called out, "We can't hold the internal pole and lock everything into place.
It's super heaven, and we're too short."
"Thanks for letting me know." Veronica nodded, turning to the male team, "Hey, Jackson!
We need help setting up the inner post.
We'll send some people to help you if you send some guys to help us!"
Jackson, a brown-haired athlete, was stunned. Two dozen men were standing around; she didn't need his help!
"Of course! I'll get you some." He replied, not willing to turn her down.
"Miley, please go help them figure out how best our ladies can help." Veronica requested, gathering some women.
"Right away." Miley bowed, moving over to the male tent.
A few minutes later--
"What the hell!?" Haiden growl-cried, turning to her hark-haired subordinate, "Are you trying to sabotage us, Michelle?"
Michelle's narrowed, and her fists trembled. "What are you talking about?
I came back here with the answers, but you keep saying there aren't enough people to do it, and you won't recruit."
Haiden rolled her eyes, looking at the male team. "We have the same amount of people as they do. Ten and ten. So what's the excuse?"
"Your forced roles make it impossible for us to do what they're both doing." Michelle growled viciously, "We don't have enough people to do what you want and do what they're doing."
"Oh, so it's my fault?" The tyrant scoffed, "Whatever. If you don't want to help, you can go back to that witch's team."
"Gladly." Her ex-subordinate laughed, "With as well as they treated me there, I was depressed to return to a person berating me for doing what they ordered me to do."
Haiden's eyes trembled for a moment, and she turned to Veronica, who was a few minutes away from completing her tent, with a livid gaze.
"You better not know what I'm doing, tramp." She growled, "We're even on the killing each other front.
But if you're trying to kill me, I will kill you first or take you with me. I'm not playing games."
Neither would say sorry to the other.
Veronica intentionally set her up to ruin her life.
The auburn-haired dissident tried to beat her up without knowing her strength.
It was awkward.
Regardless, the recently confirmed cabinet member pushed their past to the back of her mind.
She only wanted to know whether [she] should initiate the leadership or Haiden should.
At a glance, she knew that the two had the same role.
So it was an interesting dynamic.
After a minute of silence, the pixie walked over to the hand guide to setting up the tents and opened it.
"Are you all planning to sleep like that?" Veronica asked dryly, "I'm not."
Everyone dry-swallowed, looking around to gauge everyone else's expressions.
"If you need an order, remember that Evalyn told us that we have safe tents to sleep in." She argued bitterly, "That assumes we can sleep in them.
And to set them up, we need to talk.
Evalyn punishes us for being stupid in her eyes--sleeping outside is stupid, period.
So can someone help me set up the female tent?"
Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and a few women nodded.
Surprisingly, the first to go were the people on Jake's skycruiser, who were grateful to be there, punished for not thinking, and ordered to take the initiative.
"Thank you." Veronica said in a complex tone, "We'll get through this together."
Haiden walked up to her with an annoyed perspective. "I don't want to sleep outside, so I guess I'll help you.
Give me the handbook so I can give everyone instructions."
The black-haired woman's green eyes flashed with murderous intent before seeing Haiden give her a tense, annoyed expression, signaling her to play along.
She was stunned by the woman's admission and considered what she should do to play along.
"There's a second handbook--" Veronica announced dryly, pointing at the table.
"--and a second tent. I'll handle this one, so please help the other women."
"You act like I'm trying to boss you around like the tyrant." Haiden scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Whatever."
The auburn-haired woman strode to the table with an annoyed expression.
She snatched the handbook from the table and flipped through the pages, reading them carefully.
Everyone watched with interest, including Veronica, who noticed that the woman wasn't reading--she was acting.
"This tent needs a minimum of six people to set up." Haiden asserted boldly, "Two people to hold the frame, two to the new additions, and two to put up the fabric walls.
I'd like a minimum of six volunteers willing to listen to a [tyrant] to set it up.
It's not ideal, obviously, but it's better than sleeping on the ground."
She huffed at Veronica, mocking her for questioning her leadership.
The black-haired woman studied the woman carefully, trying to understand the woman's actions. She was being a total cunt, leaving her perplexed.
"They put her in the role she excels at." Veronica muttered under her breath, "I suppose she is half effective at it."
She laughed subtly in amusement at the profound implications of the situation.
"Yet this time, she has a real leader's intelligence and support." The pixie grinned, looking at Haiden, pretending to read the manual, "This is ruthless."
--June 1st, 2032 | Strategy Meeting | 6 Days Until the Rapture--
"Veronica, I'm making you a fixer to utilize your social skills best." The emperor announced.
"Fixer?" Veronica asked, "I'm unaware of what that is."
"You're someone who resolves problems or completes tasks through social skills alone." He smiled in response, "Diplomat, mediator, agitator, infiltrator, and spy."
Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, turning to the black-haired woman in interest.
Jake gave her a complex expression. Hearing that she'd lie for a job only exasperated his trust issues.
He was confident the emperor set the two up together during the party. That much was obvious, and he didn't have delusions about it from day one.
However, he was equally confident that the woman's interest in him was genuine, especially after the party.
"I understand. What do you need me to [fix], em-per-or?" Veronica smacked sarcastically, annoyed to be made a professional liar at that critical juncture.
"We need you to infiltrate the camps." The emperor replied straightly, "Naturally, those who didn't venture to Meridian City will be unduly aggrieved.
Their living situation is uncomfortable, and their food intake will be lesser or unequal.
They will get shamed as a caste, avoided for not showering, and many may have their belongings stolen.
Temporary as it is, it's a grisly social punishment all will seek to avoid.
Where there is discontent, there is dissidence and disorder.
We need someone arbitrary who can lead people, mediate problems, and give us a list of those who deserve punishment."
Veronica's eyes widened in surprise. "So my job is to be completely neutral, not be an agitator, sussing out those who are problematic from the shadows?"
"Correct." Kaze confirmed, "Exposing shadow politicians and dissidents is not [your] job.
You're only to be a neutral leader who periodically takes the side of the people against us, but in a way that demonstrates governance."
She was floored, surprised her role was strictly benign.
So were the others whose roles were brutal, callous, and manipulative.
Veronica didn't question it. "I can do that."
"I have high expectations." Kaze smiled.
--June 2nd, 2032 | The Concentration Camp | 5 Days Until the Rapture--
"I guess this is what that man meant when he said it wasn't [my] job." Veronica chuckled spitefully, "But...."
"Thanks for having common sense and not being petty." Haiden said bitingly, "We need everything in the open and organized to get this done asap."
The woman's curly ponytail swayed as she walked over to the tent bag and began pulling items out.
"We need the long poles in one area, the L bars beside them, and two sets of big and small tarps.
The smaller straight poles get a pile next to the clips.
Lastly, the small ropes go with the small tarps, and the large with the main tarp."
When the two began organizing the equipment, another two joined.
They didn't like her bossy, petty behavior, but she was getting things done confidently, and they didn't want to stand around forever.
"Thanks for joining the tyrant." Haiden smiled, pointing to the piles, "Place a rubber head on the poles and attach two L poles at 45-degree angles, making a V."
Within two minutes, the four finished setting up a wall when Veronica's team was still busy setting one up, having a four-minute headstart.
"This is necessary." Veronica chuckled under her breath, "If a bunch of traumatized people came under my control, there wouldn't be any problems.
Without problems, no one would learn anything.
They wouldn't learn how to handle situations properly.
It's a sign of faith in my social skills and competence. If it wasn't...."
She watched Haiden for a moment with an amused expression.
The auburn-hair ex-dissident was reading off a script; everything she did, from organizing to dictation, was practiced.
Veronica grinned and looked around at the frustrated women helping her with wry smiles. She had already learned how to accomplish everything but the top watching the woman.
It would be easy to pick up as they went, so it was time to get serious.
"As you can see, tent two's leader has a firm grasp on setting up the tent." She told the twenty people loosely surrounding her, "So let's follow her example."
Everyone nodded nervously.
"What are your names?" Veronica asked a brunette and a blonde.
The brunette dry-swallowed, still afraid to speak. "Miley."
"Jenna." Her blonde subordinate followed.
"Nice to meet you two." The black-haired woman smiled, "Miley, your job is to observe the other teams and see how we can improve.
Jenna, your role is to organize the equipment. You four, what are your names?"
"Nice to meet all of you." Veronica nodded, "You four are to pre-build the walls and set them up.
Everyone else, your role is to stabilize the tent, which is a problem for both teams.
If one of these six asks you to do something, you must listen and follow their instructions.
We're just setting up a tent for a half hour."
Everyone nodded and immediately set to work on the tents.
To Haiden's shock, the group's speed setting up the wall was horrifyingly effective.
"You're the worst." She scoffed loudly, "You're rude to me, then steal my team's productivity to make yourself look good.
It's disrespectful to those who showcased good insight."
Her team was bitter, feeling vitality return to them when they released it on someone else.
Their expressions made the black-haired pixie shiver, seeing how fast Haiden manipulated negative emotions to break people free of their trauma shells.
"You're indirectly leading everyone here because of your leadership and productivity." Veronica replied dryly, "So what are you dissatisfied about?"
Haiden's flash flushed with annoyance when everyone turned to her with expectant gazes.
It's rare for people to publicly praise someone after they were a total bitch.
So she couldn't express dissatisfaction when she got all the credit.
Her team was still bitter and expected a fight, but if she snapped back, the other hundred people would turn against her.
"Well, at least you admit your wrongdoing." Haiden arrogantly declared.
A hundred people turned to Veronica immediately, many fearful, nervous, or excited there would be a juicy fight.
"I'm sorry for my wrongdoing." Veronica replied so dryly people couldn't distinguish if it were genuine or sarcastic, "Jenna, are you done organizing?"
"Yes...." Jenna dry-swallowed.
"Good work." The black-haired woman nodded, "Please go around asking the wall setters how people could help them.
Then relay that to free bodies, ensuring smooth communication."
"Of course. I'll do that right now." Her subordinate replied.
Within minutes, the wall builders were working even faster.
Haiden watched in horror as her flexible communication pipeline shredded her flimsy dictator system.
"Michelle, go watch them and see how we can improve." The auburn-haired woman ordered, "We can do that too."
The dark-haired brunette nodded and immediately went to infiltrate their competing group, still burning with indignation.
"Hello... Veronica, right?" Michelle asked.
"That's me." Veronica smiled, "It's nice to meet you...."
"Michelle." The brunette nodded, shaking her hand.
"What can I do for you?" The mediator asked, "Are you here to help? Or do you need support?"
"Both." Michelle smiled, "Haiden's asking me to help you and get insights to improve."
Veronica smirked inwardly, enjoying the petty [refuse me and you're petty] dynamic.
"Of course." She replied with a kind smile, "Our productivity has skyrocketed due to the stabilizers standing awkwardly against the tent.
Ask them what they're doing. You'll get a better perspective of what we're doing.
If you wish to take over a management spot in the future, let me know, and I'll let you jump in."
Michelle's eyes widened in surprise at the black-haired woman's relaxed attitude. It seemed she was genuinely willing to help them. "Um... yes. Thank you."
The dark-haired brunette turned around in a haze and walked to the stabilizers to ask what they were doing.
Everyone immediately replied kindly, even when she informed them she was learning for the other team.
"Would you like to switch out?" A blonde asked.
"Um... sure." Michelle replied.
Veronica's subordinate moved out of the way, holding her arms stead so she could move in. "All you're doing is holding it in a balanced way. It prevents rocking."
Haiden's infiltrator nodded and tried it out. "Like this?"
"Kinda." The blonde replied, "You're a bit shorter than me, so it's off balance and shaking.
Ask Cindy here how best to hold it so she can adjust."
Michelle dry-swallowed and looked at the light-haired brunette. "How can I... hold this better?"
The latter smiled and gave her tips, and soon they stabilized.
Everyone was so friendly!
She couldn't believe how pleasant it was to be in Veronica's group and secretly wished she didn't need to go back. But she did, so--
"Hey everyone, thank you so much." Michelle said in a downcast voice, "I have to go help the other team to ensure everyone can sleep tonight."
"No problem!"
"Happy to have you. See you soon!"
She walked away with a hazy expression, moving back to the [actual] tyrant.
"Hey, V." A redhead called out, "We can't hold the internal pole and lock everything into place.
It's super heaven, and we're too short."
"Thanks for letting me know." Veronica nodded, turning to the male team, "Hey, Jackson!
We need help setting up the inner post.
We'll send some people to help you if you send some guys to help us!"
Jackson, a brown-haired athlete, was stunned. Two dozen men were standing around; she didn't need his help!
"Of course! I'll get you some." He replied, not willing to turn her down.
"Miley, please go help them figure out how best our ladies can help." Veronica requested, gathering some women.
"Right away." Miley bowed, moving over to the male tent.
A few minutes later--
"What the hell!?" Haiden growl-cried, turning to her hark-haired subordinate, "Are you trying to sabotage us, Michelle?"
Michelle's narrowed, and her fists trembled. "What are you talking about?
I came back here with the answers, but you keep saying there aren't enough people to do it, and you won't recruit."
Haiden rolled her eyes, looking at the male team. "We have the same amount of people as they do. Ten and ten. So what's the excuse?"
"Your forced roles make it impossible for us to do what they're both doing." Michelle growled viciously, "We don't have enough people to do what you want and do what they're doing."
"Oh, so it's my fault?" The tyrant scoffed, "Whatever. If you don't want to help, you can go back to that witch's team."
"Gladly." Her ex-subordinate laughed, "With as well as they treated me there, I was depressed to return to a person berating me for doing what they ordered me to do."
Haiden's eyes trembled for a moment, and she turned to Veronica, who was a few minutes away from completing her tent, with a livid gaze.
"You better not know what I'm doing, tramp." She growled, "We're even on the killing each other front.
But if you're trying to kill me, I will kill you first or take you with me. I'm not playing games."
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